Did Microsoft give windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1


New member
Sep 29, 2014
With windows phone 8,8.1 operating system we see lot of flagship phones like lumia 920,930.1520 etc but with windows 10 mobile we seen only lumia 950 or xl and Alcatel.i didn't mention hp elite because that was enterprise focus phone.Microsoft release only one high end phone with windows 10 mobile also only two low end phones lumia 550,650.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

Too little, too late.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

Great subject!
Perfect for our new "Armchair CEO" section...
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Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

they released no phones for 2 years, how could they expect a gain in market share?
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

they released no phones for 2 years, how could they expect a gain in market share?
That is why i made this thread

Sent from (iOK)
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

I think its obvious MS didn't want to deal with phones and that is why no new ones. Then they can blame the lack of interest (even though there can't be any interest when there is nothing released to get interest in).
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

I think its obvious MS didn't want to deal with phones and that is why no new ones. Then they can blame the lack of interest (even though there can't be any interest when there is nothing released to get interest in).

Sent from (iOK)
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

The reason I think mobile failed is: wait for it: Satya Nadella! I don't think he's good for Microsoft.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

Days like this makes me miss Windows Mobile 2005/6.1/6.5. I never thought in my life that Microsoft would give up. :/ Windows mobile 10 had a lot potential. If only Microsoft gave it more focus and market it right like any other manufacture.
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Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

My wife just reluctantly gave up her Lumia 1020 for Android, which we universally dislike around here. Windows Phone 8+ was an absolutely refreshing mobile OS. Had it been given time to mature, it would certainly have been the best ecosystem to be in. Adoption was killed by app marketplace penetration or at least the perception that there were no apps. Over time, what little app support there was dropped off and that was the end of things. If MS can ever build up it's UWP offerings, it may be able to make a place again in the mobile world. Such a shame, I really was looking forward to ditching everything Apple myself, as I was a big fan of the direction they were going in. Five years ago they were innovating; these days I'm not too sure what they are doing.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

The answer is not just "yes" but "hell yes" they gave up too soon. Buying Nokia may or may not have been the smartest move, BUT, it was something they had that they could use and instead they just squandered it away. There was actual excitement for a Windows Phone, for a 3rd option in the industry. The news was full of speculation and hope, and with each day that fewer and fewer phones were supported with every release of Win10, the hope and excitement faded. It faded to the point that developers could see the writing on the wall and stopped having a desire to program for it. THEN, Microsoft claimed Win10 Mobile is dead because nobody was developing for it. Rubbish, people weren't developing for it BECAUSE Microsoft was letting it die, not the other way around. If they would have released more phones, if they would have insured Win10 Mobile ran on more of the older phones, if they would have released a damn Surface Phone like the industry hoped for, the developers would have stayed and kept releasing programs for it. The ONLY thing that held their mobile OS back was the App gap. From a quality standpoint, from a UX standpoint, it was easily on par with the hot mess that is Android, if not better. It was closing in on iOS and I would say NOW it is better than iOS. I have to switch from my Win10 phone to an iPhone in about 4 months here and I'm absolutely dreading going back to the stone age that is the iOS home screen, the stone age of not having an honest to goodness "back" button. Even Android understands the importance of that button. Ugh... Long live Win10 Mobile. Possibly the best OS that Microsoft has ever created.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

I think its obvious MS didn't want to deal with phones and that is why no new ones. Then they can blame the lack of interest (even though there can't be any interest when there is nothing released to get interest in).

