Interested in a UK Windows Phone meetup?

Daniel Ratcliffe

New member
Dec 5, 2011
Hey guys, I'm looking to try and get the ball rolling with some UK meetups. As this is in the UK, we'll be hovering between Scotland, Wales, and England. The first one, I am planning to host not too far away from my home, in a lovely city called York. It is planned to be held in April of this year. If you are interested, please could you join the group at - it'll be great to have you on board. I have invited my cousin and his best friend already, both of whom have Nokia Windows Phones. Let's try and get the ball rolling. I'm going to give it 3 days (so until Saturday) to gauge interest, and then on Sunday I will be slamming down the gauntlet and setting up a date for the meet, and where. Unfortunately this time round there is no competition with anything up for grabs, but I am looking to get that changed for future meet ups.

(I saw GroupSpaces but as I'm appealing to the UK as a whole, I felt the 50 member limit on the free account could be too harsh)
I'd go if I live in the UK, my phone came from the UK though so I'll be there in spirit!!!

Well I am hoping that I can drum up interest. As I'm in York today I will be scouting for locations. Then will take names, etc. Then come home and rest (no Playstation announcement watching for me) so busy day. I'm gonna sort out a date soon for it but I just need the interest.
I might be down for this, but April will be a busy month for me. That and I haven't been up north for a good number of years :grincry: (used to reside in Lincolnshire).
Sweet Rich. I've actually just been in York today doing some scouting for attractions. Gonna do the same again on Friday to get more places. It's all slotting into a OneNote document, as I have a lot of ideas planned. Next meet is planned for June over in either Scarborough, Whitby, or Bridlington. This will be planned out after the April meet though as I'm getting ahead of myself.
I've got a few 'scraggy notes' from my scouting trip today. More to be done on Friday, as I don't think I'm anywhere near finished yet.
This seems interesting. I was wondering if there would ever be a UK meetup after seeing that St Loius thread.
Ok guys, interest seems limited but have decided to be realistic so we push on anyways. I can officially confirm that planning permitting, the meet will be going ahead. As an FYI, this meet up is designed to be more of a full day. I want to cram in a good chunk of stuff into the meet up. Remember, it is being hosted in York.

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