Why aren't folks talking about the TII?

My wife is fixing to return Titan #3 due to audio problems. That would mean 4 HTC Titans. We are goinig to draw a line in the imaginary sand and demand something better for her. She enjoys WP, but she has had it.

I have talked to her about the T2, but she just kinda glared at me. It is so disappointing, because I know most of the issues could be fixed by software updates. Her keyboard disappears so much more than mine ever did on my Focus S, and I got updates to fix mine. The audio problems (echoes, poor volume to those who call her, horrid quality) almost certainly could be, and we both use our phones a ton. She can't use it at all for a call longer than a minute.

Throw in last years Android efforts where the Sense UI completely bogged down performance worse than any other Android UI did on Gingerbread and you have what we refer to as a pattern. Sure, their UI looked nice and had a great reputation from earlier less buggy versions. But the performance over the last year was dismal as they completely overdid the UI, and than left their owners to flop around on their own without sending fixes even as dissapointed owners moved on to Samsung's Galaxy series and even back to Motorola's "Non-Blur" UI on Gingerbread.

To me, the problems HTC is having in lost sales in the last 18 months, including the complete ignoring of the T2 as a WP option, is not a shocker. They haven't supported their devices and have left their owners shaking their heads in disgust. The T2 may well be a great device. Unfortunately, since they may have lost my wife's business, we may never know. Just makes me sad. I love HTC's devices feel and their physical quality.

What a waste.

I thought Titan 2 fixed all these problems.
Most of the reason is that HTC does virtually nothing to promote it or advertise it, just like all the rest of the OEM's other than Nokia. Hardly anyone knows about it.

The massive amount of media blitzing and hype around the Lumia 900 pretty much dwarfs the efforts given to almost any other single phone model aside from the iPhone, and it certainly dwarfs the nonexistent efforts from HTC to promote their own Windows Phone.

Add to that it's design, which is handsome, but does not make it stand out or help it get noticed because it looks just like any one of a dozen Android phones. Then there is the price, which is significantly higher than the L900 for almost the same specs. Really you're paying $100 more for a better camera, the + 0.1 ghz processor makes no difference in real world performance. The bigger screen is still 800x480 so that makes no difference in how much you can see or do, and the Lumia's screen is SuperAMOLED+ which has much more vivid color reproduction. Pretty much everything is a draw except the camera, and Nokia has the edge with all of their exclusive apps and the fact that they actually act like they give a crap about Windows Phone.

All of this will change hopefully with WP8. It would be great to see someone other than Nokia and Microsoft taking more than a passing interest in Windows Phone. :straight:
It did, but how does that help Titan users unless HTC gives them a Titan 2?
Exactly my problem with my Wife's experience with the Titan.

"Hey Honey, I know you are miserable, but let's give this other HTC a try... honest, everything is better now....oh, and we have to buy it...."
Exactly my problem with my Wife's experience with the Titan.

"Hey Honey, I know you are miserable, but let's give this other HTC a try... honest, everything is better now....oh, and we have to buy it...."

Yeah, I wouldn't want to give my money to a company that doesn't care about it's customers.
If correct I find this lack of customer interest thing by HTC extraordinary. Firstly, they offer an unprecedented two year warranty on all, generally excellent HTC handsets, then they don't promote the things and then they hibernate when some problems arise with a particular product.

I would have thought it would be in HTC's best interests to offer all Titan 1 owners a T2 replacement just as a matter of good will and to attempt to maintain an existing customer base.

Am I reading this right?
Most of the reason is that HTC does virtually nothing to promote it or advertise it, just like all the rest of the OEM's other than Nokia. Hardly anyone knows about it.

The massive amount of media blitzing and hype around the Lumia 900 pretty much dwarfs the efforts given to almost any other single phone model aside from the iPhone, and it certainly dwarfs the nonexistent efforts from HTC to promote their own Windows Phone.

Add to that it's design, which is handsome, but does not make it stand out or help it get noticed because it looks just like any one of a dozen Android phones. Then there is the price, which is significantly higher than the L900 for almost the same specs. Really you're paying $100 more for a better camera, the + 0.1 ghz processor makes no difference in real world performance. The bigger screen is still 800x480 so that makes no difference in how much you can see or do, and the Lumia's screen is SuperAMOLED+ which has much more vivid color reproduction. Pretty much everything is a draw except the camera, and Nokia has the edge with all of their exclusive apps and the fact that they actually act like they give a crap about Windows Phone.

All of this will change hopefully with WP8. It would be great to see someone other than Nokia and Microsoft taking more than a passing interest in Windows Phone. :straight:

This. And with nokia youre getting their support and apps and a unique looking device. Titan II pales in every aspect really except the camera.
Having had both of these devices, I wouldn't say that The Lumia is THAT much better. they differ in different areas AND some of those areas are subjective and not fact. What people don't know is that HTC actually offers some decent exclusive apps as well. Might not be as good or plentiful as the Lumia, but still a decent amount. And I don't want to hear about using Nokia Maps either. I actually hated using Nokia maps simply because 1. They told me when to turn about 2 seconds before i had to make it, so in highly populated areas, this wasnt good for me. and 2. Nokia maps doesn't name streets vocally. It only says turn in X feet/meters. In this spider of a city call Washington DC, this is a no go. So I ended up using Bing maps which is pretty good. Not as good as Google maps, but pretty good never the less. I've depended on Bing maps for a few months now and it rarely steers me wrong. Lets just get it to where I don't have to tap the screen for the next set of directions.

