Right - that is exactly how I had thought it worked. Until I realized that you can't do any of that if you already use the Xbox in conjunction with your cable box, which was one of the big advertised features they pushed at launch.
Not sure about your last comment - hope you're being sarcastic...
Appreciate everyone's feedback in this thread. Ultimately it seems to just hinge on whether you set up your system to work with your cable box or not. I'm going to call it a day on this discussion.
Don't use the xbox with your cable box then. There's really no benefit to it other than being able to turn off one device and have it shut down the other.
What I would love if this can do.... VPN on my tablet connected to my Xbox one... Anyone try this ?
Anyway, It's called being lazy, I am in front of my PC, I want to play a game on my Xbox, or the kids are watching another source on that TV, works great for that...