My wife is fixing to return Titan #3 due to audio problems. That would mean 4 HTC Titans. We are goinig to draw a line in the imaginary sand and demand something better for her. She enjoys WP, but she has had it.
I have talked to her about the T2, but she just kinda glared at me. It is so disappointing, because I know most of the issues could be fixed by software updates. Her keyboard disappears so much more than mine ever did on my Focus S, and I got updates to fix mine. The audio problems (echoes, poor volume to those who call her, horrid quality) almost certainly could be, and we both use our phones a ton. She can't use it at all for a call longer than a minute.
Throw in last years Android efforts where the Sense UI completely bogged down performance worse than any other Android UI did on Gingerbread and you have what we refer to as a pattern. Sure, their UI looked nice and had a great reputation from earlier less buggy versions. But the performance over the last year was dismal as they completely overdid the UI, and than left their owners to flop around on their own without sending fixes even as dissapointed owners moved on to Samsung's Galaxy series and even back to Motorola's "Non-Blur" UI on Gingerbread.
To me, the problems HTC is having in lost sales in the last 18 months, including the complete ignoring of the T2 as a WP option, is not a shocker. They haven't supported their devices and have left their owners shaking their heads in disgust. The T2 may well be a great device. Unfortunately, since they may have lost my wife's business, we may never know. Just makes me sad. I love HTC's devices feel and their physical quality.
What a waste.