Windows 10 Taskbar & Outlook Issues


New member
Aug 25, 2015
I've just installed Windows 10 on my Lenovo Idea Centre PC. I find it behaving strangely. It causes Firefox & Chrome to crash more than normal. It's also causing Outlook to crash. It's just not playing well with others.

I was using Windows 8 & had everything configured pretty much as I wanted. Now Windows 10 has changed many of my previous settings & I can't figure out how to revert or restore them.

But I have 2 special issues I need help with: when I send an e mail in Outlook instead of returing to the Inbox, for some reason it takes me to the desktop. This behavior makes no sense & I've seen Windows or Outlook work this way. I can't even see a setting in Outlook that allows me to direct the behavior that should happen after sending a message. Can anyone help?

Taskbar issue: I hate the black color of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I've looking up ways to change it & most of what I've read involves changing registry keys, which seems very complicated. There's supposed to be a way to do this using the Settings/Personalization mode. But nothing I've tried there changes the taskbar color (it changes other screen colors, but not the taskbar). ANyone with bright ideas how to deal with this?

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