ATT rep brainwashing about 920 weight


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Aug 7, 2011
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The AT&T rep I bought my 920 from was actually a Blackberry user, and was very interested in Windows Phone. I was her first sale that actually had the phone set up in the store (a guy bought one right before me but didn't wait around and took off with the sealed box haha). She took it out of the box and was instantly wow'd by the device. She did mention it was heavier then most phones but by no means did she say it was too heavy. She actually made a comment about how well built it felt. And as she set up my AT&T account (switched from VZW), she asked many questions about Windows Phone and seemed genuinely interested in the platform. It was nice seeing a saleswoman who didn't have a set agenda and legitimately wanted to learn about what she was selling and what we love about it!


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Jun 5, 2012
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The AT&T rep I bought my 920 from was actually a Blackberry user, and was very interested in Windows Phone. I was her first sale that actually had the phone set up in the store (a guy bought one right before me but didn't wait around and took off with the sealed box haha). She took it out of the box and was instantly wow'd by the device. She did mention it was heavier then most phones but by no means did she say it was too heavy. She actually made a comment about how well built it felt. And as she set up my AT&T account (switched from VZW), she asked many questions about Windows Phone and seemed genuinely interested in the platform. It was nice seeing a saleswoman who didn't have a set agenda and legitimately wanted to learn about what she was selling and what we love about it!

So with that being said.. Did you ask her out?
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express


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Nov 9, 2012
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This evening My coworker and I decided to stop by the ATT store after we grab a bite at Moe's by E. Greenbush, NY. As soon as we walked in, to the left (1st phone ) is the iCrap alone. Right after is 4 wp8..2 NL920 (1 blk, 1 white), 1 blk 820, 2 8X (1 yellow, 1 blue). I grabbed the white 920 to play with and he grabbed the blk. Shortly I decided to do a weight test by sizing it with my hand to see how heavy it is since Apple seem to have told every1 to say the 920 is too heavy. As i was doing that, the ATT rep approached and asked if he can help...we told him...just checking out the phone. Then he said "heavy isn't it?" My coworker was quite peeved and he told the ATT apple-paid douche "well i guess i just have to go to the gym to use this phone". Looks like the douche got the sarcasm and he immediately pulled out his elongated i5 and said "once u use i5 for a while, the 920 becomes heavy to u". My coworker was not having any of he told him "since when is a 4 ounce phone too heavy??" I lol'd and the ATT douche slowly excused himself..My guess is that he is definitely an iFanist, and definitely his next move was to push the i5 to us and prolly also tell us "oh there's not a lot of apps" but all of that didn't happen as he realized we weren't a regular consumer and we weren't interested in his "Apple specific instruction about the 920 too heavy speech" so he vanished b4 we could really slap the Crapple out of him. It was quite annoying to witness and this is precisely why someone like me never buy in the store. BTW he also has a white 920 as his "ATT-forced work phone" but the i5 is his personal phone. Disappointing to say the least. The guy seem like one of those douche who reads giz, theverge alot. I really wish i was buying tonite.cuz i would have given that sales commission to any rep who wouldn't push his personal iCrap over. I'm with tmob and I'm still considering switching to ATT but im waiting to see if it can be unlocked for use on Tmob 3g.

This has to be a troll post. My IQ just dropped after reading this.


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Dec 5, 2010
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He's a trained employee...he should know better to not use those lines to sway away customers.Im not some kind of 80 lbs guy who cant carry a 4 ounce phone. he should be telling me about the phone I,e it's a new phone, good screen, better camera..etc the first thing he uttered about the phone is weight...really? are you nuts? I bet he will never say the #iLost maps sucks to a potential iCrap buyer would he? like it or not he tried to push his personal preference instead of maintaining an open mind. As a potential customer, I don't need u as a trained store rep to tell me how heavy the phone im looking at is. His job should be asking me what Ive in mind, if im ito apps, if I like smaller or bigger screen...u can deny it all u want but he's an iFanist and he definitely reads stuopid biased blogs like giz or theverge (w;.that stupid Josh) guy). when I go to buy a car at a dealership, you don't hear a salesman tell me...why don't u try the Audi A4 we have in the front when i'm sitting in an Infinity you? for me the store rep failed the moment he tried to pull that weight crap. He failed miserably. If I was a reg. consumer, I would have thought...oh yeah u are's kind of heavy...and then immediately pull out his Jesus iPhone IMO, you are the dejected a-hole who needs a brain to reason.

