So I had a Samsung Note 4 for a month, and...

Marc Baldry

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Sep 11, 2013
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@Agaskew, I have read your article and all subsequent replies. I respect your opinion. Regardless of how long you used the GN4 or the comparatively cheap cost of the Lumia 640 you replaced it with, your experience and formulated opinion is very valid. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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May 8, 2015
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People's experience with Samsung phones are subjective. When I got my Galaxy S4, 2 years ago (coming from an iPhone 4S), I had a wealth of problems with the phone in my initial few months. The first annoyance I had was to do with syncing my old messages. I transferred over all my text messages and once they were moved over, the phone would crash any time I tried to open the messaging app, it turned out it didn't like too many texts sitting in the inbox. I resolved this by downloading a different messaging app from the store and setting it as my default, although it was less than ideal.

The second issue I had was a pretty major one that plagued me for a while. Whenever I made a phone call, I could never hear through the ear piece. It turned out this was an inherent fault with various Android phones(!) and the workaround was to download an app called SoundAbout. I did so, and it worked temporarily, but the only way I could make calls 50% of the time was with my headphones. I took the phone back to the store for a replacement, which they thankfully swapped the first time, but it happened only a month later on the replacement handset, so it had to be sent off for a repair. It was at this point I very nearly gave up on the phone altogether. I promised myself that if I have to replace it again, then I'm looking for a different phone. Thankfully I never went through the same issue after that.

Needless to say, I persisted, but purely because the phone had the features I wanted at the time (OTG for gaming, a decent camera, removable storage and battery) and I wanted to use it for my trip to Japan. 2 years later I'm still using the phone, but I still find issues here and there. More recently, the phone has been getting exceedingly HOT and draining battery at 1% per minute, just from simple tasks like opening a web page. I have tried killing all the processes and closing all background apps from running, yet it still does it at random, it's particularly frustrating. My girlfriend's S3 mini went through these same painful issues during it's last few months, remaining very slow (I cleared the cache, etc which helped temporarily) and a battery that would die out in less than a day. She now has a 640 and she's REALLY happy I suggested it, despite the lack of Snapchat ?_?

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, although the Samsung (Or Android in general?) has a good level of hardware versatility, a good app selection and more customisation to the front end, it comes with a sacrifice in efficiency and battery life. So, I can actually understand the pains the OP may have felt with the note, I just happened to be more persistent than they may have been, purely because the phone was desperately what I wanted at the time. Whilst I'm likely going to miss some of the available apps, the nice screen and the available accessories of the Samsung (my Zero Lemon 7500mah battery is a god send), I won't miss the inconsistencies, as I will be opting for the 950 when it becomes available. If my girlfriends 640 is anything to go by after having some time with it, I'm in for a treat.


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Feb 14, 2015
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So the OP is bashing a Samsung device, big whoop. It's not like that's incredibly hard to do. I'm not a big fan of the Korean firm myself and actually find it refreshing to read about someone going from one of their "flagship" devices to a "budget" Microsoft phone. I would have liked a little more insight as to why the OP believes their 640 to be so "trusty," but I digress.

Welcome back to the Lumia 640 and the Windows family, OP. :)


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Aug 22, 2012
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The things OP is explaining, when i read it do not seem natural. that what i was trying to say at the beginning, its not that these things happen with everyone.

Notes are usually known for having great battery life, I'm not sure about the 4, unless its the one with 810 processor that everyone is complaining about.

I would suggest to re do the entire process, maybe talk to someone who knows Android, and just give the device some time.


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Apr 3, 2013
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You know something. I could have easily written something similar about the L920 I bought within the first month of owning it.

The only difference was that I actually gave WP a chance for almost two years before moving to Android. Not just a month and then throwing a hissy fit posting on a WP forum.

I still own the L920. It's my backup device. It's not a phone I enjoy much any more.

Don't quite get your complaints about the apps. I find most on Android to be fairly good to excellent quality. Most are better or superior to WP. I have no complaints and I actually miss using my Android phone when I don't have it.

Charles Brown8

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Feb 14, 2015
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I do not believe the thread-starter nor do I agree with his statement.

