Cortana App vs MS Launcher Cortana on Android


New member
Jul 26, 2014
Who should be the default assistant? Offhand, I know Launcher-Cortana can't do navigation, but app-Cortana can. Are there any other differences that give one an advantage over the other as being more suitable as the default assistant on Android?

PS: sorry for posting an Android question here as opposed to Android Central. Just feel like more Cortana users would be here. I swear I'm a Windows fan, I just had to make do. :P
PS: sorry for posting an Android question here as opposed to Android Central. Just feel like more Cortana users would be here. I swear I'm a Windows fan, I just had to make do. :P

You're forgiven...

Anyways, I keep Cortana (app) as default, but I put Cortana on Homepage mode since it's not often enough I use my voice - actually, I use voice more often on my PC. I also keep my Windows phone nearby so just having Cortana launch as similar as on Windows is good for me.
I cant think of I time when I've made use of the default assistant feature. When I want to use Cortana, I now use it from the launcher, or if I want to type a question instead of speaking, or see the status of a package, weather, or other such data, I open the app.

It would be nice to see the Cortana widget expand to basically be Cortana as a page on your home screen. That, and actually make it useful by connecting to services and actually working when you try to connect to other services.
Who should be the default assistant? Offhand, I know Launcher-Cortana can't do navigation, but app-Cortana can. Are there any other differences that give one an advantage over the other as being more suitable as the default assistant on Android?

PS: sorry for posting an Android question here as opposed to Android Central. Just feel like more Cortana users would be here. I swear I'm a Windows fan, I just had to make do. :P

I can't help. I wouldn't use an inferior operating system.

Carlos - Proud Windows Phone User
The launcher is quicker and more convenient but the app is still ahead in features. The killer for me is location based reminders, which I use all the time but aren't available in the launcher version.

Another one is the newly released IFTTT integration, which works (sort of ) in the app, but not in the launcher. I don't know if that's because I'm in the UK or whether the launcher just doesn't support it yet.
Cortana ad part of launcher. Got rid of separate app. Cortana in launcher is so much faster. Like a lot faster to respond to queries or set a alarm.
I use Cortana through the Microsoft Launcher and it's made the whole android experience better, more polished and more complete.

The real rival is Alexa which is becoming more integrated and more useful, particularly with the continued development of"skills".
I'm new to Android - Less than a month in. I tried uninstalling the Cortana app and using the launcher, and several things don't work. I'm also frustrated that I can't figure out how to get Cortana to read texts in the car, and when I dictate texts to her they fail to send. I'm hoping they get it figured out son where I can do these things and also only need one app instead of two.
The inability to read texts in the car is an Android issue that Cortana cannot fix. Apparently Google adheres strictly to some standard that Apple and Microsoft work around to allow for reading texts.
the read text over Bluetooth i really miss but cortana is rubbish compared to google assistant, windows 8 was great but 10 has just been downhill for me. loving android now loooooooooook at all the apps and with EMUI the themes are amazing
So I think I use the Launcher slightly more. I even took the leap today of setting the info screen to my default home page. So far so good on that one. It reminds me of those concepts they showed in the old vision videos really. I feel I should do my meetings standing now.
I don't really use it to be honest. So I'll uninstall and I do want to use it, I'll use from MS launcher. Both Cortana and the new MSN news beta, my phone tells me that they are using excessive power in the background. Since the launcher also has a news page, I'll use the native one as well.
F-ing neither. both suck on Android. just try and say, "Cortana, play Trivium" it won't work. neither will, "dim light by 50%" I hate Google but I have to use their assistant because Cortana just sucks.
@soulcancer Yeah, I agree sadly. Here in Australia Google's assistant mops the floor with Cortana and it's not even close. Cortana's good for navigation and reminders and that's pretty much it. Cortana as part of MS Launcher outside of the US is good for practically nothing except reminders (and even then, only certain kinds).

Also I can't be the only one who thinks it's ludicrous that this question even can be asked. "Which Cortana app is better, the one with the better UI and integration but missing features or the inverse". We don't want two apps that have 80% feature overlap, we want one that does it all well.
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anyone who has used a Windows phone and an Android phone knows that the native cortana experience on Windows phone was the single best voice assistant experience that they have ever used. I even keep my Lumia icon around just so I can switch the Sim card into when I get in the car to use the only truly hands free personal assistant that can do it all. the Cortana experience on Android is neutered at best, and unusable at worst if you are used to the windows phone experience. Google now is significantly better in Android but boy do I long for the good old days of cortana on Windows phone.
I'm new to Android - Less than a month in. I tried uninstalling the Cortana app and using the launcher, and several things don't work. I'm also frustrated that I can't figure out how to get Cortana to read texts in the car, and when I dictate texts to her they fail to send. I'm hoping they get it figured out son where I can do these things and also only need one app instead of two.

Unfortunately, those are Android limitations/restrictions. They can't do that except on Windows because they have full control, just like Google has full control over what Google Assistant can do.

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