Recent content by draztikrhymez

  1. draztikrhymez

    Why WP7 could still fail.

    I'm talking about me personally and I didn't give them a pass which is why I don't own their product
  2. draztikrhymez

    Why WP7 could still fail.

    It is kind of hard to give Microsoft a pass on missing features considering they are a huge software company that banks off that. I gave Palm a pass with webOS but only because they were poor compared to the big boys and needed time.
  3. draztikrhymez

    Adding icloud mail account to windows phone

    You could set icloud to auto forward all new emails to your live or Gmail account
  4. draztikrhymez

    Zune Pass Trial

    Its great, you can download or stream all the music Microsoft has in their Zune service Sent from my SGH-i677 using Board Express
  5. draztikrhymez

    Zune Pass Trial

    yea I know all about DRM coming from ios. It was confusing at first because Zune marketplace did not mention my pass at all. So I was worried it was really purchasing all this at first
  6. draztikrhymez

    Zune Pass Trial

    Hi, I'm new to windows phone 7 and I decided to try the free trial of Zune pass. Liking it a lot so far downloading all I can hear from the market. But after it runs out and if I cancel it will the downloaded music just not play anymore and do I manually just delete them?
  7. draztikrhymez

    Doest Omnia W Have Gorilla Glass?

    I was wondering the same thing