That is your opinion and it's as good as the op"s. However, He didn't have a good out of the box experience, what's so hard to believe about that.. It can happen with any phone, no matter how premium or what platform no matter how much money spent for the device. At that point you decide whether to stick with your investment or move on. The icon I have had it's own share of quirks until it received the denim update which resolved most of them.. Great phone now and I am glad I stuck it out...

Poirots Progeny

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Dec 22, 2013
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This is an interesting thread - to the op: The keyboard tone is present under sounds and notifications --> other sounds: Dialing keypad tones (under settings). It is on by default unless you have an o2 device.

The issues you are experiencing are odd to say the least - did you buy it from a carrier or sim free, and was it brand new or second hard (and potentially messed with)? I can't tell whether you attempted remedy or just have up when things were not going your way - which is entirely your right!!! No one can say how long you should spend taking with an issue. Your prerogative.

Touchwiz can be a right pain, and android can be convoluted but the problems you are describing can be dealt with. Though if the 640 is a better for FOR YOU, well that's cool.

As for the other comments in the thread, yes I can see why some might feel this is an overly biased post as the note 4 is arguably still the best of android (especially rooted and ruining tecnodus) - and it's the first time I've heard someone say the apps are inferior to wp... That's, um, wow - but hey, everyone's got an opinion ;)

Charles Brown8

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Feb 14, 2015
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This is an interesting thread - to the op: The keyboard tone is present under sounds and notifications --> other sounds: Dialing keypad tones (under settings). It is on by default unless you have an o2 device.

The issues you are experiencing are odd to say the least - did you buy it from a carrier or sim free, and was it brand new or second hard (and potentially messed with)? I can't tell whether you attempted remedy or just have up when things were not going your way - which is entirely your right!!! No one can say how long you should spend taking with an issue. Your prerogative.

Touchwiz can be a right pain, and android can be convoluted but the problems you are describing can be dealt with. Though if the 640 is a better for FOR YOU, well that's cool.

As for the other comments in the thread, yes I can see why some might feel this is an overly biased post as the note 4 is arguably still the best of android (especially rooted and ruining tecnodus) - and it's the first time I've heard someone say the apps are inferior to wp... That's, um, wow - but hey, everyone's got an opinion ;)



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May 9, 2014
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This is an interesting thread - to the op: The keyboard tone is present under sounds and notifications --> other sounds: Dialing keypad tones (under settings). It is on by default unless you have an o2 device.

The issues you are experiencing are odd to say the least - did you buy it from a carrier or sim free, and was it brand new or second hard (and potentially messed with)? I can't tell whether you attempted remedy or just have up when things were not going your way - which is entirely your right!!! No one can say how long you should spend taking with an issue. Your prerogative.

Touchwiz can be a right pain, and android can be convoluted but the problems you are describing can be dealt with. Though if the 640 is a better for FOR YOU, well that's cool.

As for the other comments in the thread, yes I can see why some might feel this is an overly biased post as the note 4 is arguably still the best of android (especially rooted and ruining tecnodus) - and it's the first time I've heard someone say the apps are inferior to wp... That's, um, wow - but hey, everyone's got an opinion ;)

Thanks for your reply :) AFAIK this is brand new, in a sealed box that came from a provider who set up our company with a business contract. The UK telecom provider is EE, however the N4 is not EE-branded in any way so I think it may be sim free.

The phone keypad sound setting you describe was already enabled, & that delivers a 'plop' sound on each key press. I find it weird that there's no phone tones, maybe that's just my preference and I'm being picky.

Concerning the more general point about fixing stuff versus giving up a hissy fit or something, in the initial post it may seem like I simply gave up but in subsequent posts have tried to make it clearer that alternative, non-default apps helped to address some of the issues: I installed Nine and Touchdown HD for email, Contacts + for Contacts, SlideLock Locker/Floatify Notifications for lock and notifications, Truedialer as a phone dialer, Nova Launcher. I switched on Power saving, turned off Bluetooth when not in the car. Keyboard vibrate is off. Also had a look through the Settings > Power Saving to try to figure out what was using all the battery. One night I made the mistake of not terminating Chrome, went to bed with the N4 on about 50% and in the morning it was completely dead - battery exhausted. Realisitically how many extra apps should one need, and how many settings need to be turned off, to meet my basic needs?

