AT&T phones may never get Nodo?


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Jan 30, 2011
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I really hope this isn't true:

AT&T handset owners might never get copy-paste Windows Phone 7 update

Does debranding your phone void your warranty if you don't have to dev unlock it to accomplish the debranding? I'm tempted to debrand my Quantum to at least go ahead and get the pre-nodo update.

That article is pretty much just full of conjecture and no fact (according to Microsoft). Not to mention the update page is a big slap in the face to the carriers as it basically puts all the blame on them if the update isnt showing up potentially hurting the carriers business.


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Dec 6, 2010
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I think that article is just spreading FUD. It's all based on a few word Twitter post. Sure it probably could happen, but I doubt it would.

What is debranding? Is it hard to do? I saw a few posts saying you need to rebrand your phone after you update or you'll miss out on carrier specific phone updates.


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Jan 30, 2011
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I think that article is just spreading FUD. It's all based on a few word Twitter post. Sure it probably could happen, but I doubt it would.

What is debranding? Is it hard to do? I saw a few posts saying you need to rebrand your phone after you update or you'll miss out on carrier specific phone updates.

carrier branding is the act of the phones carrier changing the ROM in such a way that it may not affect the OS, but they change deep driver level stuff that may optimize the device for that particular network, and allow certain "restrictions" that a carrier may want to put on it. Anyways that's what it is and does, how to do it though, there are specific steps over at XDA I believe, and you do need an unlocked device to unbrand it.


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Mar 6, 2011
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I hope it is just FUD. I really like my Quantum, but the Marketplace Bug is getting kind of annoying. If I could get the update to fix that and add Copy & Paste, I'd be satisfied for a long time. I am just worried after experiencing how AT&T was with Blackberry updates. It always seemed like they were the last ones to approve an update, so I always ended up having to download another carrier's "approved OS" to take advantage of the latest features and improvements.


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@Tobyus it wasn't much different for my BlackBerry on Verizon. I ended up using leaked ROMs or Sprint's ROMs half the time. Verizon always lagged 4 months behind a release it seemed.


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Mar 1, 2011
AT&T is the premiere partner in the US for WP7 and even though they are currently "testing" the March 2011 update, I can't ever imagine that AT&T WP7 handsets would not receive future updates.


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Nov 9, 2010
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AT&T is the premiere partner in the US for WP7 and even though they are currently "testing" the March 2011 update, I can't ever imagine that AT&T WP7 handsets would not receive future updates.

be wary of putting too much faith in them, it did take them a year to put froyo on the captivate.


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Feb 28, 2011
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Can someone PLEASE tell me why Apple releases an iOS update on Monday and it's available on Monday? Granted, I love my iOS devices, but why THIS concerning a Windows update?


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Nov 1, 2010
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THere is no way that this is true
Microsoft has worked to hard to not have this happen and I'm sure they will get it soon
I don't beleave all the stuff that people are saying about ATT for one reason, when Microsoft tried pushing out version 7008 they were pushing it to Samsung Focus phones that are on what network ? ATT
so they were actually the first to almost get the update but because of the issues they are just being very careful about the process..

I really hope this isn't true:

AT&T handset owners might never get copy-paste Windows Phone 7 update

Does debranding your phone void your warranty if you don't have to dev unlock it to accomplish the debranding? I'm tempted to debrand my Quantum to at least go ahead and get the pre-nodo update.


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Jan 13, 2011
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Can someone PLEASE tell me why Apple releases an iOS update on Monday and it's available on Monday? Granted, I love my iOS devices, but why THIS concerning a Windows update?

Because Apple has only a couple of different hardware configurations and knows EXACTLY what hardware their software is running on because they designed it and even wrote the drivers for it, additionally their devices don't allow carrier ROMS. So really the only company the updates affect at all is Apple.

Whereas with MS and Google they only make the core software, other companies design and build the hardware and write the drivers. Carriers modify the software on the devices they sell.


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Mar 12, 2011
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Can someone PLEASE tell me why Apple releases an iOS update on Monday and it's available on Monday? Granted, I love my iOS devices, but why THIS concerning a Windows update?

Apple does the hardware and software, so all testing is completed in-house before the release. Apple also does all their own support as well.

With Win-Mo, it is given to the manufacturers to test compatibility with the individual devices, then manufacturers send it to the carriers for network testing.


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Jan 1, 2011
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be wary of putting too much faith in them, it did take them a year to put froyo on the captivate.
i put all my faith in at&t to put the best possible OS out... look at verizon and the thunderflop. battery issues and now audio from the camera is messed up. happened with the storm and others devices, but how many times has at&t needed an immediate update after an update or new device release? i don't remember having to on any of my at&t devices and i've owned quite a few.

i'll wait if i have to as long as i know they're trying their best. at&t's T.A. (technical acceptance) is brutal.


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Mar 13, 2011
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i put all my faith in at&t to put the best possible OS out... look at verizon and the thunderflop. battery issues and now audio from the camera is messed up. happened with the storm and others devices, but how many times has at&t needed an immediate update after an update or new device release? i don't remember having to on any of my at&t devices and i've owned quite a few.

i'll wait if i have to as long as i know they're trying their best. at&t's T.A. (technical acceptance) is brutal.

This maybe so but their customer relations leave a lot to be desired, they don't even post a link to ms's 'where's my update' page in their forum. Their site is completely devoid of any information on their progress (or lack there of).
I know that there are hacks but not all of us are desirous or capable of this. The rest of us would just like to know what the $#!+ is going on.


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Jan 1, 2011
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This maybe so but their customer relations leave a lot to be desired, they don't even post a link to ms's 'where's my update' page in their forum. Their site is completely devoid of any information on their progress (or lack there of).
I know that there are hacks but not all of us are desirous or capable of this. The rest of us would just like to know what the $#!+ is going on.
what are they supposed to say though? maybe ms is supposed to handle it? maybe that's how they have it. ms is following in the iPhone and Apple's footsteps in where they handle the communication of updates/features/etc..

if ms has "testing", i really don't expect at&t to say the same thing.


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Mar 31, 2011
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I debranded my (originally AT&T) LG Quantum and am getting NoDo through Zune right now. Debranding was easy and painelss for me.

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