Why won't my Nokia Phone turn on?

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Apr 3, 2016
nokia phone wont turn on

my nokia keeps showing the nokia logo and windows logo, but wont show the home screen. i have reset it multiple times, it resets and contiously shows the sign and windows logo again. does anyone know how to fix this?
please tell me.
Re: nokia phone wont turn on

If you are doing a Hard Reset (the button push method) that won't work if your boot file is corrupted.

Al the reboots are hard on battery too... Plug into AC for a couple hours to give the battery a chance to charge up a bit.

Use WDRT to restore a working OS. Find it here: https://forums.windowscentral.com/e...singleTopic%26topic%3DFA142987&token=IS1xHyTt

If you need additional help or have more questions or details to share, please join the site so you can reply in this thread. See this link for instructions on how to join Windows Central.
my nokia phone wont turn on

my nokia wont turn on it keeps showing a nokia and the windows logo.
i have reset it multiple times and it keeps doing the contious loop of the logos.
how can i fix this?
this has been going on for almost a week now.
i dont know what type it is.
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Re: my nokia phone wont turn on

I can't but somebody might help you if you give more details like which Nokia and Windows (8/10) you have. And when this started happening
Re: nokia phone wont turn on

I've deleted your other four Aaq threads and merged this one.

Please do not keep reposting.

Offer a few details please:
Which phone
OS version

Thank you for joining.
Re: my nokia phone wont turn on

i have offered details and i didnt upload 4 things and im gonna say stuff until i get help.
thank you though

Keeping it all in one thread allows us to help you better. The next reader can then see all the pieces in one place.

You say...
i have reset it multiple times

Does that mean the button press method to reset?

Have you tried the Windows Device Recovery Tool as I suggested above?

We need to know what steps you have taken to be able to suggest the next thing...
Re: my nokia phone wont turn on

i have a computer but i cant download anything on it. and i have took the battery out for hours. and the bootloop still happens.
Re: my nokia phone wont turn on

i have a computer but i cant download anything on it.

Can you borrow time on a friend's computer that CAN download things?

You really need to reflash your phone. I don't know what else to tell you really. This is probably the #1 first line solution for corrupted boot.
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