This is why AT&T is the premier partner!


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Aug 27, 2012
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Verizon and AT&T are equally assholish and evil. Anyone who tries to convince you that one is better than the other, probably just had some random good experience and thinks that is the end all be all to the company.


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Aug 30, 2011
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...and how well did that work out the 1st time? Don't get me wrong, if Nokia and MS don't offer what I want then I just won't spend money with them...but they sold what..600K L900's? ...and yet they repeat that? Most people on AT&T are locked in with their Titans, Titans 2s, L900's, iPhones and SG3's...where are all the people buying the L920 exclusively going to come from? This will bite MS and Nokia in the behind, trust me.

AT&T has MILLIONS of subscribers. Everyone's upgrade didn't happen on iPhone 5 and GSIII release day


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Mar 3, 2012
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Really don't like the presenter. Looks like a disinterested nerd who I cannot imagine connecting with the viewer.
Do you really think other wireless carriers wouldn't push this phone?
Given the low sales of its predecessor, the Lumia 900, and if they all had the same device with no differentiation to push? Yes, they wouldn't do squat, if they even picked up the device.

Most people on AT&T are locked in with their Titans, Titans 2s, L900's, iPhones and SG3's...where are all the people buying the L920 exclusively going to come from? This will bite MS and Nokia in the behind, trust me.
If I had to speculate, the number of Titan & Titan II owners must be a pitiful amount, even in comparison to the Lumia 900. Nokia's aim should not be to chase the perhaps one million people who already have Windows Phones on AT&T. It needs to aim much higher.

As for those devices you listed which properly sell - why would this be any different on Verizon? They carry the iPhone, and they were the ones who made Android happen in the US.


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Jan 1, 2012
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AT&T has MILLIONS of subscribers. Everyone's upgrade didn't happen on iPhone 5 and GSIII release day
True, but what about the people who already bought L900's, Titans, and Titan 2's? I wish them luck, but only choosing 1 partner (again) after saying the L900 wasn't a sucess and doing the same thing all over again expecting different results is the textbook definition of insanity...time will tell. I have yet to read from anyone who isn't on Sprint saying they would leave their carrier to jump ship just for this phone...they said they would get the 8X or Ativ, they won't even get the 2nd place Nokia being offered. I guess we'll see....

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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I agree. Heck, I ran into a titan 2 owner tonight and he's far from happy. Not only was he sold a legacy device, his phone hasn't been updated. The sad thing is that he blames Microsoft and HTC when really its all on ATT. Pretty sad that ATT is buying eights to these devices only to not support them after purchase. Far from ideal for the advancement of wp8.

Yet as the TITAN 2 never made its way to this side of the Atlantic Ocean, I think HTC had no choice but to update it. Plus, mine's an unlocked and unbranded device so it was all HTC and MS for me.

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