So sick and tired of these old people whining about Windows 8

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Nov 13, 2012
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The cosumer reactions are filled with old people nagging about how Windows 8 sucks or how its the worst OS ever. All because they can't figure a few changes. " Oh my god, there is no start button, what do I do, sky is falling, the sky falling, I can't find the shut down button, I hate Windows 8, I want to go back windows 7".

One even said this "My screen jumps back and forth for NO REASON and it gets really tiny all of a sudden". Yea lady its called pinch zooming in and out. All touch screen have it. Stop accidentally pinching zoom your screen when you are trying to click something and it won't happen

Its nothing to do with age. MS was in a different shape when they released Windows 8. Thank god Balmer is gone!

Imagine you are a company with 10,000 employees. That's 10,000 installations of Windows 7. All of a sudden they want to upgrade to Windows 8. That takes a lot of time and money which is fine, however, people are focussed on their jobs ie making money for themselves and the company they work for and to expect people to overnight to learn a whole new way of doing the same thing they did before is plain ridiculous. MS did exactly that by removing the start button altogether, they then took an age to back peddle and reintroduce it half arsed but damage was already done in terms of confidence. This is the very reason the new one has a start menu and a new name of 10. I thing MS will get it right this time and enterprise will migrate over. I just pray that the IDIOTS at Microsoft that were in control of release and development have been fired as part of the shake up and that the new process changes implemented by Nadella bear the fruit that's long overdue.


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Apr 20, 2014
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I must be getting old as I have just noticed the word OLD in this thread, I am 58 if that counts as old and I really like Windows 8.1, I however do admit I didn't like 8 as the logic of it was crap, 8.1 sorted this for me though.

Reading these forums I would have to re-title this thread to:

So sick and tired of these young people whining about Windows 8

Don't they get an education now, so they can cope with the modern world instead of bleating "I don't like Windows because I am stupid"......



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Windows 8.1 is usable but I prefer my desktop as it was not as it is.

While change is enivitable it doesn't mean that folks have to like it.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App


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Oct 5, 2012
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Seriously though, I just tell people to install programs lke classic shell or start 8 and that it essentially works and functions exactly like windows 7.

Oh you're one of those sales people? That tell 60 year olds to install software that messes with their operating system and ends up causing bigger issues. I work in computer repair, and we reserve certain words for sales people like you...


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Jun 20, 2011
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Ever stand close and listen to one of these idiots at Best Buy explain Windows 8? If you haven't, try it. Most likely you will hear some of the most incompetent stories ever told. Old people, as the OP says, are probably afraid of the unknown and are in large part dependent on "younger" people to help guide them until they are able to do things without you. Nothing at all new there. It was how computers made it into households during the boom.

The problem comes when stores like Bestbuy and Frys Electronics AND almost all smart phone stores hire the most technically INCOMPETENT they can find to guide older people's buying decisions.

Windows is still Windows. Old people know what Windows is all about and they do learn a lot from those that know how to make clear what a touch screen is. When the younger incompetent sales person doesn't know, the fall back is to cop to their own incompetence and that steers Old people away.


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Oct 5, 2012
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Ha ha don't you work for Geek Squad, the source of tech support jokes?

Yeah and I'll be the first to tell you there are too many incompetent idiots working for Geek Squad lol But there are a lot of incredibly smart people that are really good at what they do, its just unfortunate that the dummies outweigh them.


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Apr 1, 2012
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I don't consider myself old per se, but I'm creeping perilously close to being on AARP's mailing list. That being said, I'd like to remind the whippersnapper OP that it was my generation who created every bit of modern tech he's enjoying right now. We were young too.


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Dec 1, 2012
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Yeah and I'll be the first to tell you there are too many incompetent idiots working for Geek Squad lol But there are a lot of incredibly smart people that are really good at what they do, its just unfortunate that the dummies outweigh them.

I'm sure that there are techs of both classes in the Geek Squad. Probably at least part of the reason it's targeted is because it's big, and nation wide. Everyone is familiar with GS.

I work in tech support as well, but I don't do much PC repair. I do mostly software support. The business I work for is small, and wouldn't be known much outside of our local area.


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Aug 21, 2014
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Windows 8 was made for touch devices, simple as that. No point in getting mad at a product that's being used outside its specified usage, although it's the fault of PC manufacturers for loading new PCs and Laptops with W8 instead of W7.

Look forward to Windows 10. It'll be the best of both worlds, efficient on both normal PCs and touch devices.


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Dec 26, 2013
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Well, I'm not one of those "old people" whining. I've been using Windows 8+ since it came out. After a few hours (in the beginning) I found my way around somewhat. After a week or so I liked it just as much (if not more) than Windows 7. And that's on the desktop. It's gettin' better all the time. Oh, I DO receive AARP stuff AND mail from funeral homes encouraging to prepay for my funeral ......... lol and smh.

T Moore

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Jan 21, 2013
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Get off your "old people" thing and get right to it. People resist change and it isn't just one age group.
I fit the category and have been retired for 14 years, have a Surface RT and a Win8.1 laptop.

