What are you most looking forward to from Xbox in 2018?

Al Sacco

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Happy New Year, Xbox gamers. The holidays have come and gone, and many of us likely got new gear and games and other fun toys. But that's all in the past now, right?

I want to know what you're most excited about in the FUTURE, and more specifically, in 2018. Is it the release of Sea of Thieves? (I'm psyched about that one.) More fixes and polish on PUBG for consoles? Some possible developments around Windows Mixed Reality and Xbox integration, or (gasp?) Xbox VR? (That might be a stretch, but so what?) Some of the big game events, such as E3? What are you most looking forward to this coming year?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Happy New Year, Xbox gamers. The holidays have come and gone, and many of us likely got new gear and games and other fun toys. But that's all in the past now, right?

I want to know what you're most excited about in the FUTURE, and more specifically, in 2018. Is it the release of Sea of Thieves? (I'm psyched about that one.) More fixes and polish on PUBG for consoles? Some possible developments around Windows Mixed Reality and Xbox integration, or (gasp?) Xbox VR? (That might be a stretch, but so what?) Some of the big game events, such as E3? What are you most looking forward to this coming year?

A way to get more storage. They have mixer and want to be more competitive in the streaming business, but i'm always at 100% and have clips I don't want to delete. I'd pay for more XBL storage for clips. Games like Siege where I'd want to record if I got an ace. I have several of those and they're taking up the most. And now with the highest recording 1080p recording, it takes up even more room.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
A way to get more storage. They have mixer and want to be more competitive in the streaming business, but i'm always at 100% and have clips I don't want to delete. I'd pay for more XBL storage for clips. Games like Siege where I'd want to record if I got an ace. I have several of those and they're taking up the most. And now with the highest recording 1080p recording, it takes up even more room.

This website is really buggy. I can't post w/o quoting.

I want Microsoft/Xbox to announce exclusivity deals with Call of Duty. It seems that when they decided to let COD go, a lot of professional gamers left for the console, even those that play other games.

I want them to have multiple studios working on Gears and Halo so that they can have a new one out every year or every other year.

I need them to introduce a good 10 titles coming out this year. I do not want them to be "PC" also.

Proper K&M support. I wonder what would happen if I hooked my K&M to my Xbox now for FortNite. It's supported by the dev on PS4. Not the same for Xbox?


New member
Apr 15, 2014
I want more exclusive games. Namely more RPG and Mech actions games. (Mech Assault or Armored Core).


New member
Mar 2, 2014
I want more exclusive games. Namely more RPG and Mech actions games. (Mech Assault or Armored Core).

my wish exactly. exclusive games usually guarantee a high quality title and I wish for at least four NEW such titles released this year next to those already announced. I vould vote for two RPGs and two first/third person view shooters.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
1. Kinect replacement. Logging on with just having to walk in front of the Kinect was the awesome. Great privacy.
2. Upgrade Cortana (Change TV channels again, Better voice recognition)
3. Bring outlook mail or My People. (Would love to check my emails right from my Xbox)
4. Make skype calls easier. (Hey Cortana Skype Mom) not Hey Cortana then have to say "Select"
5. More exclusive games.
6. Add VR but make it WIRELESS
7. Catch up with apps. add a Sonos app, Instagram, Facebook. Folks love social apps so why not connect gamers socially besides gaming chat forms.

Richard Loveridge

New member
May 26, 2015
Well based on recent rumours it would be nice to hear something about Playground Games Fable 4. Halo 6, Gears 5, Sea Of Thieves, Crackdown 3, The Last Night, Ori 2. Releases and info on any of these will be amazing. Can't wait for all of them. Would like to hear some new announcements we don't know about.

Phil Spencer said last E3 from then on they would only announce games that would be out within 12 months of their reveal. So this E3 should be packed with games not seen before. And due to release between June 2018 and June 2019.


New member
Feb 9, 2017
Of the upcoming games. I hope they don't screw Age of Empire DE and Age of Empire 4 (I know it's not XB1 but it's still MS). I'm hoping Ori sequel isn't too far. I'll try out Sea of thieves as I got my invitation for the beta.
I'm curious about Crackdown 3's cloud multiplayer and might get it if it's any good. Besides that there isn't really much I'm expecting as far as games goes.

