Lumia 925 - GMAIL and Google Calendar

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Dec 5, 2011
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Hi guys,
Just got my Lumia 925 yesterday (upgraded from the 920). Setup from backup went fine, but regarding gmail and gmail calendar, it now seems to be slightly different. I don't see the option now to get emails as they arrive (only manual, 15min, 30 min etc). Also, it doesn't seem to be getting my calendars, is there something I might be missing here? Anyone experiencing something like this? Also, I see some new options caldav or something. Anything I should know about this, or anyone could point me out how to fix this?


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Dec 5, 2011
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CalDAV and CardDAV (Google) support in Windows Phone 8 GDR2
hmm, according to this looks like we lost the option to have items (emails and calendar) as they arrive, in the move to calDav and cardDav
A Google account, configured on Windows Phone 8 GDR2, can be set to download new content every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes (default), hourly, every 2 hours, or manually. Previously, when using Exchange ActiveSync, it was possible to select a "as items arrive" option, something that is still available as an option for other Exchange enabled accounts.
This means that, in the move to the new IMAP, CardDAV, and CalDAV protocols, Windows Phone users using Google services have lost the option to have new information (email, calendar, contacts) pushed to their device immediately.


Jan 14, 2013
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All part of Google's apparent vendetta against Windows Phone.

So you want to use Google's FREE email service with ActiveSync, something which Google has to pay Microsoft for?
If MS really gave a damn about WP users they'd publicly give Google a free license for ActiveSync. Or make ActiveSync free. I don't see them doing that...


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Jul 20, 2012
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So you want to use Google's FREE email service with ActiveSync, something which Google has to pay Microsoft for?
If MS really gave a damn about WP users they'd publicly give Google a free license for ActiveSync. Or make ActiveSync free. I don't see them doing that...
Based on the same argument, we feel very lucky that Google didn't ask us to pay for their electricity/server purchases/network


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Nov 14, 2012
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Unless you have a business account with google where you HAVE to use Google Calendar (in this case, ActiveSync is still available), I simply don't see why one should even bother with Google Calendar on WP8. Unlike GMail where obviously others need to send you email to that address, Calendar is the thing that you input and use all by yourself. So, it makes very little difference whether you use Outlook calendar or Google Calendar. The main difference is that with Outlook Calendar, you get ActiveSync support for any Smartphone that supports ActiveSync which mean all smartphone. With Google Calendar, you are pretty much limit yourself to Android and Google App on iOS. CalDav is an ok solution (BTW, Google already stopped issue app keys for this and it will probably shutdown in the near future as well). But the lack of push sync means you have to waste more battery life and data to just get your calendar synced.


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Oct 6, 2011
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Unless you have a business account with google where you HAVE to use Google Calendar (in this case, ActiveSync is still available), I simply don't see why one should even bother with Google Calendar on WP8. Unlike GMail where obviously others need to send you email to that address, Calendar is the thing that you input and use all by yourself. So, it makes very little difference whether you use Outlook calendar or Google Calendar. The main difference is that with Outlook Calendar, you get ActiveSync support for any Smartphone that supports ActiveSync which mean all smartphone. With Google Calendar, you are pretty much limit yourself to Android and Google App on iOS. CalDav is an ok solution (BTW, Google already stopped issue app keys for this and it will probably shutdown in the near future as well). But the lack of push sync means you have to waste more battery life and data to just get your calendar synced.

I just use the alternatives from Microsoft. Screw Google, they are the reason why I have a Microsoft Surface RT and a Windows Phone!!!!


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Jul 28, 2011
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Wait, so we can't get push emails anymore?!? WTF? This is a serious deal breaker for me. I'm tied to Google's ecosystem for work purposes so if that's the case, I may have to leave WP8 behind.


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Oct 6, 2011
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Wait, so we can't get push emails anymore?!? WTF? This is a serious deal breaker for me. I'm tied to Google's ecosystem for work purposes so if that's the case, I may have to leave WP8 behind.

