I don't hate Apple, but my friend is making me hate it.

I've found that I'm pretty neutral to other platforms and when someone starts raving about theirs I tend to just ignore and move on. Heck, this weekend my gf's ancient phone finally quit working and we went shopping at Best Buy Mobile. What did we walk out with? A Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch(stupid name btw). It's what she wanted and it goes well with her Acer A100 Tablet I got her this time last year.

At work, however, I rewrote our mobile device policy to exclude consumption devices from being allowed on the internal network after our IP got flagged for spam and the firewall logs traced it back to an Android tablet. It wasn't the e-mail server IP but enough of a security risk to necessitate change. I installed a separate wireless router with its own external IP for consumption device use but they are not allowed on our internal network anymore. It has alleviated a bit of traffic congestion at the firewall too which is nice.
If you have an android good for you. If you ave an iphone good for you too. BUT PLEASE STOP RANTING ABOUT IT BECAUSE NO ONE CARES!!
How can one be a fan of a company that has $117 billion cash and tries to sue the competition out of the market? Especially those left-wing Apple fans, I don't get them.
Like most, the fanboys make me hate apple and honestly drove me to being anti-apple. lol. And darnit my car even has iPhone/iPod integration. GRRRR!
Its almost like sports. I'm a 49er fan and am supposed to hate the Raiders, but I don't. I think since they're both from the Bay Area California, I should support them. What I do hate are their fanbase. Most obnoxious ish-talkers in all of NFL. So at the end, I always root for the team to lose, because I don't want to hear their fanboys yap all day.
My generic reply to iFans who point out how many apps and users that iProducts have is to say "I have a Windows Phone, because I like to Think Different and not follow the sheep herd." That use of Apple's old tagline infuriates them so, because it conveys the point of how hypocritical the whole thing has become the last five years.
It wasn't even that legit in the first place, think different was akin to "I like to pay more to be able to do less." It was stupid back then as well.
I actually love when I find apple or android fanboys because I can show them how much better Wp is overall. I don?t bash iphones or android but I show them how they seriously lack in some ?reas that I find importante. Android is so easy to show how it sucks its not even funny. I just mention security, estability and speed, not to mention horrible UI. Apple is a bit harder but I show how Windows phone?s integration and live tiles makes it much better to use than any iphone. I always however, always mention that if you love customizing to your hearts content at the expense of everything else you should get an android, and if you need a billion apps you should get an iphone ;)
Folks don't mean to make it worse. But this was the headlines of the local News paper when AT&T turned on their LTE network in Columbus, OH: "AT&T turns on High speed LTE for IPhone 5" and in the same article stats stated that some 3% of Columbus Market have IPhone 5, compared to 77 % android and 8 % Windows phone.
I actually love when I find apple or android fanboys because I can show them how much better Wp is overall. I don?t bash iphones or android but I show them how they seriously lack in some ?reas that I find importante. Android is so easy to show how it sucks its not even funny. I just mention security, estability and speed, not to mention horrible UI. Apple is a bit harder but I show how Windows phone?s integration and live tiles makes it much better to use than any iphone. I always however, always mention that if you love customizing to your hearts content at the expense of everything else you should get an android, and if you need a billion apps you should get an iphone ;)

Better? What do you mean better? Where is the front and back button and a row of a half dozen other tiny buttons across the top of the screen?!? Selecting the page from "recent items" is wrong! I need to hit back seventeen times, that's the best way to do it! And where's the notification window shade? Sure, it's filled with carrier spam and irrelevant notifications from the apps you haven't used for six months, but hey... :D
lol , classic.

I cant stand talking about different OS with my friends any more .. all my friends our on different platform.

RIM , apple WP(me) Android .. and every time we go out for beers, we end up arguing about phones... lol

its seriously annoying. it use to be fun but now i'm at the point where i just dont participate in the *WAR* any more , I just sit there and nod.

its down to a point where its 100% personal preference or ignorance. so its not even fun any more.

exactly. a bunch of my phones are apple fanboys, and it kills me.


"I've had that for a while."


"All phones have apps..."


"Mine has a bigger one."

See what I mean? I think we should all team up to kill Apple. Who's with me??
How can one be a fan of a company that has $117 billion cash and tries to sue the competition out of the market? Especially those left-wing Apple fans, I don't get them.

So true. I got a real kick out of going to Occupy events in SF and asking the participants why they had corporate iPhones and MacBooks made in poor labor conditions rather than a union-built US PC and a BlackBerry made in Texas.

The typical reply was almost always "well but Apple is a progressive company in other ways." ROFL
The thing that gets me is that the Fanboys make it impossible to have a conversation about tech online anywhere but on a Windows Forum. I had an iPhone from the Original through to the 4s; when Apple announced yet another complete rethink that looked exactly the same as the last I started to look around and settled on a Lumia. Now there are things I miss, the build quality of the iPhone, particularly the 4/4s was beautiful, but I am a geek, I love my tech and I was bored of the OS. I have a flatmate who is still using an old Nokia "dumb phone" and if she were to ask I would happily recommend an iphone to her as an upgrade, because I can see the merit of the device, it's just not for me. That the thing that gets me with the cult of Apple; they don't think like that. It like you say they are driving those interested in tech away from the brand. Now Apple may not see this as a problem now; their consumer base is so strong they feel that loosing the hard core tech crowd is no big deal, but already there is dissention in main stream tech media such as Cnet and Engadget; and there are signs its spreading to the pedestrian media too with articles carrying anti apple sentiment appearing in the Independent. Apples strength is built on its image in the media, and that is founded on the idea they can do no wrong; but the ******'s who are pushing the tech media away are unknowingly destroying the brand they love so much.
The App question of course..."We have a million apps", great. So how many electronic fart machines do you actually need? ITunes bases ratings on as few as five reviews by users, and although I will concede my WP8 store is under stocked, the few apps I have are of use. In fact annoyingly the only time I have had any gripe with apps is in cases where Microsoft has ceded control to developers who have a vested interest in seeing the device fail (ref. the horrific contributions of Google (Via YouTube) and Facebook).
As someone that loves technology, I think fanboyism is so funny. Linux fanboys are the worst IMHO when they're like "microsoft is an evil corporation that wants you to pay them for software" and they act like its a crime for someone to make money selling software lol...

