Why does Gmail seems better than Hotmail on WP7


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Mar 3, 2011
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So I am playing with the idea of moving over to hotmail, mostly because their web interface and features are much better (and much more aligned with what I am looking for with email). However, it seems like Gmail has better support on WP7 than Hotmail does unless I am missing something.

I have both accounts setup to receive items as they arrive, and I can verify this because when I send myself emails to both accounts they immediately appear on my phone.

However, I deleted the hotmail email from my phone 35 minutes ago and the web interface still claims it's unread in my inbox. The same email sent to my gmail (and deleted from my phone with the same method) is gone from gmail's web interface after about 5 minutes.

Furthermore, on my WP7 I can flag and unflag emails on gmail but not on hotmail. This means if I need to follow up with an email later I have to mark it as unread, even though the hotmail interface has functionality for flagging (and may not show up on the device inbox, haven't tested that yet)

So what advantage is there for using Hotmail with WP7?


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Feb 12, 2011
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I believe the way wp7 is setup right now, as to keep from constantly syncing in the background, is when you delete something from your email (any account), it will not sync the deleted ones until there is something new to sync from the server.

So if you receive a new hotmail email 30seconds later, it would delete them then. If its 15minutes later, it will delete them then. However, if you delete from hotmail online (or mark read), it will instantly sync that to your phone. I am not sure if this changes in Mango or not.

As far as flagging ect, that is all coming with Mango, and I use Gmail alot, but my main account is my live mail, and I think not only the integration but the cloud services will be massively better.

I also personally dislike Gmails contacts & calendar. The fields in the contacts section is almost unorganized, and never even sync'd correctly to my Android phone. Same with the calendar. Microsoft just has a more polished interface and field design for everything.

I do still enjoy Gmails email though (although they need to work on their embedded picture issue).


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Mar 3, 2011
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I believe the way wp7 is setup right now, as to keep from constantly syncing in the background, is when you delete something from your email (any account), it will not sync the deleted ones until there is something new to sync from the server.

So if you receive a new hotmail email 30seconds later, it would delete them then. If its 15minutes later, it will delete them then. However, if you delete from hotmail online (or mark read), it will instantly sync that to your phone. I am not sure if this changes in Mango or not.

As far as flagging ect, that is all coming with Mango, and I use Gmail alot, but my main account is my live mail, and I think not only the integration but the cloud services will be massively better.

I also personally dislike Gmails contacts & calendar. The fields in the contacts section is almost unorganized, and never even sync'd correctly to my Android phone. Same with the calendar. Microsoft just has a more polished interface and field design for everything.

I do still enjoy Gmails email though (although they need to work on their embedded picture issue).

Thanks, that actually makes sense!

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