HUGE bias against wp7 over @


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Dec 3, 2011
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7.5 for the Titan: HTC Titan Review
8 for Focus S: Samsung Focus S Review

Despite the GS2 being almost exactly the same in terms of build quality as the Focus S, the author hits the S w/a con and leaves the GS2 unscathed. Even the Android fanboys point this out in the comments.

He openly advertises for Android in the conclusion for the Titan!!!

As someone who used that site extensively for facts and comparisons, I find that blatant favoritism appalling!


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Mar 1, 2011
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It's not just phonearena. Nearly every site that praised the GSII for its build quality suddenly went silent on the Focus S. It's the exact same chassis. You can't like one without liking the other!

But to the Focus S reviewer the benefit of the doubt, did he also review the GSII?


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The review seems to be pretty darn positive. What I'm more alarmed about is how the camera comparison between the Focus S and the Titan jumps from review to review.


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Jan 13, 2011
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I thought the review was mostly fine, bit odd in the conclusion though:

Unlike its Android counterpart, the Samsung Focus S lacks the prestige and notoriety of its close sibling

In terms of 'prestige' I'm not sure what they mean, the chassis and screen are effectively the same so it comes down the OS and generally i wouldn't think of any OS as particularly 'prestigious', much less the most common smartphone OS around.

As for 'notoriety' I don't think that's something i want in a smartphone.


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Sep 7, 2011
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I thought the review was mostly fine, bit odd in the conclusion though:

Unlike its Android counterpart, the Samsung Focus S lacks the prestige and notoriety of its close sibling

In terms of 'prestige' I'm not sure what they mean, the chassis and screen are effectively the same so it comes down the OS and generally i wouldn't think of any OS as particularly 'prestigious', much less the most common smartphone OS around.

As for 'notoriety' I don't think that's something i want in a smartphone.

Hahaha! I'll take the notoriety part as a compliment. People really need to look up words when they aren't sure of their meanings.


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Nov 5, 2011
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I thought the review was mostly fine, bit odd in the conclusion though:

Unlike its Android counterpart, the Samsung Focus S lacks the prestige and notoriety of its close sibling

In terms of 'prestige' I'm not sure what they mean, the chassis and screen are effectively the same so it comes down the OS and generally i wouldn't think of any OS as particularly 'prestigious', much less the most common smartphone OS around.

As for 'notoriety' I don't think that's something i want in a smartphone.

I think what the reviewer is saying is many people were falling all over themselves back in September/October over the the Samsung Galaxy S II while the hype over the Samsung Focus S hasn't been nearly as great, despite having very similar specs. I don't interpret the reviewer's comment as being negative towards the Samsung Focus S.


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Jul 28, 2011
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Quite a few wpcentral members have posted comments that they were less than thrilled with the build quality of the Focus S, and the GS2 does seem more sturdy. 8 is a good score.


Oct 10, 2011
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I think what the reviewer is saying is many people were falling all over themselves back in September/October over the the Samsung Galaxy S II while the hype over the Samsung Focus S hasn't been nearly as great, despite having very similar specs. I don't interpret the reviewer's comment as being negative towards the Samsung Focus S.

The specs aren't even close to similar. Part of the reason people fawned over the s2 was because of the exynos soc in it, which the focus s lacks - for example.

It was almost controversial when the tmobile version was announced with a Qualcomm in it.

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A 7.5 and 8 are fine with me. Haven't read the review, but those numbers work for me.

In comparison to the scores given to other phones, I think it shows a lot of bias.. .and again, the fact that he openly advertises for Android in the conclusion of the Titan is pretty obvious...


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Oct 7, 2011
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Well there is no "Presteige" on Android as far as Im concerned. It looks and feels cheap and is aimed at the masses, who generally prefer cheap. Androids issues are its insecurity, malware on their marketplace, privacy (carrierIQ being the most recent issue), inefficient and cpu hungry, poor battery life. No clear and consistant OS upgrade path for any device, lack of a cohesive GUI vision across OS and apps. All of these things and more make Android un-buyable at the current time, in my view. WP and Iphone are the only two viable smartphone options currently probably with Iphone being the most prestigious device and WP just behind.

Marketshare isnt relevent as long as WP has market traction, it should be aiming to take Blackberry's third place at the moment. Just because a product has a large marketshare, it is no indicator of quality. The masses can drive Fords and watch Avatar if they wish but we all know Fords sell as they are cheap and give an ok driving experience, and Avatar is another generic, cloned, corporate hollywood movie with some pretty whistles and bells. I prefer my Alfa and The Shawshank Redemption thanks, and ofcours, Windows Phone.

That site is clearly "all in" with Android, and is to be avoided for objective articles. I find Gizmodo similar, although less so. Engadget is the main tech site I frequent and they seem to be pretty balanced most of the time. Of course you get the playground, my way or highway mentality in the comments just like anywhere on the web, but their articles seem fine towards WP. Cnet might be worth a look too. There editor now uses WP so we'll see how things develop over there.




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Dec 6, 2010
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So, a website is full of crap if they don't fawn over WP7, but it's a good non bias site if they do. If you can't see the flaw in that logic, something's wrong.

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Dark Mirage

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Jan 7, 2011
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An 8 is pretty damn good considering most phones don't ever get that elusive 9. I don't even think PA has even given away a 10 yet?

Anyways, you're getting worked up up over nothing Phrozty. An 8 is a great score still. And did you honestly expect it to get the acclaim that an extremely high end Android phone was going to get?

The Galaxy S2 and Focus S are not twins like you claim. The S2 is many, many times more powerful than the Focus S. It's using a vastly superior chipset (one that isn't even the same), and it has access to a far larger quantity of apps and games. Were talking by the tens of thousands here. Let's not forget that it seems to have slightly less battery life than the original Focus as well. I think your expectations were way too high :/. I'd hardly call an 8/10 anti-WP7 bias.

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