But in any case, I don't get into stupid ****** arguments, I will gladly debate something with somebody, but when they start making things up like "apple is the best because it is...", arguments I stop. Really, there are benefits to every platform and certain platforms are better for certain needs. A lot of people don't understand that. They all have there benefits, for example: Apple iphone is good for its ease of use and apps library, Android is good for its versatility and cutting edge hardware, MS is good for the MS ecosystem (office, outlook, etc.) and its hardware (nokia) and stability, bb is good for stability and bbm. They all have their benefits, people just want their choice to be the "right one for everbody" when I've come to learn that there isn't one. WP is the right choice for me, but will it work for everybody...probably, can I blame other people for choosing other platforms, no. Certain platforms give you certain advantages.

I love MS and have always been a fan of them, but the reason I'm not a ****** is that I have criticisms of everybody, especially at some of the past choices MS has made. Most people have the problem that they go read a tech blog or journal and think that they are infallible. I really dislike tech blogs in general. Yes, I read stuff like engadget and the verge just to keep up on whats out there, but I take their opinions with a grain of salt because most of them are extremely biased. Windows 8 is a great example of this, I sell computers so I hear this every day.."windows 8 sucks, I've heard its terrible! I want a new computer running windows 7!!!!" Then I go ask them, "have you tried it?". 90% of the time they will say no. I respect someone if they try something and don't like it, but most people haven't and they just parrot what they hear without making their own thought out opinion.

thats just my 2 cents though...feel free to comment...
I don't get it. I have no hate for Apple products. I think they were great, I have never owned an Apple product tho, but I have use iPhones and iPads of family and friends and the experience was great.

But I love my Windows Phone. And that is a problem I guess. My friend is truly an "Apple ******", and his approach to anything that isn't Apple is crap and nothing can stand with Apple.

He's a tech guy, knows a ton about phones and electronics. But his narrow view and opinions about my Windows Phone and other non-Apple products is just plain insulting.

I can't talk to him about anything without him saying that "compared to Apple its garbage".

The biggest problem with Apple Fanboys who support the things they love is that they are so opinionated and closed minded that they end up making ppl who aren't on their side HATE APPLE products!!!!

I am seriously on the verge of hating Apple products, I used to be a non-biased person but I am afraid that I am starting to really dislike anything Apple purely because of my friends comments.

I think the thing that hurts Apple the most are their arrogant followers who can't think outside the box for one second.

I turned to Windows Phone cause my cousin is one of the head guys working on Windows Phone. So to me, its a family proudness thing, but do I hate on other products cause of this? no i don't. should i? I don't think so.

I don't want to be associated with a company that has followers who are jerks, sorry Apple, but the fate of your company lies in the jerks that love your products.

And I don't like jerks, so now, I truly can say, I am closing the door on ever personally owning an Apple product.

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to vent.

I used to...um...suffer from fanboyasim for Android, it was terrible...whenever I argued with anyone about Android (it was even worse, HTC Android fanboyasim) I'd take a knok to my confidence and personality...I know I was a complete disaster, as a result I'd get into arguments...it was really stupid...and a very uncomfortable state of mind to be in as I always convinced myself that Android or HTC was best and when my os of choice failed miserably my confidence and self esteem to a hard knok....I would view complimenting any other os a treason...its stupid I know, but then I realized that people ain't only like this with phones, it could include car brands such as BMW or Nissan...many things , especially sport....I have no idea why I did that to myself.

Addictions come in different forms.
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Every fan base of something is guilty of it. And I also don't know how you can allow another person to make you hate something.
I used to...um...suffer from fanboyasim for Android, it was terrible...whenever I argued with anyone about Android (it was even worse, HTC Android fanboyasim) I'd take a knok to my confidence and personality...I know I was a complete disaster, as a result I'd get into arguments...it was really stupid...and a very uncomfortable state of mind to be in as I always convinced myself that Android or HTC was best and when my os of choice failed miserably my confidence and self esteem to a hard knok....I would view complimenting any other os a treason...its stupid I know, but then I realized that people ain't only like this with phones, it could include car brands such as BMW or Nissan...many things , especially sport....I have no idea why I did that to myself.

Addictions come in different forms.


You're right this problem has existed for ages. I remember arguing with people on which is better OS/2 or Windows, many back then thought IBM was the evil empire. Bottom line IMO this type of reaction has very little to do with technology and more to do with what's in fashion & belonging to a group. Right now it's in fashion to hate on MS and Apple is seen as cool. It's the same reason why in the early 70's avocado green appliances were popular it was the fashion, enough people tell you it looks good and you follow the crowd. The iPhone is a good experience but the hype for it and Apple in general is over the top. It's like when disco was hot everyone loved it, then when it fell out of favour people wouldn't admit they ever listened to it.
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