why is ringer turning it self off?

the whole taco

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Jan 15, 2015
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a couple of times in the last week my ringer has turned itself off - so no alert to incoming calls or texts
when I look at the ringer settings they are not set to mute but are set to where I had them, volume 7

only way I have found round this is to reboot the phone.

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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I had a 925 that started to do this. All volume settings as normal but no sound at all from anything. Rebooting cured it but I decided, as the phone was a couple of years old it was just showing signs of age. I upgraded to a 930 and found that does the same thing. Not often and I can tell if it has done it as there is no 'clunk' as I slide the screen to bring it out of standby. It isn't just the ringer, it is all sounds. As it did it on my 925 as well as the 930, that says it isn't the phone but the 925 never did it when running Win 8, it only started doing it after 8.1 was installed. I suspect a bug in Win 8.1 is the cause.

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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On the 925 it didn't even have Cortana so I can't see that being the problem. The 930 has Cortana but only as it was installed by default, I very rarely use it and haven't altered any settings.

the whole taco

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Jan 15, 2015
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I had a 925 that started to do this. All volume settings as normal but no sound at all from anything. Rebooting cured it but I decided, as the phone was a couple of years old it was just showing signs of age. I upgraded to a 930 and found that does the same thing. Not often and I can tell if it has done it as there is no 'clunk' as I slide the screen to bring it out of standby. It isn't just the ringer, it is all sounds. As it did it on my 925 as well as the 930, that says it isn't the phone but the 925 never did it when running Win 8, it only started doing it after 8.1 was installed. I suspect a bug in Win 8.1 is the cause.

thanks for that
good tip.
I will use that to keep an eye on it.

No, not using quiet hours. Don't even have Cortana activated.
does seem to be a random issue (tho obviously not, if you get my drift)

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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Mine did it 3 times in 2 days last week but hasn't done it since. There seems to be no pattern to it at all.

Does nobody bother to answer any questions on these boards, it seems to be all people saying, Yes, mine does that too with nobody posting any useful advice as to why.


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Jul 7, 2015
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What sort of advice do you expect from people that experienced it since the issue appears to be completely random? I encountered the bug twice during a two week period. Since then I haven't encountered it again. At both times restarting the phone solved the issue.

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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I don't expect advice from people that have experienced it, the fact that there are others posting here suggests it isn't an isolated problem (and the fact that my 925 started doing exactly the same thing). What I'd like to know is what causes it so something can be done about it. If it is a software bug, where is the fix? If it is something to do with a bit of software installed, what bit so it can be uninstalled? It's all very well saying that a restart solves it but when you don't know it has done it and end up missing calls it defeats the object of having a mobile phone.

the whole taco

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Jan 15, 2015
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I don't expect advice from people that have experienced it, the fact that there are others posting here suggests it isn't an isolated problem (and the fact that my 925 started doing exactly the same thing). What I'd like to know is what causes it so something can be done about it. If it is a software bug, where is the fix? If it is something to do with a bit of software installed, what bit so it can be uninstalled? It's all very well saying that a restart solves it but when you don't know it has done it and end up missing calls it defeats the object of having a mobile phone.

forums are for venting.
occasionally you will find someone who has the same issue and has found a solution, so definitely worth posting issues and asking.
but don't expect MS to be bothered.
have a look over at the MS community support forums. issues sit there for a year or more without resolutions. Occasionally some other user will have a workaround, and there seems to be some MS employees/volunteers who reply with totally unhelpful answers - like refer you to another discussion in another area that refers you back to the one you came from; or, in one case, delete your account and start again!

I don't visit WC often these days but when I first got some mew MS stuff, phone & tablet, I had a good look around to shorten the learning curve and I noticed for a lot of issues there was a little fan boy club who always chimed in with it will be better in the next release, patience. complete BS.


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Oct 16, 2013
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I did have the same...!!
very strange but removing and reinstalling whatsapp is the trick!
After doing that I never encountered isssues anymore.
So remove whatsapp....restart and reinstall wahtsapp...
Good luck!


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Oct 16, 2013
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I did have the same...
very strange but removing and reinstalling whatsapp is the trick!
After doing that I never encountered isssues anymore.
So remove whatsapp....restart and reinstall wahtsapp...
Good luck!

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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forums are for venting..
This one maybe but not the others I use, people ask questions and others give answers. Maybe I'm trying to get the answer from the wrong forum?
very strange but removing and reinstalling whatsapp is the trick!
That would be an option if I had Whatsapp installed in the first place. But it does seem to show that something installed may be the cause, just a case of finding out what and removing it.


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Sep 5, 2011
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This could be a long and tedious job if you have a lot of apps installed. Buuuttt, you can reset your phone to factory settings, make sure the os is updated. Then install one app at a time with a testing phase in between apps. If you encounter the issue after installing an app, delete the app and test again.The problem I see with this method, you've already stated the issue happens randomly. So, installing one app at a time and then testing may work just fine until 3 days from now when all your apps are reinstalled. :(

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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I only have a small number of apps installed that weren't there as standard when I got the phone so removed most of those last night to see if that makes a difference. Problem is that it can work fine for 2-3 weeks and then suddenly go silent on me so it could be a very long process without any clue as to what app may be causing it.

Mark Verhagen1

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Feb 13, 2016
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Go to Audio settings, when facing the equalizer swipe to the right and scroll to the bottom, you find an option there that the phone mutes when facedown. I had trouble too with Windows Phone's in my pocket face down and not ringing.

R Gilbert3

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Jan 24, 2016
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Thanks for that, the first possibly useful suggestion. It was set to silence when flipped so I've just turned that option off. Wasn't aware of it so I've never used it, if I want to silence it (like when it starts ringing when I'm in the middle of a meeting) I just press the lock/unlock button to silence it so it isn't a feature I have any use for.

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