Upgrading from Lumia 930 to Lumia 950: Is it worth it ?!


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Jun 5, 2015
Hello guys,
A couple of days ago, my 3-year-old Lumia 930's screen was shattered. Now I'm thinking of buying a new phone, but I can't decide between the Lumia 930 itself and a new Lumia 950. I had a Lumia 950 for a couple of hours, I installed the creators update. The UI is beautiful but the UX wasn't the best. The OS is laggy, my Lumia 930 running Windows 8.1 (denim update) is snappier. Is it a problem with the device I tested or every Lumia 950 has this lack of snappiness ??? Can you share your experiences with your Lumia 950? Are you satisfied? Or should I just stick with the Lumia 930 ?
Thanks in advance.
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My budget is 350$ max, I love the look and feel of Windows Phone but I'm not sure about the support or the User experience using W10M! What would you recommend ?!
I found my 950 a little laggy out of the box, running some apps (although mostly fluid). I found that small bugs like the BT not working were fixed by updates (specifically the latest insider preview), and that the lag sort of resolved itself, via either a "settling in" or the updates.

I think the 950 was a bit buggy on release. Perhaps even just windows10m in general. But I am very happy with how mine is working with the updated software.
I was already on Windows 10 Mobile on my Lumia Icon when I made the jump to the Lumia 950. But here's my experience anyway:

I upgraded from the Lumia Icon to the Lumia 950 and it was a very worthwhile jump for me. I think the display and the speed of the Lumia 950 are noticeably better than the Lumia 929/930. I only wish that the Lumia 950 felt as premium in hand as the Lumia 929/930.
Thanks you guys for your feedbacks, they're really helpful!! But what about the battery drain? heat issues and wifi connectivity? Do these problems persist even after installing the latest creators update?
950 go XL if you can.

The camera alone makes the jump worth it.
Support and user experience for W10M is much more robust than WP8.1
I always wanted a 930, but I was stuck with the L830 (at&t never brought it out), now I have a 950 and I'm satisfied with it. From what I know if you go with the 950 you will now have glance, continuum, an iris scanner, type-c usb and expandable memory.
If you want to stay within the WP realm then the 950/950XL would be my recommendation.

As for support. Although 8.1 may be snappier I'd gather it will lose support faster which makes sense, so W10M for all intense and purposes should be the better OS of choice... Buying into WM these days is a gamble but if your willing to take the chance, go for it.

My experience with the 950 is that there's been miniscule improvements with each update yet it's not where it should be considering the specs. When comparing with other devices having similar hardware it becomes pretty evident there is a considerable shortcoming, and IMO the OS is mostly to blame. Heat issues haven't​ been a concern (don't gaming or do anything too intensive), and my experience w/battery is that it's on par with other devices I've used.
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Battery life is a true pain when using Edge for a while but aside from that, it's just fine. It isn't great but it isn't bad either.
That's true libra89, altho i have did some test between Monument and BlueSky browser and even one of the WP8.1 best browsers Surfy. I notice that about Edge draining the battery, but Monument and BlueSky browser are more battery efficient compared to Edge. What i notice and on my personal surprise is Surfy browser. Altho is mainly WP8.1 browser it works perfectly on my Lumia 950 with W10M CU. I use it mostly for reading news pages and is even more battery efficient than Monument and BlueSky.
What it concerns to the question of our WP brother SirDubbleB, YES, go for 950/950XL. For the budget you got you can get either of them two. I bought my Lumia 950 unlocked in November 2016 for 260 euros (convert it in dollars) and i am loving it. The only difference between 950 and 950XL is that XL have bigger screen same resolution, bigger battery, same camera.
Battery live is a bit above average, with every new update, the OS itself is more faster and more snappier. If you are planning to stay in this eco system, i will say, GO FOR IT! :-)
Thanks you guys for your feedbacks, they're really helpful!! But what about the battery drain? heat issues and wifi connectivity? Do these problems persist even after installing the latest creators update?

Wifi connectivity is great. Really strong next to my tablet.

Battery drain? My phone seems to sustain battery in glance/standby fine. Battery can go pretty fast with intensive use however (watching vids for example), but I suspect that's the screen and cpu mainly. Could always enable battery saver by default, and turn down brightness a tad. Not sure if 10m power throttles the CPU.
Also the XL has a slightly bigger battery and the same screen res if your comfortable with a bigger phone. Doesn't much bother me, although it does seem to drain faster than my old phone (which was tiny, screen wise). Whether this is an issue a lot depends on use I think. If you use your phone intensively all day, ie not just lots of little bursts, it could be an issue. With moderate use it lasts fine, heavy, it won't make the day without a charge.

Heat? Yeah, I think when gaming or charging while using it gets a little warm. It's a pretty compact device, and the heat seems to radiate from the CPU. Doesn't really bother me though, never gets too hot to touch or anything.
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Can anybody answer me please ?

I tried the IDOL 4S for 3 weeks; loved it - except for the weak camera, so went for the 950 XL; picked up the 'International' version on Amazon; $200 cheaper than in the Microsoft store. Excellent phone! People at work and on the bus keep asking me about it; nice and thin; great screen, and best camera anywhere! Go for it:)
Personally I love my 950, more so than my 950XL and Idol 4S. Perfect size, fast enough, replicable battery, and one of the best cameras I've used on a phone. I would get one, only if you are aware of the shortcomings of this OS :(

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Thank you so much guys, for your detailed answers. I think I made my mind, I'm giving it another chance. Considering the future support, windows hello, storage expndability and the better camera.. I hope I won't get disappointed. I'm getting a Lumia 950 again, run the latest updates and give you my own final feedback ASAP. Thank you so much for you time and tips, much appreciated !!!
I own Lumia 930 also and had the same question until I tried out 950. I figured that those few additional features are really not worth the extra money. Only downside is that you are currently stuck with anniversary update for 930. I'm sparing money for upcoming Surface Phone. 950 just doesn't feel like an upgrade to 930. Unless you will be using Continuum very often and those new stuffs. Personally I've bought 930 cuz of Hey Cortana feature but it appears now I don't even use it, nor Cortana itself. Point is, DO NOT RUSH! XD

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