I don't hate Apple, but my friend is making me hate it.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
I don't get it. I have no hate for Apple products. I think they were great, I have never owned an Apple product tho, but I have use iPhones and iPads of family and friends and the experience was great.

But I love my Windows Phone. And that is a problem I guess. My friend is truly an "Apple ******", and his approach to anything that isn't Apple is crap and nothing can stand with Apple.

He's a tech guy, knows a ton about phones and electronics. But his narrow view and opinions about my Windows Phone and other non-Apple products is just plain insulting.

I can't talk to him about anything without him saying that "compared to Apple its garbage".

The biggest problem with Apple Fanboys who support the things they love is that they are so opinionated and closed minded that they end up making ppl who aren't on their side HATE APPLE products!!!!

I am seriously on the verge of hating Apple products, I used to be a non-biased person but I am afraid that I am starting to really dislike anything Apple purely because of my friends comments.

I think the thing that hurts Apple the most are their arrogant followers who can't think outside the box for one second.

I turned to Windows Phone cause my cousin is one of the head guys working on Windows Phone. So to me, its a family proudness thing, but do I hate on other products cause of this? no i don't. should i? I don't think so.

I don't want to be associated with a company that has followers who are jerks, sorry Apple, but the fate of your company lies in the jerks that love your products.

And I don't like jerks, so now, I truly can say, I am closing the door on ever personally owning an Apple product.

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to vent.
Welcome to Civilisation. Its full of them! (people who think they know what they are talking about, but don't)

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lol , classic.

I cant stand talking about different OS with my friends any more .. all my friends our on different platform.

RIM , apple WP(me) Android .. and every time we go out for beers, we end up arguing about phones... lol

its seriously annoying. it use to be fun but now i'm at the point where i just dont participate in the *WAR* any more , I just sit there and nod.

its down to a point where its 100% personal preference or ignorance. so its not even fun any more.
Yea I agree, I generally don't have anything against apple or android but the rabid fanboys of those platforms are turning me against them.
Unfortunately their are fanboys of all platforms and they are all difficult to deal with. Most people tend to like what they have and blindly support it, whether it's phones, sports team, vehicles, etc.
My personal view on this? Just use whatever you feel works best for you. Who cares about who's using what, unless you are an evangelist for anyone of those companies. And if you are, I hope you get paid by the company you root for...

Next time people talk about how Windows Phone suck, do this, get them to post a photo unto Facebook on their phones and then show how easy it is to do it on your Windows phone...
I have been just as bad myself on occasion about Windows Phone. It took a long time before I could mellow out and realize not everyone will love Wp as much as I do. Whatever anyone uses, if it works for them its a good thing.

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I have a friend that's like that's with everything google and i mean everything. Alot of googles ideas are either hit or miss. He of course always thinks there always gunna be a hit. Android isn't even too innovative the main thing that pushes it is being open source and its kinda the go to OS for any manufacturer trying to make a quick buck. Its obvious google changed strategies after the iPhone came out too lol but that being said I'd choose a nexus over a iPhone. Apple does make a great product but the OS feels way to dated now. But anyways im all about windows phone and every other OS can suck it lol :)
Reminds me of two guys in our IT department. They're Mac fanboys to the bone. They even have a picture of Steve Jobs on their department door (nope, not even kidding). If a conversation is even slightly tech related they will go out of their way to mention how much they hate Microsoft. They're smart people, and some of their arguments do have validity, but they act as though Apple products are perfection personified. That's simply not even close to being true. Often times they lay the hate on so thick that it's hard to even look at Apple products because I don't want to be associated with people that act that way.

I have an iMac at home and I think it's a fine operating system, but I don't think OSX/iOS blows the competition out of the water as some fanboys would have you believe. In fact, I greatly prefer using my Windows 7 PC despite having an iMac. Still, I'm not against recommending Apple products. My friend asked about getting a Windows Phone on Sprint and I straight up told her not to get the Arrive, get an iPhone instead. But I swear, some Apple fanboys seem to hate technology more than they love Apple.
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oh god, where do i start... im totally in the same boat now, some of these ppl just needs to get a smack to the head, the worst part of all these is that my gf's dad is in that mode right now, => apple ****** mode <=

dear god that irritates me to no end, and he isn't a tech dude so if i try to be objective and lay out the good and bad of each platform (and i wasn't even praising wp while putting others down) he just goes i only know how to use iphone so it must be the best =..=

good thing is i have become much more neutral to these things (but of course still lean towards wp since it is the best OS ive used so far and with wp8 in sight things will only get better) so my friends tend to listen to me more regarding smartphone choice, and most importantly have a gentlemen's conversation with the friends that are android fans
Reminds me of two guys in our IT department. They're Mac fanboys to the bone. They even have a picture of Steve Jobs on their department door (nope, not even kidding). If a conversation is even slightly tech related they will go out of their way to mention how much they hate Microsoft. They're smart people, and some of their arguments do have validity, but they act as though Apple products are perfection personified. That's simply not even close to being true. Often times they lay the hate on so thick that it's hard to even look at Apple products because I don't want to be associated with people that act that way.

