Doest Omnia W Have Gorilla Glass?

Does it really have gorilla glass? Is there any scratch test video available?

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Mine decide to jump of my lap the other day and landed on the ground screen first.

Luckily the "Gorilla Glass" saved it, but it only dropped about 2 feet.
It is gorilla now confirmed because my friend also dropped it but not a single scratch found.

Sent from my GT-I8350 using Board Express
This glass is incredible. Mine went screen first into thick airport runway tarmac from a height of at least 1 and a half meters. The front casing got some small scratches and dents but the glass... shiny and clear just like new! Hoorah.
:( as usual. Sand scratches glass. And yeah. Gorilla glass didn't save it :( a long deep scratch . Affected the screen a little thought:/

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