I'm seeing a few hints about rooting and running something better than the supplied Samsung stuff, but that's not an option as it will invalidate the warranty, wish it was.

Today for a test, I spent 15 minutes on the fully charged N4 and checked what I'd installed, gone through system settings, updated 1 app from the store etc. During that time, with no SIM card and with Power Saving enabled, BT off, Wifi on, the phone has used 3%, and it has approx 8 hrs left according to the Power saving menu :unhappy: Perhaps this is a dud.

As per other posts, some of the N4/Android apps are great and definitely better than the WP ones - Twitter for example. The N4 screen and camera are clearly way better than those on the 640. However the 640 battery lasts me 24 hours easily, contacts behave themselves and all merge properly. The WP 10 email and calendar apps are IMO a giant step backwards, but the the 8.1 GDR2 versions work just fine and the OS runs like butter. YMMV.

Poirots Progeny

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Dec 22, 2013
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I never said you had a "hissy fit" and frankly, and this is only my opinion, but if one spends their money one should get what one expects. I won't bend over to fit my life to a mobile telephone or ecosystem: I'm buying it to work for me and if it doesn't I get something else. To me, your op was just from someone frustrated that the experience was subpar and they went with what works for them. I'm glad you did that because that is right and fair.
As for the other experiences, well it's unfortunate the sw hadn't worked out for you. I have an office note 4 my it manager set up, and a private one that I use for personal stuff - I interchange the note 4 with the 1520, iphone 6 plus and a BlackBerry passport - these are all my personal phones and I have my own exchange server, multiple accounts and such: It's a shame the note isn't working for you as I am able to sync my data with all the aforementioned devices seamlessly and they all work with my cars (different marques).
But your experience is yours and I'm sorry to hear it's so though going as the device - when it's working - blows all competitors out off the water, in my opinion.
The battery discharge issue, and the odd chrome behaviour - the latest lollipop build addresses battery and a memory overflow issue: If your device is getting seriously hot around the top right off the device, and the battery is draining, that may be the issue. I'd you're on ee then you may be out off luck as I can't see they have the latest build. Of course, rooting would be the solution; but you've correctly stated the warranty issue so I can't suggest anything. Though you shouldn't have to settle for anything less than excellence and certainly shouldn't have to go about fixing someone else's work lol. Then again ALL ecosystems are compromise, especially BlackBerry and wp. I think that your device may be, as you say, a "dud", and frankly I wouldn't put up with it, especially if it's not doing what you need, because the behaviour of the device is NOT the norm. Good luck :)

Joakim F

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Feb 7, 2013
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You guys don't seem to get it. No basic user should go through any of the problems that the OP had. A premium device like that should work without any problems. I've had some Android devices, and most of them have had some problems. However, my L920 have been rock solid from the start. I'm no ******, and there sure is many futures and some apps from my L920 that I really miss. But to the basic users, it works as expected. And so should a premium device like Note 4 do too.


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Apr 3, 2013
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You guys don't seem to get it. No basic user should go through any of the problems that the OP had. A premium device like that should work without any problems. I've had some Android devices, and most of them have had some problems. However, my L920 have been rock solid from the start. I'm no ******, and there sure is many futures and some apps from my L920 that I really miss. But to the basic users, it works as expected. And so should a premium device like Note 4 do too.

That's a load of rubbish and you know it. All manufacturers have issues with their hardware and software. Doesn't matter which one we're talking about. Sometimes you get a lemon, I'll point you to my L920...

This goes for any mass produced product. It's part of their risk assessments during design and production. Lets not talk about planned obsolescence.

What the OP should have done is return the device as faulty to the place he bought it from and got a new one instead of doing a dummy spit and posting a whine post on a WP forum where he'll get a lot of 'support' from WP fans. That's called being grown up and realising your rights as a consumer. If the device isn't working as described then return it.

Also, before purchasing anything people should take the time and do a little research beforehand. Especially if you're going to purchase something pricey. I know that isn't normal 'impulsive buying behaviour' that all of us are supposed to have as consumers and the companies want us so they make money but it's smart thinking.