About Microtransactions/loot box. I hope MS look at what happen with Battlefront 2 and decide to be done with all this microtransaction/loot box bs... End game as a service bs and just focus on making quality games for their customers not on how to get more cash from them...

About the strategy, I hope they look at the NPD sales results of November and see that their strategy of suddenly hyping power will fail and they decide to fight fire with fire. Beat Sony in their own game by making and providing a lot of diverse games to their customers. A lot more than Sony...
Hope they don't cancel any games or few studios remaining... Also hoping the failure of Xbox game pass. Game pass really got to fail badly. The future of gaming shouldn't be renting games. They should focus less on new controllers, UI updates, ways of playing old games, POWER, and focus more on new games...

About studios, I really hope they invest on a whole bunch of new studios. A studio like quantic dream that makes story driven games, Naughty dogs that makes story driven action adventure games, one studio that makes story driven action RPG , one which makes JRPG and various platformers, studios like Media Molecule and Sucker Punch.
Studios that are given creative freedom to do games they want to make. Devs that only wants to make great games for their customers not trying to find out ways out to frustrate players so that they pay as much money as possible after the initial purchase...

I'm really looking forward for E3. MS GOT to provide loads of games this time. And when I say games I'm talking of games where MS invested money to get exclusively on their platforms. I'm not talking of cheap stupid timed deals that are done to mislead gamers. I'm talking about games they are making or games 2nd or 3rd party are making for them.
More than 30 months since the last AAA console exclusive announcements that's not the annual Forza...
Besides the yearly Forza there has been 1 AAA console exclusives in 2015, 2 in 2016 and 1 in 2017.
3 of those 4 were sequels (Halo 5, Gears 4, Halo wars 2)
I really hope they'll surprise us by announcing fresh new IPs, diverse games not just the usual Halo 6 or Gears 5...


New member
Mar 13, 2017
I really want them to release a new media remote and make it have a modern, clean, minimalist look.. also integrate Cortana into it like Apple does with their Apple TV remote.

Richard Loveridge

New member
May 26, 2015
I really want them to release a new media remote and make it have a modern, clean, minimalist look.. also integrate Cortana into it like Apple does with their Apple TV remote.

I bought the Giotek media remote from Amazon which has the keyboard on the back. It's one of the best media remotes I've ever used due to the keyboard. Really well worth a look. I have all my media completely through the Xbox now. TV Freeview. Sports through NowTV and Netflix and Amazon. My Xbox is literally used by my entire household all day long for games and viewing. After 2 weeks solid use i can safely say its literally the best media remote I've ever had.

Hirox K

Oct 25, 2016
Games I bought in 2017 alone.
Rise & Shine (beat cause it's short), Marvel x Capcom, Disney Afternoon, FH3 - Hot Wheels, Injustice 2, COD, BF1, Wolfenstein, Rivals of Aether, Cuphead (beat), AC-O, The Surge (almost beat), Some SNK stuff, some xb360 stuff.

* In the only played the beginning department
Hitman, WonderBoy, Shovel Knight (bought twice), Yokka-Laylee, Fall Flat, Rime, Sonic Mania.

* In the haven't start playing department
Ruiner, Night in the Woods, Lucky's Tale, Evil Within 2, Lilo Nightmares, Snake, WatchDog2, Momodora, Styx1&2, Necrodancer (bought twice), Ninja Gaiden Black.

* Continue playing sometimes on my Alienware on the plane.
Middle Earth (half way), etc.

* Continue playing sometimes on my Surface Pro during my coffee break
Enter the Gungeon (half way), etc.
ps: will try these on a small size win10ARM too.

* Saving it for small size Win10ARM docking on my gamepad for gaming on the go.
Romancing Saga2 (beginning), etc.

And there's free games... also untouched games that I bought in 2016.

I've no request to MS, it's MS's business not mine. However, more is def better than less, so good luck.
From a business' (and programming's) standpoint, GamePass is necessary and so does XPA.
That being said, I'd like to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World gets BCed so I can throw away my 360. It's a gem worth preserving.

To the games industry in general, esp the big names... invest more into active ragdoll and AI-based animation system. Maybe even soft-body? The more games using these tech the merrier.
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New member
May 3, 2018
They need to come out with more Splinter Cell series as well make them all backward compatible. The have to get some good RPG's like Tales of Symphonia and others of this series.

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