Post if your experiencing worn or black edges, and what's your hardware revision number (found in settings > about)
No worn or black edges. Hardware Revision 0003
This is why I was asking about the hardware revision number in another thread. It seems you must have got one of the first phones from the new wave.
When did you get your phone, and what carrier are you on?
Well I i only wear jeans and navy tough scrub tops and bottoms and am a heavy user (over 9GB of data and 950 messages in one month with alot of Facebook, mail, and message checks per hour. Probably about, in and outie of pocket 2 times per 10 mins) and no discoloration at all.I have had a Blue 8x Revision number 0002 for about 3 weeks and no marking scuffing or peeling.
Do we think we nailed the reason for the discoloration down to clothing dye?
I have had a Blue 8x Revision number 0002 for about 3 weeks and no marking scuffing or peeling.
Do we think we nailed the reason for the discoloration down to clothing dye?