Third row of tiles makes start screen too small on 4.5" and below


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Does anyone else feel that the third row of tiles option added in 8.1 makes everything on the start screen too small to be viable on any screen size below 5"? As a 920 owner, I'm kind of put off by how terrible everything looks with another row added. The weird thing is, three rows looks completely normal on the Icon/930's (only slightly larger) display. Since it's really the width of the screen that should determine the tile size (since it's the smaller of the two dimensions), I ran some quick Bing searches for the width of both screens:

Lumia 920's screen width: 58mm
Lumia Icon/930's screen width: 62mm

Meaning that the 920 has 93.5% of the width of the Icon/930. That's barely a difference in screen real estate, so why do tiles look fine on the 5" and unbearably tiny on the 4.5"?

(And of course I can just not use it, but I'm just curious why such a huge visual difference when there's such a small change in screen size!)
At first glance, I thought it was too small with the 3rd column. After using it for a few minutes, I'm quite happy with it. I only wish I could add a 4th column to my 1520! :) If the 1020 can support 3 columns, the 1520 should be able to support 4 or 5.
Don't forget that the 930 is 1080p and the 920 is only 720p. That might effect how sharp the small text is thereby making it look worse.
Like thegeeknextdoor, at first glance I thought it was too small but on reflection I like it. I have a lumia 925, I think I will keep it for a while see how it goes.
Maybe I'm the only one then! Oh well. I've made a comparison between the Icon and the 920, trying to compensate for their size differences, and things do look proportional. Perhaps I'm just not used to it yet.

Might be difference in screen resolutions. I tried it on my 920 and thought it looked kind of bad, but I use a lot of small tiles. I might try it again in the future.
I like the new row of tiles on my 920. I use tiles of all sizes and, although some of the text is a bit small, I like the overall effect.

I can now get pretty much all of my stuff onto one screen without much scrolling.
You kinda get used to it. When I first got the Icon I thought three columns was way too small. I still sorta do, I really just don't use small tiles. Only medium and double wide.
I have a lumia 520 and the extra tiles looks amazing! And its not too small even with small tiles. I can press them easy, but my fingers are rather small, so that might be a good reason for me😊
At first glance, I thought it was too small with the 3rd column. After using it for a few minutes, I'm quite happy with it. I only wish I could add a 4th column to my 1520! :) If the 1020 can support 3 columns, the 1520 should be able to support 4 or 5.

I'm using the extra row on my 520 and I am loving it. Sure, at first I saw it and was put off, but after toying with it for a few minutes, it just grew on me extremely quickly. I love it now.
don't like it. makes start super claustrophobic and icons are tiny and texts look worse. i'll just wait for a AT&T 930 with 1080p 5"

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