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May 9, 2014
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You guys don't seem to get it. No basic user should go through any of the problems that the OP had. A premium device like that should work without any problems. I've had some Android devices, and most of them have had some problems. However, my L920 have been rock solid from the start. I'm no ******, and there sure is many futures and some apps from my L920 that I really miss. But to the basic users, it works as expected. And so should a premium device like Note 4 do too.

This is my view too, maybe a bit unrealistic, maybe a discussion for another day, but mobile phones seem to be one area where we are willing to accept problems and be prepared to invest a lot of time trying to fix things ourselves.


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May 9, 2014
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I never said you had a "hissy fit" and frankly, and this is only my opinion, but if one spends their money one should get what one expects. I won't bend over to fit my life to a mobile telephone or ecosystem: I'm buying it to work for me and if it doesn't I get something else. To me, your op was just from someone frustrated that the experience was subpar and they went with what works for them. I'm glad you did that because that is right and fair.
As for the other experiences, well it's unfortunate the sw hadn't worked out for you. I have an office note 4 my it manager set up, and a private one that I use for personal stuff - I interchange the note 4 with the 1520, iphone 6 plus and a BlackBerry passport - these are all my personal phones and I have my own exchange server, multiple accounts and such: It's a shame the note isn't working for you as I am able to sync my data with all the aforementioned devices seamlessly and they all work with my cars (different marques).
But your experience is yours and I'm sorry to hear it's so though going as the device - when it's working - blows all competitors out off the water, in my opinion.
The battery discharge issue, and the odd chrome behaviour - the latest lollipop build addresses battery and a memory overflow issue: If your device is getting seriously hot around the top right off the device, and the battery is draining, that may be the issue. I'd you're on ee then you may be out off luck as I can't see they have the latest build. Of course, rooting would be the solution; but you've correctly stated the warranty issue so I can't suggest anything. Though you shouldn't have to settle for anything less than excellence and certainly shouldn't have to go about fixing someone else's work lol. Then again ALL ecosystems are compromise, especially BlackBerry and wp. I think that your device may be, as you say, a "dud", and frankly I wouldn't put up with it, especially if it's not doing what you need, because the behaviour of the device is NOT the norm. Good luck :)

Nicely said, and thank you. (The hissy fit reference was someone else, not you, my apologies). I'm may well hang on for the provider -EE - to release the latest Lollipop for the Note 4 and see what that brings.


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Aug 25, 2015
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So, I have had a Note 4 for eight months and can confirm a few of the OP's concerns. To begin with, I desperately wanted a windows phone and could not make it happen. I was ditching my corporate laptop for an SP3 and consolidating my corporate iPhone and personal Droid DNA.
Quite simply, wp had nothing comparable to offer. Coming from outside the eco system, I was looking for a flagship device. I was really disappointed that Verizon carried (practically) nothing and even the windows store had 3 year old technology.
Hopefully that will change in the next couple months... Fortunately, I never geeked out with the pen as I had envisioned and MS brought all the productivity apps to Android. I'm assuming MS will stop with the hundred cheap models that look the same and no flagship marketing plan moving forward. I'm really excited and hopeful for a "Surface" phone.
So, the note 4 does in fact, occasionally launch random apps after unlocking screen. More often, like just about every time, it launches some random text thread from a month ago when you tap the icon to continue a current message. More than a dozen times I have sent messages to the wrong person for this reason. Luckily I filter my thoughts as this is a business/ personal device.
My biggest complaint is that sound notifications only seem to work to get your notice originally. By this, I mean that I will get a tone for email or sms. Apparently, after that the phone assumes I am staring at it and anxiously anticipating an immediate follow up message, because it isn't going to make any more sounds for a while. Screen on, off, locked, whatever. Your notifications are metered for your own benefit I guess. ?
I also hate that the remote control app assumes it is the most important thing in your life and must occupy your notification panel and lack screen. I mean, yeah, I use it occasionally. Maybe once a month or so and it works great, but I don't need it in my face all day taking up productive space.
Otherwise, the phone is awesome. I wouldn't say battery life is great, but it has always lasted as long as I have in a day. (Close a couple times. Times involving dark hours and rum.)
All phones have quirks. Here's hoping I am dealing with them on a WP device in a couple months.

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