Comixology rotation, Surface 2 or 8.1 issue?


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Sep 7, 2012
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So I booted up Comixology on my Surface 2 and downloaded my comics from the cloud, turned off rotation lock and tried reading the comics in portrait mode and......nothing. They don't rotate at all. Went out of the app and tried some others and rotation worked on those. Re-installed Comixology, tried connecting the keyboard then disconnecting it, nothing. Not sure if this is a Windows 8.1 issue or a Surface 2 issue as I haven't had time to test it on my Surface RT. Anyone experience this?


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Sep 7, 2012
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Well I feel stupid. It works if you turn the Surface clockwise, but I had kept turning it counter-clockwise, which the app doesn't support.


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Mar 8, 2011
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The Comixology App is almost useless at this point. The iOS and Android apps are far superior and much easier to use than their Windows 8 version. No sorting of any kind in your own collection. Downloading is a mess. Libraries are a disaster. Trying to find something can be quite cumbersome. I reached out to the Comixology support team via email and Twitter. Here's what I got, so maybe something will happen soon, but I won't hold my breath. I miss reading comics on my iPad. That is the only thing I miss about the iPad. Also, HD support would be nice for the Surface 2 tablet, because hell, it's a 1080p screen for crying out loud.


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Apr 24, 2012
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I like the windows app better than the droid and ios versions. Who needs to sort when you have global search to use as a filter and having a shopping cart is boss!


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Sep 7, 2012
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The Comixology App is almost useless at this point. The iOS and Android apps are far superior and much easier to use than their Windows 8 version. No sorting of any kind in your own collection. Downloading is a mess. Libraries are a disaster. Trying to find something can be quite cumbersome. I reached out to the Comixology support team via email and Twitter. Here's what I got, so maybe something will happen soon, but I won't hold my breath. I miss reading comics on my iPad. That is the only thing I miss about the iPad. Also, HD support would be nice for the Surface 2 tablet, because hell, it's a 1080p screen for crying out loud.

Ya I agree, on my Surface 2 it's still slow (though not as bad as my Surface RT was) and there is an extreme lack of polish, the UI definitely needs some work done. I've emailed them before about how behind their Windows 8 app is compared to other platforms, and have gotten non-answers just as you did (though the support people are actually super nice). Hopefully as Windows 8.1 gets more popular they'll get on board and improve the app.

I like the windows app better than the droid and ios versions. Who needs to sort when you have global search to use as a filter and having a shopping cart is boss!

The global search doesn't work for me in the app, at all. I'll search for a comic and it'll shoot me to Bing search. If I explicitly select Comixology as the search source I get a message saying it can't find anything.


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Mar 1, 2011
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I downloaded a bunch of free Marvel comics when Comixology had that sale a few months back. Unfortunately, the reading experience was so bad that I didn't bother using it again. I can't even remember the last time that app was even updated.


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Mar 8, 2011
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I like the windows app better than the droid and ios versions. Who needs to sort when you have global search to use as a filter and having a shopping cart is boss!

Sorting your comics is HUGE! Even if it doesn't auto organize them, at least give me the chance to organize them, instead of having a huge folder that they all sit in! I can't tell you how long it took me to find certain issues that I downloaded that should have been grouped with like items. It's really frustrating to see how easy the app was to use on my iPad and how difficult it is on the Surface 2.

I downloaded a bunch of free Marvel comics when Comixology had that sale a few months back. Unfortunately, the reading experience was so bad that I didn't bother using it again. I can't even remember the last time that app was even updated.

That sale was awesome, over 700+ free #1 issues! Got me reading a lot of different books that I would have never given a chance to. I found the experience to be incredible on the iPad. I'd rather read the books digitally than the physical issue. I just wish that the Windows 8.1 version would get up to snuff.

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