Full blown Windows 8 on your phone or RT


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Oct 13, 2013
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Would you prefer to have a more open source OS like Windows 8 pro where you can get apps from anywhere, run exe files dramatically customize the phone etc with security risks or do you prefer the closed model we have now that is becoming more like RT that has no security risks?

Ma Rio

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Sep 28, 2013
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I dont really need a full blown Windows 8 on my Phone because there are almost no apps (programs, .exe) that I need on my phone.

But one thing I NEED from the desktop client is the rich customatization.

You can see and change almost any detail of any file or app or anything. And I want to get even more than that.
A few days ago we couldn't even access most of our files that weren't in their designed folder. I made a new folder in the root directory on my phone and no app could open the files in it.
Not to mention that most of the files you can only move/copy and rename. Just look at what you can do to a file on Windows.
I would also like to have the CMD.

Now, I understand that I'm one of the few people in the whole world that would actually use it, but why the heck not? Make it an option.


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May 18, 2014
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Windows is not an Open Source OS, it's 100% proprietary. It's an Open Platform, which is what I think you mean. The difference is you can write any program you want to run on Windows, and distribute anyway you wamt, but you can't alter the Windows source code, which you can with an true open source OS.

I think for consumer focused devices like phones and tablets the closed model of Apple and Microsoft is better than the open model of Android. As a developer I think submitting your applications to Microsoft and Apple for review forces us to write more standard compliant and efficient code.

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