But then why did they spend $7 Billion to buy Nokia....? Or is this a change of CEO thing?
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

The answer is not just "yes" but "hell yes" they gave up too soon. Buying Nokia may or may not have been the smartest move, BUT, it was something they had that they could use and instead they just squandered it away. There was actual excitement for a Windows Phone, for a 3rd option in the industry. The news was full of speculation and hope, and with each day that fewer and fewer phones were supported with every release of Win10, the hope and excitement faded. It faded to the point that developers could see the writing on the wall and stopped having a desire to program for it. THEN, Microsoft claimed Win10 Mobile is dead because nobody was developing for it. Rubbish, people weren't developing for it BECAUSE Microsoft was letting it die, not the other way around. If they would have released more phones, if they would have insured Win10 Mobile ran on more of the older phones, if they would have released a damn Surface Phone like the industry hoped for, the developers would have stayed and kept releasing programs for it. The ONLY thing that held their mobile OS back was the App gap. From a quality standpoint, from a UX standpoint, it was easily on par with the hot mess that is Android, if not better. It was closing in on iOS and I would say NOW it is better than iOS. I have to switch from my Win10 phone to an iPhone in about 4 months here and I'm absolutely dreading going back to the stone age that is the iOS home screen, the stone age of not having an honest to goodness "back" button. Even Android understands the importance of that button. Ugh... Long live Win10 Mobile. Possibly the best OS that Microsoft has ever created.

^What he said much better than I could ever have.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

To start an argument, I would first ask if the question may be over-simplified. Too soon to what? To succeed? What would you call a success when entering as a third party distributor on a market that had by then buried many-many volunteers to do the same. Shouldn't we consider reaching a market share as high as 15% in selected countries already a success? Of course this counts all WP7 WP8, WP8.1 and WM10 altogether. But again as others have said, very limited devices came with the ability to upgrade to Windows 10, and even those, did? There are two ways to see this. One, they already succeeded, because I think, the way they entered to the market was impressive. Maybe not as impressive as the press, consumers and stakeholders would have expected, they may have hoped for a faster growth. But if you are not Chinese you have very limited space to move in. So in one way we could say, no they did not give up on Windows 10 Mobile too soon, but rather unplugged it unexpectedly. If we are to look at it the other way, saying, the transition between WP8.1 and 10 was not flawless and WM10 market share stayed below expectations that cannot be considered a success, we could start debating if it was given up upon too soon. But then what do we consider the point of giving up on. Clearly there was no marked point by Microsoft communication, so we can only guess here. But let's face it, WM10 has and had other issues than simply not getting devices (because it has), having an app gap (it was only decreasing, not increasing to begin with) or Satya Nadella not liking the third mobile platform idea (because he sure loves money, and if numbers could have disproved him, WM10 would still be a thing). I believe we need to clearly state what is considered here as a success. If I look at Microsoft in general, as Nadella said, it had become a could first, service first company. So no focus on "mobile", it was clear. Nevertheless I cannot accept that WM10 died because of the lack of focus. Windows 10 desktop "thrives" with all the surface devices coming off the line. But does it, really? I mean Microsoft managed to find a category, that it managed to produce quality hardware in and increase its profit in the segment. Only the way I see it. It is the hardware really. Let's face it. Windows 10 desktop suffers from the same thing that WM10 had always suffered from, inconsistency, everchanging UI, API, frameworks, malfunctioning, slow services (from a cloud first, service first) company. If we are to say that WM10 had not succeeded, and success would have been measured by an even larger spread in the market, in my humble opinion Microsoft did not fail in the mobile space, but as a service provider, as a software company, and really only succeeds in the hardware (surface line, X-Box One) that it continuously attempts to deny as a focus or its purpose. In this respect, WM10 was not given up on too soon, but too late. If one could have foreseen that 5 years was not enough for Microsoft to publish a working and reliable Skype, OneDrive, Contacts manager, Navigation, and search platform on its own, that all make the backbone of a mobile platform, should have closed the mobile branch as soon as possible and not let it suffer for years to come. While the mobile platform managed to produce something new and vibrant, Microsoft failed to fill it with content. The OS itself could not sell something without services that even Microsoft failed to deliver. And the problem is that it is considered even today to be the effect of a malfunctioning mobile division or a lack of focus. But let's face it, those services, compared to the competition, still 5uck5 on the desktop environment as well if exists at all. It is Microsoft, and their incompetent software delivery that had caused the death of its mobile platform that could not have been kept alive, even if Nadella had focused on it. And it is the same thing, that will sooner or later kill its desktop as well, and will make Surface products run Android or iOS within 5-10 years, if they keep on going on this road. Of course I am not saying that the lack of quality products is not the fault of Nadella as well, but the lack of focus on mobile is clearly not the bottleneck here.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

Of course they gave up to soon.

