Battery life issues? Turn off double tap to wake and glance


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Feb 7, 2012
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I was having battery life issues,as much as I love glance and double tap to wake I turned them off and my battery has been back to the amazingness I expected from a windows phone.


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Oct 30, 2012
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are u really sure it is coz of glance?? I am a bit wary since I have 920 and it has an LCD and if glance eats up battery on 925 it should be worse on 920.


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Jul 29, 2011
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I was having battery life issues,as much as I love glance and double tap to wake I turned them off and my battery has been back to the amazingness I expected from a windows phone.

In my experience, double-tap to wake is a nice feature, but doesn't always respond right away. The power button on these phone is so well-placed, in my opinion, the double-tap feature is not totally necessary. It'd be great on HTC phones, though, with their "always hard to reach" power buttons ;)

I actually love the Glance feature, but I have it set to "peek" mode which just comes on when you trigger the proximity sensor. I also have it set to Night Mode all day long, which is an awesome dark red font color. My battery life is still great.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I just turned double-tap to wake off, since I don't use it. If I notice any effect, I'll edit this post. I do note that the settings app says "Turning on double tap uses more power."


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Jul 17, 2013
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I doubt serious battery issues have anything to do with double tap or glance. I have both active and easily get 20+ hours of battery life. BUT I sit on a strong WiFi signal all day (zero bars where I work) and just use email, Twitter, a weather app and some web surfing.


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Jul 23, 2013
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I have found my 1020 to be warm a few times, after not being used for 15+ minutes, and serious battery drain when that happened. The only thing I could find amiss was the browser was stuck loading a page, but it was in the background. (The page also happened to be WPCentral...runs horribly on a phone. And no, I do not like using the app.) I can't say that was the cause, or not. Just the only thing I was able to observe.
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Jul 31, 2013
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I have found on my 920, random black photos and my battery drained because my pants have a phone sized pocket, in my side pocket. (stick with me) and the pocket presses on the camera button and takes a crap load of photos and kills battery.

Sent from my windows phone

Pavel Gotze

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Jul 10, 2013
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I think double tap is real battery killer. May be Glance little bit, but not much i think. But double tap definitely. I switched that off and now i am sutisfied with battery life more or less.


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Feb 25, 2013
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I just find the battery life on my 925 to be mediocre at best, if I start really using it alot it drains fairly quickly, but I have double tap to Wake up because as someone else just said the power button is very well placed on these phones anyway. However glace is a feature that I keep on PEEK all the time and love this feature and have no noticed any adverse effects on my battery


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Oct 25, 2012
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I have Glance and Double Tap both on (and have since I got the phone). I'm currently sitting at 11% remaining and I last charged it exactly 24 hours ago so I'm not sure what everyone else's expectations are but I'm really pleased with the battery life and I don't think Glance or Double Tap are causing problems, at least not in my case.


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Jul 2, 2011
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Working at a T-Mobile store, I use my phone constantly. That's dozens of text messages, telephone calls, not to mention all of my live tiles, etc. In addition to that, every setting on my phone, save Internet Sharing is turned on. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Glance, Double Tap, Tap to Share, etc. My phone has been off of the charger for 15 hours, according to Battery Saver, with an estimated 5 hours left.

Yesterday, or maybe the day before, I went to bed with my phone at 18 hours off of the charger and still at 38%. I get stellar battery life out of this thing. Now, did my 810 go a little longer? Yep. But, considering the larger AMOLED screen, set to Medium Brightness, I can cope with a few hours less.


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Jul 23, 2013
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6hrs?? is that constantly being used?

I've been using glance with peek and haven't noticed any real difference in battery usage, double tap actually has a battery usage warning so never even attempted to use it.


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Feb 25, 2013
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That's crazy...i must be using my phone too much cause I can't pull those type of hours...i get at least a good 6 hours

Same with me, I find my 920 had better life and all I have is glace on but when I start using the device often it really drains fast.......not sure man could just be normal for this phone anyway I am always around chargers so I don`t care really


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Sep 28, 2012
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Hey ! Guys,
Need your advice and feedback...
I have been using my new 925 for close to 1week, I also noticed the battery drains faster than my previous 900.
Also, after being fully charged, the "Estimated time remaining" usually displayed a range between 11-13 hours.
Is this normal or do I have a defective built-in battery ?!?! I am seriously thinking about going back to the retailer for an exchange.
What's your thought ? Thanks

PS. Overall, I �� my 925 ��


New member
Feb 25, 2013
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Hey ! Guys,
Need your advice and feedback...
I have been using my new 925 for close to 1week, I also noticed the battery drains faster than my previous 900.
Also, after being fully charged, the "Estimated time remaining" usually displayed a range between 11-13 hours.
Is this normal or do I have a defective built-in battery ?!?! I am seriously thinking about going back to the retailer for an exchange.
What's your thought ? Thanks

PS. Overall, I �� my 925 ��

No you may be in the norm since no 2 Lumias are ever built the same, its the harsh reality. Have you tried disabling some background tasks ( Ialways have approx 5-6 running),double tap to wake? Also change the glace setting to PEEK only. All these settings seem to work for me. However if I am to use the phone very very often and look at pictures and send texts, emails, calls then unfortunately this 925 only gives me approx 6-7 hours of use. During a typical work day I usually come home with around 50-60% left on my battery but I am not always on my phone...and I am Lucky to be around a PC so I always have an extra USB cable plugged in when needed.

Also I never have WiFi or Bluetooth on when not in use, I did the same thing withmy 920 although I found my 920 to have better battery life than my 925 desppite the whole OLED power saving saying.......Hope that helps

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