I have an iMac at home and I think it's a fine operating system, but I don't think OSX/iOS blows the competition out of the water as some fanboys would have you believe. In fact, I greatly prefer using my Windows 7 PC despite having an iMac. Still, I'm not against recommending Apple products. My friend asked about getting a Windows Phone on Sprint and I straight up told her not to get the Arrive, get an iPhone instead. But I swear, some Apple fanboys seem to hate technology more than they love Apple.

Set this to be their homepage. www.idied.org.
OMG, I'm an IT director and I have 2 techs that are all about Google and it drives me nuts. The comments they make daily about Microsoft kills me. I tell them if it wasn't for Microsoft they would not be here. Comments
Oh no duel core
Boy words with friend are awesome how is yours
What no hd recording
No one uses windows phone.

This drives me nuts when they should be worrying about security which Google is all about the opposite. I understand that they think all Google is free and they don't want to pay for stuff but it comes with a price. I hear all the time about androids stealing personal address books and now spamming cell phone numbers with texts. I never received spam texts until Android and I believe its a direct result from this open Android system.
OMG, I'm an IT director and I have 2 techs that are all about Google and it drives me nuts. The comments they make daily about Microsoft kills me. I tell them if it wasn't for Microsoft they would not be here. Comments
Oh no duel core
Boy words with friend are awesome how is yours
What no hd recording
No one uses windows phone.

This drives me nuts when they should be worrying about security which Google is all about the opposite. I understand that they think all Google is free and they don't want to pay for stuff but it comes with a price. I hear all the time about androids stealing personal address books and now spamming cell phone numbers with texts. I never received spam texts until Android and I believe its a direct result from this open Android system.

They make good points. Windows Phone has almost no global marketshare and until it does Android & iOS fans can continue the ridicule. It's not mature, but what can you do?
I work in an IT department, where everyone in my workgroup has an iPhone. And one of them has suddenly and abruptly turned into a complete and total iFanboy. In a tough form of humor, he completely bashes my choice of WP at every turn.

He loves to rail at me constantly any time he hears bad news about Microsoft. He posted pictures to his facebook recently of his two MacBook Pros, iPad, iPhone, iPod and Apple TV stacked on top of one another.

My favorite specious argument is that Tim Berners-Lee wasn't a key architect of the World Wide Web. He was merely an engineer that implemented Steve Jobs idea (since Berners-Lee set his web server up on a Next PC)...
I don't get it. I have no hate for Apple products. I think they were great, I have never owned an Apple product tho, but I have use iPhones and iPads of family and friends and the experience was great.

But I love my Windows Phone. And that is a problem I guess. My friend is truly an "Apple ******", and his approach to anything that isn't Apple is crap and nothing can stand with Apple.

He's a tech guy, knows a ton about phones and electronics. But his narrow view and opinions about my Windows Phone and other non-Apple products is just plain insulting.

I can't talk to him about anything without him saying that "compared to Apple its garbage".

The biggest problem with Apple Fanboys who support the things they love is that they are so opinionated and closed minded that they end up making ppl who aren't on their side HATE APPLE products!!!!

I am seriously on the verge of hating Apple products, I used to be a non-biased person but I am afraid that I am starting to really dislike anything Apple purely because of my friends comments.

I think the thing that hurts Apple the most are their arrogant followers who can't think outside the box for one second.

I turned to Windows Phone cause my cousin is one of the head guys working on Windows Phone. So to me, its a family proudness thing, but do I hate on other products cause of this? no i don't. should i? I don't think so.

I don't want to be associated with a company that has followers who are jerks, sorry Apple, but the fate of your company lies in the jerks that love your products.

And I don't like jerks, so now, I truly can say, I am closing the door on ever personally owning an Apple product.

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to vent.
Apple has been hands down the best marketing company of the last decade or so... really since the iPod came out and those "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials.

As a result, many followers turned Steve Jobs into practically a religious figure head. To them, denouncing Apple would be like telling Sarah Palin that there is no god.

I agree with many others that my dislike for Apple products actually stems from the followers. My wife, who is an interior designer, wants a MacBook Pro or Air because of how it looks. She hates using Macs because they never seem to do what she wants though. She also won't do anything, but protect her iPhone even though she's made some rather positive comments about my Lumia 710 (such as being way faster than her iPhone 4). All this said, she isn't even an Apple fangirl.

My old IT coworkers started my hatred of Macs. They thought they were hipsters, but were totally misinformed and anything except cool. My boss made claims that all PCs were infested with viruses. Also how she was unable to use a 5 year old Windows XP desktop because it was so slow and would crash on her. This is the same person that goes and uses very old iLamps and such that were on like OS X 10.4 and took 10-15 minutes from the time you booted up, logged in, and could actually move the mouse.
"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." - Wayne Dyer

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