As, I ran through 3 lumias. 1 had radio issues, 1 had a reboot loop issue, and one...well I just wanted a different color lol. I hated being on wifi and not being able to actually use it without rebooting it. My wife also has a lumia too. It doesn't do well on wifi unless you reboot it as well.

While I like how Nokia is pushing their phone to the furthest extent, thats not to say the HTC Titan 2 sucks. It's just that HTC has their priorities tied up. When you compare the Titan 2 with their android phones and their specs and innovations, it's no wonder they don't pay as much attention to is as Nokia. But with WP8, I EXPECT to see some changes in HTC attitudes, because other OEMs are jumping on and Verizon is jumping on as well. I still like the Lumia 900 and think it's a great phone. But looks will only get you so far. At this point in the game though, if you get a Nokia or an HTC, it doesn't matter because attention will be shifted to WP8 anyways. I was just wondering how this phone gets overlooked AND it's a damn shame they didn't give Titan 1 owners some sort of discount or vouchers for Titan 2 phones. But HTC is not the only company that gives off the impression of not caring. MANY other companies do it to. Nokia just happens to be losing alot of money and don't have much invested in other areas, so they pretty much have to push the Lumia.....or it's bust.
I think you have just exposed the companies out there! Just like how the Lumia 900 was a beta test for their future WP8 phones.....right? Lol.

And that chin has some functionality on it as well. It's no overbearing and it keep the screen off of the table top just enough so you wont scratch it. Or would you have rather have the whole thing curve like the G-Nex? Either face design is ok for me.

banana phone FTW!!!!!
You have to admit, the 900 is DEFINITELY sexier than the T2! :) I actually think my HTC Trophy had more responsive capacitive buttons than the 900. I'm sure I could type faster on the Trophy as well with less errors. I often miss the space bar or upper case button on the Lumia but it may just be I'm not good at adjusting to the increase in screen size.

Like everyone else says. It's a shamte HTC didnt market the T2 a little better because HTC make GREAT products. It's also a little unfortunate that the T2 is just, well its just butt ugly I'm sorry!
So Stevovr, if you bought a defective device from HTC and then that same company released another VERY similar phone in response to the complaints and add LTE capabilities to it, you wouldn't be the least bit mad? If all the previous Titans had a decent track record then I could understand your anti American ish point. But all around the forums, you could see the complaints about it. Maybe Te complaints should have been aimed elsewhere, but the phones still had their issues. Rather than push out a fix or replace the phone, they push out another one this making people pay that steep price for the fix? I don't know man. I'm not part of the Titan 1 crowd, but that seems a bit off.

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Like everyone else says. It's a shamte HTC didnt market the T2 a little better because HTC make GREAT products. It's also a little unfortunate that the T2 is just, well its just butt ugly I'm sorry!

I looked at the Lumia 900 but the camera was awful...

I finally retired my 3 year old Nokia today and bought one of those butt ugly Titan 2's. Against the trend apparently but I'm more than happy to talk about it. I've spent countless hours reading reviews, asking questions, looking handling and using different handsets and the Titan was right for me.

I'll post the rest in first impressions.
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all my htc's have been solid. as for vouchers for a t2 why? a vocal tiny minority on these and other forums shout about their flawed phones. most seem to be in america, the inventors of the fast food, disposable, i want compensation society. and now because the rest of the world has adopted your ways you cry foul.

Someone wants to troll huh?

How many medals has Scotland won in the olympics again? Probably none, because they don't give medals for being England's b?tch.
Someone wants to troll huh?

How many medals has Scotland won in the olympics again? Probably none, because they don't give medals for being England's b?tch.

WOW, a tad bit off topic here? But in the Olympic spirit I guess lol. But That was a low blow c'mon.

drphone, why did you buy an "ugly" Titan 2? I mean, "ugly" is subjective, but why would you do that to yourself? Simply because of the camera + love for windows phones? I mean, the Lumia is a NICE phone. I owned it. There were just a few problems that I didn't like. I bought the Titan 2 on craigslist, so I owned both of them at the same time. The Titan 2 just felt more at home in my hand. I cant explain it. lol. I mean they both have the same OS and all. But I've never owned a 4.7 in screen, and because of this Titan 2, I'll probably always own something bigger than a 4.3 in. screen. I'd like the color to be a bit more balanced on the T2, but it's not a big drawback.
I was being facetious.. in response to nez99:P

I really like the Titan's looks. And now I'm a Windows fan but time will tell for sure.
I'm in the UK and can confirm the Titan (mark 1) sucks here as well as the rest of the world, no updates to the issues and poor call quality so it's definately not a US only issue.
The Titan 2 didn't make it to Europe for some reason but I wouldn't have purchased it just to fix the problems in the first model.
I've sent my phone back twice to HTC and it still has issues; HTC don't appear to want their phones used to make calls.
I'm in the UK and can confirm the Titan (mark 1) sucks here as well as the rest of the world, no updates to the issues and poor call quality so it's definately not a US only issue.
The Titan 2 didn't make it to Europe for some reason but I wouldn't have purchased it just to fix the problems in the first model.
I've sent my phone back twice to HTC and it still has issues; HTC don't appear to want their phones used to make calls.

Probably because you guys don't have LTE yet in the UK?

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