Good grief. Can we calm down with the stupid iPhone hate already?

AT&T employees aren't paid by Apple first of all. Second of all the 920 IS a heavy phone, I know, I have one. Doesn't matter, I like it, but the guy was making an observation and he happens to be right. If you look across the weight range of all current smartphones, the 920 is one of the heaviest. Deal with it.

I don't have an iPhone and I never have, but I know it's a great phone that works very well, it's very popular and has great apps. Windows Phone can learn a lot from the example. I prefer Windows Phone for a number of reasons, but the iPhone is good. Android I'm not very fond of, but that's another story, there are still great Android phones that have their own excellent attributes and they make their owners happy.

The only douches in that store were you and your friend trying to pick some nerd fight with the poor employee over what a phone weighs (assuming this silly story is even partially true)

You want to help Windows Phone? Show a guy like that what's great about the phone, why you like it so much. Instead you've left him with the impression that Windows Phone fans are bitter, dejected a-holes looking to pick nerd fights over inconsequential nonsense.


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Dec 1, 2011
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When I bought my 920, the salesman that worked with me seemed really enthusiastic about WP8. Whether it was true or a facade or sell a phone, I don't know. But he seemed cool.

Same experience I had at my store... the guy was very enthusiastic and even still carried his 900 as his primary phone (pulled it out and showed me). He said he used to be an iPhone user until he was forced onto the Lumia at launch by AT&T. He said he liked it enough to keep it though and hasn't looked back. In fact, he just emailed me about my wireless charger and said he was ordering a 920 too.

On the other hand, a coworker of mine went into T-Mobile and asked about the 810. The lady she spoke with wouldn't help her with it. Said it was "too technical" and insisted she buy a ... wait for it ... Samsung Galaxy SIII (whatever it is on T-Mobile). WTF?! Are you kidding me? Windows Phone is too technical but Android is super user friendly, lol. Needless to say the coworker walked out with the Samsung. I talked to her last night though, and she isn't liking it, so I reminded her that she has 14 days to return it, and I'll go with her this time.

These sales reps are ridiculous. It's their job to SELL, not persuade/dissuade a customer. I can understand if someone comes in with no idea what they want... show them all the options and let the person decide. But when they go in specifically asking for something, and you push them into something else?! It's nonsense and inexcusable.


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Dec 1, 2011
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Good grief. Can we calm down with the stupid iPhone hate already?

AT&T employees aren't paid by Apple first of all. Second of all the 920 IS a heavy phone, I know, I have one. Doesn't matter, I like it, but the guy was making an observation and he happens to be right. If you look across the weight range of all current smartphones, the 920 is one of the heaviest. Deal with it.

I don't have an iPhone and I never have, but I know it's a great phone that works very well, it's very popular and has great apps. Windows Phone can learn a lot from the example. I prefer Windows Phone for a number of reasons, but the iPhone is good. Android I'm not very fond of, but that's another story, there are still great Android phones that have their own excellent attributes and they make their owners happy.

The only douches in that store were you and your friend trying to pick some nerd fight with the poor employee over what a phone weighs (assuming this silly story is even partially true)

You want to help Windows Phone? Show a guy like that what's great about the phone, why you like it so much. Instead you've left him with the impression that Windows Phone fans are bitter, dejected a-holes looking to pick nerd fights over inconsequential nonsense.

Actually, a lot of times they ARE paid to promote. We all know that the OEMs have the option to negotiate promotional deals with the carriers. Microsoft has done it too. I see no harm in that during launch events. In fact, even this time, I walked into the AT&T store and they were all wearing blue Windows / Windows Phone shirts with the #MeetYours tag on them. Apple and Samsung do this too.

I have no problem advocating platforms either, but the point of this post was the blatant hate as the first words out of their mouth. They should have said, "Yeah, I hear it has a great screen or camera, etc." or failing to know that, they should have said, "What made you interested in it?" They shouldn't trash talk the competition... it's OK for the customer to do that, but not the rep.


