Surface Pro 4 (i5/256) kicks off other devices of Wifi


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Jan 8, 2016
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Hi guys

First post/thread so greetings to everyone. I'm forced to post about it and hope something comes out of the darkness. So far I've dealt twice with MS chat service, did remote desktop with them etc, but it's not exactly their problem.

2 days ago I got brand new shiny SP4, joy! It wasn't until a little later that I've noticed problems. My connection to internet would be choppy, would die on me... weather, edge, store, either one just stuck on loading and timing out. Reset wifi on tablet, sometimes would work, frustrated I'd restart the router and it was good again - for a brief while.

Long story short, after testing every option, connection and ethernet cable available I've pinpointed the issue to my new SP4 - if it comes online via Wifi - other devices lose internet after short while, sometimes minutes, sometimes very soon after - even my PC via ethernet!

I've tried manual ipconfig flushdns and renewals, router resets, even made a fixed ip table for my router for every device so there are no possible IP clashes, every computer and phone has it's own number now, so it eliminates potential issues with phones coming off their "sleep" wanting to regain IP number that's been potentially assigned to another device now.

The issue still persists and I'm not sure what could be the reason?!

It's definitely coming from the end of SP4 clashing in some way with my router, for as long as it's offline there is no problem, the moment it's on you can start the clock and wait till my partners and my phone lose connections, also even that phones drop first, after some time (time window isn't identical, sometimes it's shorter other times longer) Surface itself also loses connection. If let's say I've kicked other devices off but still had internet myself, if any of them reset connection they regain WiFi, but if they don't do anything and I simply disable Wifi on SP4 the very second I've done it - all others regain connection instantly!

Any suggestions? Any help is appreciated


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Mar 3, 2015
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Not really a solution. I came across this similar issue years ago. Where having too many devices connected would somehow kick one off the network.
I don't know if the modem/WiFi had a maximum limit of allowed connected devices.
I found that powering off the device that was kicked off sometimes worked or resetting the wifi modem (pull the power cable out wait 10-15secs then replug) while the devices still were on. Hope this helps a bit.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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May 31, 2016
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MAybe this will help, trie to eliminate all the devices that are not used from the router list, set broadcast channel to auto.... this way every device will connect properly. Had this problem with a thomson router and solved this way.....


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