Do you still need another device on you aside form your wp8 in order to get by?


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Nov 12, 2012
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When I go out for quick runs, I only bring my Lumia 920. When traveling or when I know I'll be waiting somewhere for a long time (doctor's office), I use a 7" Kindle Fire to watch movies, a PS Vita and/or 3DS for games and a Kindle Paperwhite for reading books (like Kebero, I find the ePaper reading experience far better than anything else).The Surface Pro handles my portable computing needs and the MacBook Pro is for work. *edit* - even though Spotify is now on WP8, I still find the experience better on my iPhone Touch 4S (disconnected), so I use that as a dedicated music streamer throughout the day. Oh, right, and as much as I love the camera in the 920, it still doesn't replace my dedicated camera gear if I know I'm going somewhere interesting or want a really stellar pic of something that no phone can capture adequately.

Side note, try NextGen Reader as a newsreader. It's really good and compatible with Google Reader (my primary newsreader on the desktop).


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Dec 10, 2012
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How's Facebook messages horrible on WP? They come in like any other, I can switch to facebook messages from SMS and back as I see fit and it's all neatly in a single conversation. Sending a FB message is also easy enough. I don't see the horrible in that at all.

There's no group messaging. I use it all the time on my iPhone 5 and was very surprised to find it missing in WP8.

Bryan Davis 1974

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Dec 16, 2012
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My 822 does everything I need it to do. When I travel I do bring a eInk Kindle just because the reading experience is better. But the 822 lets me manage all email, most notes (OneNote is awesome), and reading material (Pocket and rss readers) just fine. My one wish (and I know it is pretty specialized)... I teach high school math. I use OneNote to write all of my lessons. I write all of the math formulas with the OneNote equation editor. I can not read those special objects on my phone, much less edit them.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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I still carry around my 1st Gen iPod Touch simply because WP8's media player is still bush-league at this point.

You really think so? I have always thought that iTunes was an aesthetic load of crap. I haven't used an iPod Touch myself, but I assume that they followed in the way of creating ugly software. I love the Xbox Music UI (which borrows heavily from the Zune HD's UI). I like my Lumia 920 as a music player so much I don't even carry my Zune HD with my anymore, unless I'm going to be gone all day, as I don't quite trust the 920's battery to last all day while playing music.

I have no tablet, not keen on them just yet. I don't carry anything else for apps, not at all. I still HAVE my HTC Droid Incredible (was on Verizon, came to AT&T for the 920), just because I might WANT to learn to root and customize Android someday. Like I said, if I am leaving for a long stretch of time (like I went out of town for several hours last Saturday, that being the first time I actually did this), I will take my Zune HD with me for music, since I don't know that the 920's battery will last all day while playing music.


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Dec 16, 2012
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I bring my ASUS Vivo Tab RT with me, because I have the keyboard dock as well, and it acts like a mini netbook. I bring it to use certain features and tasks for the convenience of the bigger screen, and all that.


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Dec 8, 2011
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You really think so? I have always thought that iTunes was an aesthetic load of crap. I haven't used an iPod Touch myself, but I assume that they followed in the way of creating ugly software. I love the Xbox Music UI (which borrows heavily from the Zune HD's UI). I like my Lumia 920 as a music player so much I don't even carry my Zune HD with my anymore, unless I'm going to be gone all day, as I don't quite trust the 920's battery to last all day while playing music.

I have no tablet, not keen on them just yet. I don't carry anything else for apps, not at all. I still HAVE my HTC Droid Incredible (was on Verizon, came to AT&T for the 920), just because I might WANT to learn to root and customize Android someday. Like I said, if I am leaving for a long stretch of time (like I went out of town for several hours last Saturday, that being the first time I actually did this), I will take my Zune HD with me for music, since I don't know that the 920's battery will last all day while playing music.

Sure, it isn't the greatest looking interface. But I've always found iTunes user friendly and I like that I can add or subtract to a playlist right on the device. The UI on WP looks nice. But just to create a playlist shouldn't be as convoluted as it stands.


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Feb 20, 2013
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I want to stick with the whole Windows theme all around. I need an ecosystem that is the same. I'm also very OCD when it comes to brands and colors.


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Nov 14, 2012
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How's Facebook messages horrible on WP? They come in like any other, I can switch to facebook messages from SMS and back as I see fit and it's all neatly in a single conversation. Sending a FB message is also easy enough. I don't see the horrible in that at all.

If you do not want a shared inbox then don't. I could not care less which mail account something comes in on. I know who is on which anyway so I do not see the problem..


I was talking about messages not appearing on the live tile. I've checked the settings and everything but the live tile doesn't update properly. The issue is that I have Facebook chat disabled for most people as I hate the distraction. The chat function is enabled for only a handful of people. I have a notification of an incoming message on my One X whether I'm online or not. That's the issue.