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Sep 17, 2012
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Actually, a lot of times they ARE paid to promote. We all know that the OEMs have the option to negotiate promotional deals with the carriers. Microsoft has done it too. I see no harm in that during launch events. In fact, even this time, I walked into the AT&T store and they were all wearing blue Windows / Windows Phone shirts with the #MeetYours tag on them. Apple and Samsung do this too.
That was my experience as well. But you want to ehar some irony? They didn't know a damn think about the 920 on launch day. I asked if they had it, they talked about the 900. I mentioned it was launch day and they had to go TO THE BACK AND CHECK. Yeah... I wish this was a joke. :(


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Dec 1, 2011
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That was my experience as well. But you want to ehar some irony? They didn't know a damn think about the 920 on launch day. I asked if they had it, they talked about the 900. I mentioned it was launch day and they had to go TO THE BACK AND CHECK. Yeah... I wish this was a joke. :(

That's pretty pathetic, indeed. I didn't have that problem, thankfully... but it's clearly the kind of perception issue that Microsoft (and its partners) need to overcome.


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Nov 17, 2012
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Well I think I can speak to this matter. I've had every iteration of the iPhone (with the exception of the 3GS). I've gone back and forth between iOS, Android, BlackBerry, etc... I currently have two phones. The iPhone 5 and a Lumia 920. Yes, the Lumia weighs more, a lot more than the iPhone. Do I care? No. Why? The Lumia is the fastest phone with the nicest screen I have ever used. The user experience is outstanding. I can't believe Microsoft actually did this (although I've always thought XBOX 360 was their best interface). This is coming from a life long MAC user. I can't put the Lumia down because it's so freaking fluid and responsive and feels fresh and new. No doubt the iPhone has its advantages, particularly in the app area. But when you pick up a Lumia you just feel that if you drop it, it's going to be ok. And it's definitely made to perfection. I had to return my first iPhone 5 because of a manufacturing defect (dings/dents in the casing). That being said, I enjoy both devices but the Lumia has my attention at the moment!


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Dec 30, 2010
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If I had a salesman tell me that one you use an iPhone, the Lumia seems heavy, I'd say, "So I don't feel like a few ounces is heavy right now. But I use an iPhone, I'll feel like a few ounces is heavy? And that's a good thing?"


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Oct 7, 2012
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Hm, I always figured all cell phone retailers would opt to push for anything not Iphone, simply because that's the least commission/overall money a company makes out of. At least, that's how we do it at Best Buy. Yeah, we're not going to force you to buy one thing or another (no commission for us), but when someone wants an Android or Windows phone, our eyes definitely light up lol.


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Jul 14, 2011
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i just played with one at the store and i didn't notice the weight. It wasnt until i was leaving that i remembered it was supposed to be heavy


Aug 30, 2012
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How heavy a phone feels is subjective. When a rep says Hey, feels heavy doesn't it? the immediate response should be Compared to what?

I have been a retail rep on the floor before. There are ways to enter into a conversation with a customer without imposing your will and bias on them. If I saw someone playing with a Galaxy S III I would greet them. I would ask them what brings them into the store that day and from there ask all the basic probing questions to assess their needs and wants. If they want to browse on their own, go ahead but I'll be nearby if you have questions. If they wanted to get an iPhone, I would push the iPhone 5 since it is the latest. If they wanted Android I would show them all of their options based on price and value. (*Value measured by features that they tell me matter to them) I have no problem telling people to use Android. I left that mess of an ecosystem because your device is out of date within a matter of weeks if not days. Android might have more apps than Windows Phone, but I don't have to sift through all the pot growing and smoking simulators out there. There are least two dozen of them out there right now. Then you have the fart machines, beer drinking sims, etc. The 'walled garden' from Apple isn't so bad when you think about the apps that could get approved but don't. I know Windows Phone has its fair share of crapware but it's easy to ignore them. It's easy to ignore it with all three of the major players. I just think the crapware inflates the number of apps these places have.

In the end I would be happy if a customer walked out educated, properly informed and happy with the phone they picked out. It wouldn't matter if they left with a flip phone. If it met their needs that would be more than acceptable to me. I've had store reps try and sell me on phones I don't want. When I got my Lumia 900 I was told not to get it. The employees there hated it. iPhones probably help keep their numbers consistent and ensure at the end of the month they hit their quota or when 3-6 months passes the customer is vested. Androids do this as well. Windows Phone is the wild card. If they fix the problems, more people will flock to it. If application developers refined their Windows Phone offerings you wouldn't see the application cliff that is present. Once you get away from the core apps and most of the major developers apps do become questionable. It's seen more quickly on WP 7.x and 8.x compared to iOS and Android.


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Mar 27, 2012
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We should all be THANKING iPhones for Windows Phone 8 since WP7/8 is more MODELED after iOS, the ecosystem... everything.

Android is the really enemy here, Why all the iPhone hate? iPhones are truly amazing.

p.s. I have a Lumia 920, White ATT

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