Recent content by eortizr

  1. E

    This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

    Windows Mobile = BlackBerry OS
  2. E

    Is there anything unique left in windows phone ?

    of course there is... the lack of apps
  3. E

    How to tackle Android/iOS fanboys?

    you should just show them your latest Snapchat... oh wait...
  4. E

    Lumia 950 is Microsoft's Last Chance.

    If they can't get the same apps most user have in iOS and Anrdiod, Yes they are dead. I have been a windows phone user since the first Lumia 900, but always got back to either Android or iOS based on the lack of APPS. I'm currently using an iOS device, wanted to switch to WP the other day...
  5. E

    Could we see Windows 10 to compete with Android TV?

    Windows Phone cant even compete with other Phones (Android and iPhones)
  6. E

    Facebook : features, discussions, rants, issues, solutions

    The whole app is a Big Bug,,, is a third party app, even thought Facebook might have collaborate with MS in making the app still the app is been seen as a 'Third Party', is not a but is just the way it is and it will be until it is officially developed by Facebook.
  7. E

    The rolling mess of lies continues

    ​has the User Agent been fixed in the new update that is rolling today? When selecting Desktop Mode, what does shows now?
  8. E

    Official Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Discussion and Problem Solving Thread

    has the User Agent been fixed in the new update that is rolling today? When selecting Desktop Mode, what does shows now?
  9. E

    I'm out

    I know, I will get the X+1, but I was just so tired of not having the apps I mostly use (Facebook, Youtube, Google) the way they should run that I just agreed to an 'older' hardware but with the apps fully functional. I always said it, I really like Windows Phone and I love the Hardware, but...
  10. E

    I'm out

    I traded my 1520 for a Moto X and could not be happier.... Android is just superior to windows phone is so many ways.
  11. E

    I'm out

    Yeah, you just don't know sh*t of what you are talking about, Android L is completely different. Dalvik is no longer used and now ART is the default runtime engine. I like WP as an OS but not the quality/selection of apps. I see MS going the same path BlackBerry (former RIM) took and we all...
  12. E

    Repairing Cracked Digitizer 1520 vs Insurance Claim vs Burning my AT&T Upgrade

    Option 5. Sell it on Craigslist for like $225 and then buy a used 920 which are still going four around $200 in great condition. Then wait for the next new WP to come out.
  13. E

    Wish list for GDR 2 in the next Lumia firmware.

    Facebook and Youtube (Official)