Bye Bye 620 - Design Issue?


New member
Feb 4, 2014
It is with regret that i write this thread....

I have often wondered about the wisdom of having to unclip the case and re-clip when removing SD card etc....rather than having a slot on the side as in many other phones....
Sadly my worst fear came to fruition this morning after having replaced my SD card having tried to sort out music on it....which btw failed!

I found my phone unresponsive, which is not a new thing but it was fine earlier so i switched it off........and waited, it rebooted and then again i couldn't get it to respond but as i was late for work i thought i'd better get going.....walking to my work van with phone in hand i then noticed that the screen had 3 very fine cracks running through it......

I am now in possession of a phone that is of no use to me, not even 3 months in, and in my opinion down to a lack of design planning.......Has anyone else had this misfortune or just me?

Update: Seems not just me then......
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I also have the same phone but whenever I take out the back cover I hold phone through the sides of the case and I press the camera flash and pry it out then to put it back on I line up the bottom and just push the upper side of the screen (with the nokia logo) into the case but through the look of those cracks it seems that you applied more pressure towards the side of the screen the side towards the power button.
Here is a video on how to put the back cover (this is also how I do it) How to insert and remove the Micro SD card on Nokia Lumia 620 - YouTube
Most probably you might have applied more pressure around the screen thus making the back cover harder to click in and causing the screen to crack.
Might not be a design issue but if you can please tell me about how do you put the back cover on the phone that would be helpful.
Well, io the back shell is my only complain. I accidently dropped it once and there's now an ugly dent on the lower right corner of the shell. Now my phone is kind of always stays popped out of the shell. I hope that doesn't ruin my warr@nty!
i feel u guys, my other phones a 9790 with a similiar design , except for the sd card backet thingy ,it basically has a blue flap for the memory card which if not shut properly doesnt allow the battery cover to be placed back , i have already broken two battery covers and given that it comes with the nfc chip on it , its not really cheap and despite the cover being wellbuilt the small hinge like thing is neccessary to avoid the battery cover falling off
The only problem that i have with my back cover is that it has quite some scratches but it can only be seen with good lighting.
But screen cracks must be due to putting the cover on wrongly and applying more pressure on the glass screen.
I generally pop the camera to open as do you, and slide the audio jack part into place and just push case and up until now had had no problem.....this morning it was as usual but a little stubborn so i removed and did it again and fine.....until i tried using it...!

The ironic thing is that i picked the 620 after the 520 because i liked the idea of the audio jack being part of the case, as i had had audio jack issues in the past being wobbly and not working, so i thought if that happens, just buy a new case.....but the case could very well have cost me my phone.....and as much as i liked the phone in general i was only removing the sd card because of the mulitiple duplication of music files.....

Hence my thread:

So in all i'm very saddened by the WP experience and will probably go back to 'droid....
I generally pop the camera to open as do you, and slide the audio jack part into place and just push case and up until now had had no problem.....this morning it was as usual but a little stubborn so i removed and did it again and fine.....until i tried using it...!

The ironic thing is that i picked the 620 after the 520 because i liked the idea of the audio jack being part of the case, as i had had audio jack issues in the past being wobbly and not working, so i thought if that happens, just buy a new case.....but the case could very well have cost me my phone.....and as much as i liked the phone in general i was only removing the sd card because of the mulitiple duplication of music files.....

Hence my thread:

So in all i'm very saddened by the WP experience and will probably go back to 'droid....

so you are sure that you are putting the back case on as shown in the video right cause if you line the audio jack it might be troublesome as the bottom part of the hardware hooks on to the case hence you night have applied more pressure on the underside of the screen hence cracking it.
As for your music file issue reseting it may work but you've got to fix the screen first
The reason why i write more about pressure cause the cracks were on the underside cause you should be applying at the top
so that part of it may have cracked. A more detailed description of how you put the case on would be helpful.
Well i wish i'd seen the video before, but i still think it ridiculous that in this day and age, and having had numerous phones with slots in the side that you would have to remove the case to change SD card....sim fair enough, but storage.....

It's probably saying something that somebody had felt the need to create the video above, in my opinion crazy design......
Well i wish i'd seen the video before, but i still think it ridiculous that in this day and age, and having had numerous phones with slots in the side that you would have to remove the case to change SD card....sim fair enough, but storage.....

It's probably saying something that somebody had felt the need to create the video above, in my opinion crazy design......

Well phones with slots on the side only really suits a unibody phone and there are quite some phones which needs the removal of the back to insert an SD card like (samsung galaxy s4,galaxy note 2, lumia models) and without slots on the side the phone does have a unibody feel to it cause lets face it a unibody l620 with that 1300 mah battery that everyone complains about is not a good match. It is a great phone but this is an unfortunate incident. Good luck with your next phone, if you like windows phone then get a unibody lumia cause no lagdroid is gonna work as smooth as windows phone.

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