Battery life issues? Turn off double tap to wake and glance


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Jul 24, 2013
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Have you tried leaving WiFi on instead? If you're in an environment that yields a weak cell signal then your phone / battery may be happier having a strong WiFi signal to latch onto...


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Sep 28, 2012
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No you may be in the norm since no 2 Lumias are ever built the same, its the harsh reality. Have you tried disabling some background tasks ( Ialways have approx 5-6 running),double tap to wake? Also change the glace setting to PEEK only. All these settings seem to work for me. However if I am to use the phone very very often and look at pictures and send texts, emails, calls then unfortunately this 925 only gives me approx 6-7 hours of use. During a typical work day I usually come home with around 50-60% left on my battery but I am not always on my phone...and I am Lucky to be around a PC so I always have an extra USB cable plugged in when needed.

Also I never have WiFi or Bluetooth on when not in use, I did the same thing withmy 920 although I found my 920 to have better battery life than my 925 desppite the whole OLED power saving saying.......Hope that helps

My daily usage pattern & settings are almost the same as yours. For me, I try not to have more than 9 apps running in the background. They are mostly news apps + Whatsapp.
Anyway, thanks for the response. It kind of helped to reassure me that at least I am not getting a defective 925.


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Sep 28, 2012
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Have you tried leaving WiFi on instead? If you're in an environment that yields a weak cell signal then your phone / battery may be happier having a strong WiFi signal to latch onto...

Unfortunately, the only WiFi hotspot I trust is my own home WiFi. Whenever i am outdoor, i usually depend on my cellular network as our public WiFi is not very strong and secure. And I learned that keeping WiFi turned ON whenever you are outdoor drains your battery faster as the WiFi will constantly search for any available hotspot and the searching mode actually saps your battery juice. Or am i mistaken on the last point !


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Jul 24, 2013
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I don't think you're mistaken, I probably misunderstood. I was talking about the "keep WiFi on when screen times out" setting. I believe you're referring to the "automatically connect to WiFi hotspots" setting, which I would personally disable as well. I feel that any type of constant signal hunting, whether cellular or WiFi, should try and be avoided.


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Oct 4, 2012
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Hey ! Guys,
Need your advice and feedback...
I have been using my new 925 for close to 1week, I also noticed the battery drains faster than my previous 900.
Also, after being fully charged, the "Estimated time remaining" usually displayed a range between 11-13 hours.
Is this normal or do I have a defective built-in battery ?!?! I am seriously thinking about going back to the retailer for an exchange.
What's your thought ? Thanks

PS. Overall, I �� my 925 ��

That's kind of normal for a new 92X series Lumia. I have a 920 and the same thing happened with mine when I first got it. Initially, it was telling me the estimated time remaining was 18 hours, then a couple of weeks later, I was seeing it saying 9 hours. Give it some time. Your battery will calibrate correctly after you've had the phone a month or longer. Then you should start seeing it say a day and so for battery life.


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Jun 24, 2012
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I'm using Peek and my 925 has fantastic battery life, so at least for me that has had no (or so little as to be unnoticeable) negative effects on it's power usage.


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Sep 28, 2012
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Hey All !
I think I nailed down what's causing my battery to drain so fast. At least in my case.
After I uninstalled the Battery app, my battery life noticeably improve by 2-3hrs. As I mentioned in my previous post here, when my battery is fully charged, I used to get about 11-13hrs in the "Estimated time remaining". Now I get 15 hours after I uninstalled the Battery app.
I am not saying it will solved your battery issue but thought I shared my case scenario with you guys ��


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Apr 8, 2012
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Hey All !
I think I nailed down what's causing my battery to drain so fast. At least in my case.
After I uninstalled the Battery app, my battery life noticeably improve by 2-3hrs. As I mentioned in my previous post here, when my battery is fully charged, I used to get about 11-13hrs in the "Estimated time remaining". Now I get 15 hours after I uninstalled the Battery app.
I am not saying it will solved your battery issue but thought I shared my case scenario with you guys ����

interesting... Will try on my 920. Im


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Apr 8, 2012
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And rather ironic, I must say ����

LOL, I will try uninstalling the battery app... Maybe I really don't need it..

All because it is a 925 thread does not mean others don't lurk around for tips or other information. We 920ers went through all of this battery saving theories almost a year ago. Shoot, everyone does it seems.


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Jul 19, 2012
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I updated my Lumia 920 to GDR2/Amber last night on Rogers. At 8am I was fully charged at 100%. Now I'm at 62% (1:41PM). It's not unusual for my device to drain quickly at work because I barely get an LTE signal and my device can constantly go in and out of signal. It causes the battery to drain. Today I left it in that perfect spot on my desk that gets 3 bars of LTE and the battery drained pretty quickly. I had Double Tap To Wake and Glance Peek turned on.

I just turned off Double Tap To Wake to see if there's any difference. I really like the Glance Peek option.


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Jul 19, 2012
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I still have peek turned on, double tap to wake off. My phone has been off the charger for 4 hours and it's still 100%. In my case I'd have to say glance/peek is not the battery drainer.

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