Recent content by lrn2board

  1. lrn2board

    Interested in the Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL? We're giving one away!

    Forum entry for contest, pick me! Pick me!
  2. lrn2board

    Xbox one and OTA TV DVR capability

    True dvr capability
  3. lrn2board

    Is there a way to choose Weather background for Glance only?

    There is an app called locktemp that you put in as one of the five notifications you get on your lock screen nd it shows the current temp as the notification. Works great for me
  4. lrn2board

    Groove music Lumia 950xl

    Thank you so much, this worked !
  5. lrn2board

    Groove music Lumia 950xl

    Hi, for some reason, starting last night, the groove music app won't open. When I try and open it, it goes to a blank screen then back to my home screen. I've tried restarting and a soft reset. Any other suggestions?
  6. lrn2board

    Best portable keyboard for Continuum & 950 XL ?

    I use the keyboard Indistinguishable was referring too with the foldable BT mouse Microsoft also have and it's great! They both fit in my coat pocket with no bulge and they can connect to my phone while using continuum!
  7. lrn2board

    Xbox one and OTA TV DVR capability

    Anyone have any information on this? I haven't heard anything and I really want to know when this will be rolling out!
  8. lrn2board

    Finally got MOZO case for 950 XL!

    I ordered mine from MobileFun 3 weeks ago as well and now they have pushed back my order but cannot tell me when it will ship. Getting really impatient here! I wanted it before Christmas!
  9. lrn2board

    Win a Lumia 950 or Lumia 950 XL in the Windows Central Fa-la-la-liday Contest!

    I want the Lumia 950 XL because: 1. Lumia 950 is to small (Been rocking a Lumia 1520 for years) 2. CONTINUUM!!! 3. Windows Hello via iris Scan (Have a fingerprint scanner for PC, I love it!) 4. Usb-c charging!!! No more waiting hours full a charge! 5. Speaking of charging, can we say Qi...
  10. lrn2board

    No "hey Cortana" on Lumia 1520 windows 10 build 10586?

    I can't get hey Cortana to work because I can't complete the training. It never goes past the first circle and just says I can't hear you please try again. I have done it from various different positions and distances and have tried probably over 100 times to get it to go through the training...
  11. lrn2board

    Xbox one windows 10 update dvr available yet?

    anyone knows if the dvr feature for Ota tv is available in the preview?
  12. lrn2board

    Xbox One to Windows 10 Game Streaming - What's the Point?

    You can stream tv to any windows 10 device while playing a game on the Xbox. I know it's the other way around but I do that for watching football. I'll have the game stream from my one to my surface while playing destiny
  13. lrn2board

    Can't find Skype Messaging Beta app in store. Help

    Re: Messaging skype beta Figured it out. Edge was on view websites in desktop not mobile and when I switched to mobile, I was able to download. Thanks for your help and links though! Greatly appreciated
  14. lrn2board

    Can't find Skype Messaging Beta app in store. Help

    Re: Messaging skype beta It brings me to the website, the is a get app button but its greyed out and I can't get it to launch anything. Don't know if it matters but I'm on windows 10 technical preview and using a Lumia 1520.
  15. lrn2board

    Can't find Skype Messaging Beta app in store. Help

    Re: Messaging skype beta No it brings me to this website