3rd Party Keyboards in Win10?


New member
Jul 23, 2015
Apple finally saw the light and allowed 3rd party keyboards to be used on IOS devices, Android has allowed this from the start and then there is Windows 8, 8.1 and now 10 that still don't?

Can this feature be included? I have a Samsung XE700T1C tablet and I HATE using the onscreen keyboard and would prefer to use Swype from Nuance like I do on my Android and Apple devices, but this "feature" was last permitted by Microsoft in Windows 7 and hasn't since. I was very disappointed when I purchased my device to find it was not possible without IMHO a painful workaround and not using my app of choice. Swype was installed on the predecessor to my device, but when Windows 8 was released, this was no longer possible and very disappointing.

I thought that since Apple now allows it on their IOS devices, that Microsoft would also see this as a feature to permit and obviously one end users want - I hold out hope that it will appear soon - I mean what is the point of a touch enabled tablet if I can't Swype my way around it and am forced to mistype with my fat fingers :unhappy:

Umm - where is that? I have never seen it and searching on the device doesn't find anything.
Is it Windows 10, or earlier?
Actually just doing a quick search - that appears to be on Windows Phone - I am talking about Full Windows Pro.

Ah sry than I misunderstood you. Yes I am also waiting for swype on the desktop screen and was hoping that this will come with their one os strategy, the problem is its still more than half backed...
I think if you have a touch screen, then you should be able to use a program like Swype, not everyone can type fast, I Swype faster and more accurately than I type with the onscreen keyboard.

Once you swipe it is hard to be without it.


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