" It's not like Microsoft tried very hard to market the platform or hardware that shipped with it."

MS is terrible and marketing. They want to be a service provider and have little to do with hardware. Makes me wonder about the Surface and Xbox. Skype, LinkedIn have barely been touched...sell off?

Without a mobile platform, they will cease to exist. MS has a name for serving end users. Google with crush them in the OS world when businesses move to Android. Amazon and competitors with make it challenging in the cloud world.

Office and Sharepoint....is that going to do it?

Microsoft - get back in the game with Andromeda, Windows on Arm, whatever.

Or at least be clear to consumers (no, not a vague tweet) that you are ceasing end user consumer products. We will move on to other products. Don't lead us on.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

I was so turned off by W10 mobile combined with the lack of new hardware that I peaced out late 2014. They needed a big release that next year and it all fell flat. But honestly, app support was always lacking and I don't think there was much Microsoft could have done about it.
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

Yes, the best phone operating system I ever had , half a year with Lumia 950, I decided to never go back to android. As long as there are Lumias on eBay, I'm not changing. Microsoft better brings something back, ultra mobile pc,s are gonna be to expensive, I would suggest putting the entire win 10 experience on a android operating system like blackberry did.
lost the plot after windows 8.1 for me, no real improvements unless you count the settings section, and to think I was considering waiting for the surface phone when the 950 came out lol
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

I'm still using my Lumia 950; it's still the best phone on the market. I want an upgrade, but it would actually be a HUGE downgrade to switch to apple or android. So I don't know what I'm going to do when this phone becomes very obsolete.
Why do I love this phone so much you ask? Microsoft is the KING of software, they have been forever. Windows is unrivaled on PC. And it is still unrivaled on mobile devices. I love this phone because it is so user-friendly that it has become part of me. It is simpler than apple with more features than android. And Microsoft made this phone for their software - so I still LOVE it.
People say that a lack of apps killed this phone. WRONG. Apps follow popularity, not the other way around. And this phone basically has all the apps of my PC, which is way more than I could ever say for any other device (not to mention the Xbox apps on this baby).
Microsoft needs a smack in the face. A Surface phone is what we want! Fire your ******** CEOs and bring back Windows 10 Mobile!!!
Re: Did Microsoft gave windows 10 mobile less time to succeed as compared to windows phone 8,8.1

Yes they did! Pity that they let down all of us still holding on to a platform that thought had a lot more to offer. Should not try to compete against Google nor Apple but give people a clean direction of what is W10 mobile. It's not for everyone and they should treat it as such.

The platform was for those wanting a bit more from their devices, a bit more in functionality and a bit more from their battery and no for just snapping great selfies. Great hardware with robust operating system, something that gets the job done.

They failed to bring in the big companies to provide apps for integration with the platform. Failed to provide simple things that were so widely available in other platforms. No home/office automation, no cctv systems integration minimal offerings from IOT and smart devices. Our environment was simply dead in the water and no one willing to do anything about just pull the plug!

Still do not want to let go of my Lumia950 as I do not want Android nor IOS. I need a W10 Surface phone as I've being waiting for so long among other true W10 mobile users. It's an extension to my office environment and an complement to my home space.

We do not need to fit in among other mobile platforms who just flash the fancy devices but have not fully set them up to and only able to receive calls and post on Instagram and FB...we just need a true device that reflects all that feedback posts. All that work from insiders didn't matter?

Even own app integration was buggy (Skype, Wapp, Outlook, People, Linkdin...) Give us back something to be proud of our feedback and reporting and commenting. I am not an IPhone nor Android user and do not wish to be one. I was happy since Windows 7 Metro design took a different direction to the rest and focused more on the people hub and everything was linked together somehow. I am holding on to the idea of someone really doing something with a surface phone project.

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