You shouldn't need to give up on Windows Phone, you could set up forwarding on your Gmail account to an account and have the phone pull the email in that way instead.


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Nov 13, 2011
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Its my understanding that if your Gmail account had the EAS syncing enabled prior to their policy change, that it would still be available. This means that for those of you who had this working on your Lumia 920, or who have a Gmail business address, you should be able to just set the account up as you would say an exchange account.

It will fail to find your settings the first and second time you say next, but on the third you get a notice saying try again or 'advanced'. Pick advanced, make sure your username matches your mail address, and the use as the server.

This this it should happily add the account and you'll still happily get all the EAS goodness you had before.

Google is no longer allowing users to enable EAS, but if you had it configured before or you have a paid account you can still use it.

Just means you have to do a tiny bit of configuration to get it added to your device, but even in this case its still a fairly easy and straight forwarded operation.

Personally when they announced the changes I jumped ship to and been loving it. But have tested now if adding Gmail accounts like an exchange account works. It does, so if your account was setup for EAS, then you can still enjoy it on your WP device!


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Nov 14, 2012
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Wait, so we can't get push emails anymore?!? WTF? This is a serious deal breaker for me. I'm tied to Google's ecosystem for work purposes so if that's the case, I may have to leave WP8 behind.

If your gmail is business account, you will still have activesync support. You will jut have to setup manually.


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Nov 14, 2012
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Its my understanding that if your Gmail account had the EAS syncing enabled prior to their policy change, that it would still be available. This means that for those of you who had this working on your Lumia 920, or who have a Gmail business address, you should be able to just set the account up as you would say an exchange account.

It will fail to find your settings the first and second time you say next, but on the third you get a notice saying try again or 'advanced'. Pick advanced, make sure your username matches your mail address, and the use as the server.

This this it should happily add the account and you'll still happily get all the EAS goodness you had before.

Google is no longer allowing users to enable EAS, but if you had it configured before or you have a paid account you can still use it.

Just means you have to do a tiny bit of configuration to get it added to your device, but even in this case its still a fairly easy and straight forwarded operation.

Personally when they announced the changes I jumped ship to and been loving it. But have tested now if adding Gmail accounts like an exchange account works. It does, so if your account was setup for EAS, then you can still enjoy it on your WP device!
no, it all ends this month. what you said is for those of us set it up before 1/31/2013 which can continue use eas until this month. New users no longer have eas after 1/31/2013 but there are many ways to enable that.


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Jul 28, 2011
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You shouldn't need to give up on Windows Phone, you could set up forwarding on your Gmail account to an account and have the phone pull the email in that way instead.

That's hardly an ideal solution. This is one of those mindboggling things that I just don't understand how Microsoft doesn't get. Between this and the lack of ability to play .WAV files from voicemail services, there's just no way WP8 can hope to compete in the enterprise world.

Sudha Pamidi

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Jul 21, 2013
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I had similar issues when I set up my gmail and Google app email accounts as Google accounts, I was not able to search on google servers for older emails and there was no option of selecting as items arrive. I set them up as Outlook accounts by letting them fail during setup and manually entering the domain( and server( with SSL checked. Now I am able to do server searches and also select as items arrive for downloading new content. Contacts and Calendars(multiple - 2 gmail accounts and 1 Google app account) also work perfectly. I am not sure if this technique would work after July 31.


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May 25, 2011
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I would set up a new seperate from your personal outlook account. Set up your gmail as an alias.

Go to the settings and you have an option for e-mail's from devices to be sent as one of your alias.

When you set up your phone on your windows phone. You put in the username and password of your new outlook account. You should have access to all your gmail. When you send an email, it will send from your gmail if you set it up correctly but of course from the outlook servers. It may take a few minutes for emails to come in, but usually not much of a lag. I get more lag from yahoo than from outlook.
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