LinkedIn, do you use it?

Al Sacco

New member
Apr 29, 2008
So exactly one year ago today, Microsoft closed its acquisition of LinkedIn, the world's largest business-focused social network. Microsoft paid more than $26 billion. As of last spring, LinkedIn had half a billion users and 10 million job listing, according to

I've been on LinkedIn for years, probably almost a decade. Honestly, I used to use it a lot more, but nowadays, I pretty much just keep it open for new job opportunities. (You never know, right?) But I also get a ton of random connection requests from people I don't know ... and I'm not sure I really get much value from it.

How about you? Do you use LinkedIn? Why or why not? And do you find yourself using it more or less since Microsoft bought the social network?
Nope, never loaded or tried to use it. Would have a hard time explaining to some one what it is and why it exists. I must have missed MS showcasing this app or slept through the sales pitch. :(.
I have a lost profile there somewhere. Used it a few times to locate info on people.
I had an account long before MS bought it. I think it was a waste of money for MS, would have been better spent on WinMobile or making Cortana stronger. I have seen no real change since purchase. At times, it gets a Facebook feel, due to personal posts. I have used it, along with FB to find app developers for private conversations. Keep my resume and work history on site, interesting to see who looks at it. Might help you, does not hurt, if you stay professional.
I have a profile, but I almost never use LinkedIn. It's the social media everyone signs up for but rarely uses. I haven't found it useful at all. It's mainly random requests from people I don't know.
I didn't use it a lot before or after MS acquired it.
I don't use Facebook a lot either, lacking digital social presence I think.
When I desperately needed to change jobs I tried to use it. It provided 0% usefulness. Now that I have a good job I get regular queries from recruiters. Most of them are in places like Detroit, northeast New Jersey or California, places I can see no good reason to move to.

I really can't fathom the need to give birthday greetings on a "business" website.
Barely used it before, haven't upped my involvement since. The service just doesn't offer anything that I feel I need.
I don't as much as I used to. Not really sure why. It might be a personal zeitgeist thing, that I don't need it as much as this point in time. LinkedIn has recently added more social media attributes, educational tools and a news timeline. It may be a thing, but not for me. Also many profiles I am looking for are not readily searchable or you need a premium subscription. That subscription is too expensive for occasional use, and it raises concerning questions for me, like who is controlling who's data?
As a recruiter I've also used it for years and years. it's a shadow of its former self and i don't use it like I used to. No way I'm paying them for something that used to be free. the features keep disappearing.
So exactly one year ago today, Microsoft closed its acquisition of LinkedIn, the world's largest business-focused social network. Microsoft paid more than $26 billion. As of last spring, LinkedIn had half a billion users and 10 million job listing, according to

I've been on LinkedIn for years, probably almost a decade. Honestly, I used to use it a lot more, but nowadays, I pretty much just keep it open for new job opportunities. (You never know, right?) But I also get a ton of random connection requests from people I don't know ... and I'm not sure I really get much value from it.

How about you? Do you use LinkedIn? Why or why not? And do you find yourself using it more or less since Microsoft bought the social network?

Yes, all windows users have got to use is a web wrapper and nothing for mobile. If they coded a UWP app it would be easy to target mobile with minimal code.

Speaks volumes that there is no UWP app, how is anyone supposed to make a concrete case for developers to consider the 'Microsoft' store when Microsoft themselves doesn't bother.

Heck there is no Mixer UWP in the road map either.
Zeitgeist. Nice. My "new word" of the day. Now I can make other people as confused as I was when I read it in your post. :)
Yes, all windows users have got to use is a web wrapper and nothing for mobile. If they coded a UWP app it would be easy to target mobile with minimal code.

Speaks volumes that there is no UWP app, how is anyone supposed to make a concrete case for developers to consider the 'Microsoft' store when Microsoft themselves doesn't bother.

Heck there is no Mixer UWP in the road map either.
Not entirely accurate. It's available to sideload and it works fine. I rarely use it, or any social media, but it's good to have to see industry trends.

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