Kevin Rush

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Aug 11, 2010
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I haven't read all the comments above, in this string, but I agree, in general, with the comment in the headline about complainers. I can't believe that people can't figure out windows 8! Admittedly, I primarily use it most all the time for all the software I use on XP and Windows 7 on the Desktop. All the ranting about it being touch screen only is ridiculous. If you are the least bit smart, you can use it either way. Microsoft thought people were smart and I agree. It's easy. I don't think it is necessarily a problem with "old" people, (I'm "older") as it is with people who freak out unnecessarily and buy into the media hype. Much ado about nothing.
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Jan 1, 2013
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Windows 8 was made for touch devices, simple as that. No point in getting mad at a product that's being used outside its specified usage, although it's the fault of PC manufacturers for loading new PCs and Laptops with W8 instead of W7.

Look forward to Windows 10. It'll be the best of both worlds, efficient on both normal PCs and touch devices.

I agree with this, except for one thing. I've been using Windows 8 since the Developer Preview, and I saw some positives and negatives in MS's approach. In the beginning, I assumed that they were under the gun to focus on the tablet market and so the desktop environment was falling by the wayside. However, as it got nearer to final release, it became apparent to me that "Team Sinofsky" was going for some sort of weird 'ideological purity' that this tablet UI was the way forward for everyone, and that everyone, including desktop users, were supposed to move to it. In that sense, it's not the PC manufacturers that were to blame, it was Microsoft management for foisting this off on the industry. (That includes Sinofsky, Ballmer, and frankly, Bill Gates. Yes, Bill was busy primarily doing other things, but after the whole Longhorn/Vista fiasco, I have trouble believing that Ballmer didn't ask Bill to do at least a ~15 minute review of Windows 8.0 which should have instantly tripped a bunch of alarms.)

The logical thing to do with Windows 8.0 late in the game would have been to say something like "this is our vision of Windows on tablets. While there are great features for desktop users as well, it's not optimized for them. For users of traditional desktop and laptops computers (and the companies selling computers to them), we recommend they continue using Windows 7. However, for the adventurous among them, we'd love them to try it out and give us feedback." (This could use some wordsmithing.) The idea being that you sell Windows 8 as the tablet OS that can also run legacy apps, and then any desktop users who want to try it out do so with the full knowledge that it isn't optimized to their workflows. And then, rather than being a joke that computers are being sold with Windows 7, Microsoft would state that that was the way it should be until the unification got further along.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Self-absorbed pansy OP. Age is in the mind; someday OP will learn. I'm in my late 40's, so qualify as 'old' to our teenage daughter. I was a beta tester for Win8/8.1 Enterprise (and going back to DOS 1.0) and am currently enjoying Win10 Enterprise in a VM for work in an Enterprise and on my ElitePad tablet. Networked to my home automation, work, 2 Win 2012 servers, tivo, 3 Lumias, etc, etc. As is my 72 year old dad, who's running Win 10 Enterprise, bare metal as his daily driver. On an i7 quad with SSD, upgraded from Win7 -> 8 -> 8.1 -> 10.

I'd put my dad up against this poor little guy, and would take odds... Just sayin'...


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Mar 30, 2014
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Personally I think the op likes to complain about other people complaing.

The derogatory remark about age just shows his inability to communicate properly with anyone older than himself.

Windows 8 sucks for millions of people and just because he likes it, he thinks everyone else should.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App


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Aug 29, 2013
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Old person here - well at least AARP wants me to join the club - and love Win 8 on both touch and desktop hardware. I touch many machines (Win7, Win8, OSx) during a work week and honestly like and prefer where Win8 is at now.

8.1 pretty much solved the bouncing out of desktop mode problem - add Cleavitt's default programs tip from earlier in the thread and you are good. The only annoyance I have with Win8 now is if a desktop app install doesn't have an option to create a desktop icon, you have to go find it in the Metro Start to pin it to the desktop.


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May 12, 2013
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Old person here - well at least AARP wants me to join the club - and love Win 8 on both touch and desktop hardware. I touch many machines (Win7, Win8, OSx) during a work week and honestly like and prefer where Win8 is at now.

8.1 pretty much solved the bouncing out of desktop mode problem - add Cleavitt's default programs tip from earlier in the thread and you are good. The only annoyance I have with Win8 now is if a desktop app install doesn't have an option to create a desktop icon, you have to go find it in the Metro Start to pin it to the desktop.

The one thing with all the people on here is that you all share a common interest in technology, and especially windows. Seeing that you've taken the time to keep up with this site and converse on it. I'm sure the OP means the average person. Hell, I work retail as a Technology Consultant and this is something i deal with over and over every day. More people hate it than like it and 70% have never used 8. They heard from someone who heard from someone else that its terrible and they couldn't be bothered to think differently for a minute


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Apr 1, 2012
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The one thing with all the people on here is that you all share a common interest in technology, and especially windows. Seeing that you've taken the time to keep up with this site and converse on it. I'm sure the OP means the average person. Hell, I work retail as a Technology Consultant and this is something i deal with over and over every day. More people hate it than like it and 70% have never used 8. They heard from someone who heard from someone else that its terrible and they couldn't be bothered to think differently for a minute

No. The OP went out of his spoiled, bratty way to call out old people. It's in the title for Pete's sake. Next thing will be that we drive too slow. I raced on the SCCA circuit for 10 years. If the OP wants a shot at the title, bring it on.

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