Custom sounds and separate volumes?


Mar 31, 2012
I know that you can now set custom tones for text messages and such....what about notifications?

Also, is there a separate ringer volume from other system sounds?

I'm looking for a reason to upgrade to GDR3. So far I can't find any.
Things I've noticed...

- slight changes to data sense settings options
- reminders sound can now be changed
- phone storage break down is loadsss better and much much faster!
- new keyboard setting to switch back to letters after typing an emoticon
Custom Text, Email and Reminder. What exactly do you want to have a custom sound? Everything phone side is covered now.
Even if there is an API for app specific custom sounds, it would be something for app developers to implement. It's a bit early to expect the app developers to have implemented something for an unreleased version.
Even if there is an API for app specific custom sounds, it would be something for app developers to implement. It's a bit early to expect the app developers to have implemented something for an unreleased version.

Exactly. Microsoft advertised this as having "custom tones for text or IM, voicemail, email and reminders." We are going to have to wait and see if they add support for developers to enable this in their apps. I believe that currently, no API changes have been made though.
there are no api additions with GDR3 so my point stands.

...and believe me, if there WERE an API for this, developers like Whatsapp would have it implemented overnight because it is a core feature they support on other platforms. This is not some case of "we'll see if developers want it/support it" ...lets not start reciting that crap. This is a case of developers are crippling their apps on WP currently because it does NOT support it.
Comparing apps between iOS/Android/WP8 I can guarantee you that none of these apps would be updated overnight if the API were there. Most apps for WP8 are way behind on updates/features for their counterparts on other OS's.
Yes, definitely custom email sound, custom voicemail sound too

Hmm... trying to find where to set a custom email sound for a contact. I can set a ringtone and text sound, but not for an email for a contact. Do you have the steps? Thanks!
I know that you can now set custom tones for text messages and such....what about notifications?

Also, is there a separate ringer volume from other system sounds?

I'm looking for a reason to upgrade to GDR3. So far I can't find any.

Windows Phone 8 Update 3 (OS version number 8.0.10492) introduces the ability to provide a custom sound for toast notifications.

Toasts for Windows Phone
cannot find an answer to this yet - i believe snapchat was waiting for screenshot notifications and was supposed to be included with GDR3..any idea if this is happening?
I would prefer better visual notification than what we have now rather than all singing sounds and bells. I have a multiple groups on Whatsapp, Skype, WeChat... My sound is muted, cos its too distracting while at work.
but options is what I want, if it there I wont mind either
My .02 worth
I still don't see how you set a custom EMAIL tone for a contact. What am I missing???

You can't set custom email by contact. You can only set custom email once for all emails in settings.

This is a feature I would like to have at least per email account if not per contact. Fingers crossed. :P
You can't set custom email by contact. You can only set custom email once for all emails in settings.

This is a feature I would like to have at least per email account if not per contact. Fingers crossed. :P

THANK YOU!!!! THIS is what I was asking!!!
Hi frndz, every time i restart my lumia 625 the volume automactically adjusts to 13. Why this is happening. Please help me.

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