More evidence of strong sales -- HTC joins Nokia in the "sold out" club


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Jul 6, 2012
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Glad to hear this, but I'd like to see some measurable data. We always get this sold out or "is on back order" without seeing the numbers associated with the news.


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Aug 5, 2011
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I'd like to see real numbers too.

Supposedly, they're aiming for 10 million handsets sold in Q4, which would be more than all the WP7 handsets sold in 2011. We'll see...


Mar 31, 2012
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**** 10 million may be more than all WP7 handsets ever sold lolz.

HTC did a better job of front loading supply than Nokia, but I think the penny sale sold out of their backstock faster than they could replenish it. That's ok, they will stop making 8X and just make 8X-II now LOL


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Feb 21, 2012
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I went to a Rogers store and the salesman who I talked to said about the 920, "we usually sell them as soon as we get them in stock". I think the demand is definitely there this time around (even though my 'study' was totally unscientific :D )


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Nov 10, 2012
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I went to a Rogers store and the salesman who I talked to said about the 920, "we usually sell them as soon as we get them in stock". I think the demand is definitely there this time around (even though my 'study' was totally unscientific :D )

Well its not entirely unscientific. Its reasonable to assume that most Rogers stores are fairly similar in their sales patterns. If that store sells out consistently then it does give some evidence of widespread demand.

But yeah good to hear. My local Rogers store has Android fanboys, it was suffocating to just try and check out the 8X. He kept saying oh my android has xyz and I kept going err so does this.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Canadian consumers are far too polite.

I would cut him off and say "did I ask you?" when he started with "my Android does blah blah blah."

If he persisted in insulting me or attacking me for what I asked for, I simply say "your job is to fetch my phone and activate it for me, not insult me. Unless you disagree, in which case I'm happy to speak with your manager about that disagreement."

I tire of rude retail employees. Their salaries/wages are a big chunk of the price that I pay for a product at their store -- so I demand a quality experience if they're going to charge me a premium price.


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Nov 10, 2012
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Canadian consumers are far too polite.

I would cut him off and say "did I ask you?" when he started with "my Android does blah blah blah."

If he persisted in insulting me or attacking me for what I asked for, I simply say "your job is to fetch my phone and activate it for me, not insult me. Unless you disagree, in which case I'm happy to speak with your manager about that disagreement."

I tire of rude retail employees. Their salaries/wages are a big chunk of the price that I pay for a product at their store -- so I demand a quality experience if they're going to charge me a premium price.

Ah hahahah sorry I just find that funny (in a good way). But yeah that is true. On the other hand he let me use his beats headset to try out the 8X's beats audio. I actually found the L900 audio better for some audio on YouTube.


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Feb 21, 2012
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But yeah good to hear. My local Rogers store has Android fanboys, it was suffocating to just try and check out the 8X. He kept saying oh my android has xyz and I kept going err so does this.

I feel your pain. I have been to a few Rogers stores around Toronto where they guys act like you are crazy if you ask about Windows Phone. This one guy kept asking me why I wanted a Windows Phone and which features I was after. I knew the game he was playing as he would try to counter everything I said with "My Galaxy can do that". I just walked out and didn't even get to play with the phones in peace.


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Nov 25, 2010
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tis, why I haven't bought the 8x on T-MO....Me likes the larger screen end of things and I figure give a few weeks or a month or two...


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Nov 3, 2011
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I agree. No matter what the numbers are, the press will spin it as a disaster anyway. :p

I'm not sure. What companies need to do is well known. Outperform analyst guestimations, and you're a hero, otherwise a complete failure. It's complete idiocy, but it's how mass psychology works. Apple's last launch was also a disaster, although they literally sold boatloads of devices. It's all about expectations. Nokia has the potential to outperform... but I doubt they will.

I suspect the numbers will be poor. Lack of supply is choking off potential sales for both Nokia and HTC.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I don't really care about "analyst" estimations. I mean, they're a fun read just to get a feel what is expected in general, but their numbers don't mean anything n reality.

Nokia and HTC don't need to meet analyst expectations. They need to meet their own estimates. Those are the ones that matter to their bottom line.

Nokia and HTC made plans to produce a set amount of handsets. They don't plan to be unprofitable. They made land to make money.

Because of high demand, they exceeded their supply. This means that the demand exceeded the expectations they set for themselves. This means success.


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Nov 25, 2012
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Unfortunately, unless you are Apple, they will need to meet market analyst's expectations or else the stock won't move much. They are already forecasting Nokia will not meet this, and hopefully they are wrong considering Nokia's current low price.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express


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Nov 3, 2011
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Unfortunately, unless you are Apple, they will need to meet market analyst's expectations or else the stock won't move much. They are already forecasting Nokia will not meet this, and hopefully they are wrong considering Nokia's current low price.

That might be interesting as an investor, but otherwise it is irrelevant. Nokia doesn't depend on their stock price going up. Operational expenses and earnings are all the matter.

Because of high demand, they exceeded their supply. This means that the demand exceeded the expectations they set for themselves. This means success.

That last statement is only true if Nokia's current supply and their expected demand are similar. I suspect Nokia isn't supplying what they hopped to produce. That opinion is based on the numbers of devices I hear are reaching retail channels and how infrequent those deliveries are. All speculation I'll admit.


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Jul 6, 2012
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But are we still in "sold out" status? I can go pretty much anywhere and get a device of my choosing - or at least an unlocked variant. I just ordered a device today of my preferred colour and it was in stock. In fact, I can get unlocked WP8 phones in pretty much any flavour I choose.

The carrier supply stock may be different, however.

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