Did something change in the "commute" feature?


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Aug 8, 2014
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I've been Windows phone user since the launch of WP7 and started using Windows 10 through the Insider program since it became available. There have been stretches since the launch of Cortana where the commute feature just didn't seem to work and wouldn't pop up notifications, but it seemed to be fairly consistent when it did work. Something seems to have changed in the last week.

I work 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and my commute is between 30 minutes to 50 minutes depending on traffic. For the past few years, Cortana has told me it's time to leave for work usually between 7:18 and 7:22 AM so that my estimated arrival time is around 7:55 AM. Cortana would then remind me when it's time to leave work within about 2 minutes before or after 5:00 so that estimated arrival back at home is around 5:45 PM.

About 3 weeks ago, I switched from Windows to Android. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or if something is going on with the commute feature within Cortana. In the past week, Cortana has started telling me that it's time to leave for work at around 7:05 AM to get me to work at 7:30 before heavy traffic sets in. The earliest I've arrived at work recently is around 7:48 AM, so it is weird if this is an attempt by Cortana to relearn my schedule. It then tells me that it's time to leave work around 4:15 PM to get me home by 5:00, which is when I actually get off work.

My brother has said the same thing about these reminders recently where it's telling him that it's time to leave work 30 to 45 minutes before he gets off. He switched to Android about 3 months ago, so it appears that something has changed in the Cortana algorithms for the commute feature rather than trying to adjust to the GPS location trends from the new Android phones.

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