I wasn't talking about the linked inbox. I LOVE that. The issue is with Twitter. This actually happened today. My Twitter live live tile said that someone retweeted me. I also had a toast notification for that. What the notification didn't tell me is which of the four accounts had the retweet come from. It said "XXX retweeted you" but didn't tell which of the four accounts the 'you' referred to. My Android notification says "New interaction for account x". That's a huge difference.


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Nov 14, 2012
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My 822 does everything I need it to do. When I travel I do bring a eInk Kindle just because the reading experience is better. But the 822 lets me manage all email, most notes (OneNote is awesome), and reading material (Pocket and rss readers) just fine. My one wish (and I know it is pretty specialized)... I teach high school math. I use OneNote to write all of my lessons. I write all of the math formulas with the OneNote equation editor. I can not read those special objects on my phone, much less edit them.

Which Pocket client do you use? I've tried most of the,m. They are well below par. The text is not even justified, it's aligned left. That's just wrong.

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Nov 8, 2012
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When I use my Windows phone , I carry with me my Nexus 7 HSPA+. I get great experience with this combo. I also have another line which I use for my business, there I change phones on a weekly bases. Pre 3 or Bold 9900. Sometimes Nexus 4. So I am covered completely.


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Nov 8, 2012
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My Rt goes with my l920 cause I just never know if I'm gonna go relax somewhere. Plus if I still had my Zune hd it would definitely be my music device choice. Sad times when people are aholes and steal. ��


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Feb 20, 2013
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My Rt goes with my l920 cause I just never know if I'm gonna go relax somewhere. Plus if I still had my Zune hd it would definitely be my music device choice. Sad times when people are aholes and steal. ����

Stealing must have been on a Navy ship.


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Feb 17, 2013
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Yep. Still carry my HTC One X around. That one's rooted and I'm using Android Jelly Bean there.

Some of the crucial apps that I used are not in WP8. The Facebook experience in WP8 is horrible, especially messages.The updated Twitter is great but still has it's lackings. I have four accounts configured (2 personal/2 work) but the live tile doesn't show which account any new mentions/messages have come into. Haven't found a decent client for Pocket (read it later). I use Pocket quite frequently and it's a shame. The Kindle app doesn't sync personal documents so I can't look at my files the way I used to on my One X. There isn't an app for Pulse news reader. There are apps like Fuse or Weave but they aren't as good as Pulse or Flipboard. No Viber yet. I also miss some other apps like Getglue, Goodreads, Hipmunk and had to resort to mobile websites.

That's a long list, I know. Still using the Lumia 920 as my primary phone.
Sent from my Grey Lumia 920 using Board Express

Are you kidding?

I've used pulse and such and weave blows it out of the water. I actually ended up getting rid of the laggy POS pulse was on my android tablet, not to mention the UI, because gReader was simply far better running and a much more efficent UI. But that said, Weave is by far the best RSS reader I've used on any device, bar none.

No comment really on all your other apps. I don't use them at all and/or have never heard of them. Facebook for me works perfectly fine. The only downside is the lack of messages, which in that case going to the mobile site is great (and runs really really well, to the point of it controlling as if it were an app). I'd like for them to improve the facebook aspect in the people's page, but it is no where even close to being "horrible"


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May 25, 2011
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Still use my iphone to check my lumias phone plan data/call usage as there is NOT A SINGLE APP that does this on windows phone.
Not on a small carrier either, largest carrier in Australia, but i am on a business plan (which isnt a problem for android and ios, but for some reason windows phone app devs don't care)

At&t in the United States has an app since WP7 came out in 2010. I would petition or ask your carrier.
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Nov 14, 2012
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Are you kidding?

I've used pulse and such and weave blows it out of the water. I actually ended up getting rid of the laggy POS pulse was on my android tablet, not to mention the UI, because gReader was simply far better running and a much more efficent UI. But that said, Weave is by far the best RSS reader I've used on any device, bar none.

No comment really on all your other apps. I don't use them at all and/or have never heard of them. Facebook for me works perfectly fine. The only downside is the lack of messages, which in that case going to the mobile site is great (and runs really really well, to the point of it controlling as if it were an app). I'd like for them to improve the facebook aspect in the people's page, but it is no where even close to being "horrible"

See that's the point. I use a lot of apps and I can't really do that on my Lumia 920. The fact that I actually have to open up the Facebook mobile site for messages illustrates how bad the Facebook apps are. The non-specific Twitter notifications simply don't cut it. I love the OS but SO MANY requirements of a power user are missing here.
Sent from my Grey Lumia 920 using Board Express


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Oct 19, 2010
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I still keep my Lumia 900 with WP7.X on it because Zune Player works and Xbox Music doesn't. My L900 is now a fancy MP3 player that I wanted to sell.


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Jan 1, 2013
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not really

I carry my laptop almost everywhere, i do use it for facebook and tumblr coz its a tad more convenient than my phone but honestly my phone can do anything

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