Lumia 920 Review - clear bias


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Jun 14, 2011
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I find it pretty hilarious that its agreed the verge etc is biased in favour of Apple products and yet most of you can't see how biased you are in favour of Nokia/920.

Why is it acceptable on these forum's to be able to write some sh*t about the 8x or Samsung ativ s and yet when something factual Is written about the 920 or a review that doesn't find it the most amazing phone ever then its ok to just ignore the facts and put your nokia fan googles on and act like any other biased ******?

The fact is it doesn't have the best picture quality in daylight photo's and this might or might not be fixed by software.

The weight doesn't bother me what bothers me is how ridiculous it is to try and get hold of one of these smartphones in the uk along with the fact that I personally don't think the extra's like Wireless charging and OIS is worth the extra time and money.

Gimmick comes to mind.


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Dec 14, 2011
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Ok tell something.

Is it or is it not a Fact that the Lumia 920 is heavier than it's direct competition.

As objective observation yes.

Are the day photos not blurry?

Hard to say, aren't the review sites getting mixed results?

I don't need to hold a 920 in my hands for 8 week to know that, when everyone that hold the phone says is heavy, and the pictures I can look with my same eyes.

When people say it's heavy it's tough to tell how much subjectivity they're placing on that description. Are they saying that because they've emphasized the numerical value or percentage? One review site I read stated it's "30% heavier than an SG3," that can sound like a lot. Or are they saying that because of the time they spent with the device, e.g. more than a day?

Or how it subjectively feels in their hand? I mean devices can be designed to minimize the weight when held in a certain way, i.e. the Surface RT is objectively heavier than the iPad but arguably designed to feel lighter. How do you know the 920 doesn't achieve something similar until you hold it in your hand?

As socialcarpet was alluding to, you'd sound less like a joke if you said that you've held/had devices that weigh similar or exactly to the 920 and in the same kind of weight distribution rather than relying on the subjective opinion of another.

As for the photos, I'd argue more or less the same. You don't know if Nokia screwed up and gave crap review units. Not to mention there's no reference to what settings were used and also the subjective differences between people's eyes. Do you know if a reviewer has perfect or failing vision? Similarly do you know what details in a photo they're attuned to?

You can't really rely on them unless you know that your experiences with past devices and things these reviewers have spoken about align up with yours. But even then it's not 100%.

So really the best you can do is to do a compare and contrast against them once you yourself have had time with the device, instead of putting sole faith or treating their words as "fact".


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Apr 15, 2012
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What is funny about all these reviews is that not a single one of them has made any mention about the out of this world(smartphone world) sound recording capabilities of the Lumia 920. It essentially has the same rich recording system and mics as the 808. 808 could go up to 140db with no distortion and I bet the 920 can do the same with the same mics.

Just listen and compare the 8x and 920.

Lumia 920:




Lumia 920 kills 8x in both audio and visual.


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Jun 25, 2012
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Disclosure: I have a vested interest in seeing Nokia succeed from their current state. You may see my comments as bias, but aren't we all?

I am also one of the earlier guys who looked at The Verge's review and was quick to point out how Apple-biased they are. However, as more reviews began to come out, it became clear this phone wasn't going to be a "clear" winner with reviewers over the iPhone 5 and Samsung's stuff. I was hoping it would be on the same level as these other phones.

Granted, a solid chunk of it's downside is attributed to WP's lack of apps. That's not really a major downside in my book (and many others I'm sure) as I don't use very many apps. I use my phone mainly for calling, texting, and browsing the web. The only apps I use with regularity is Facebook, Pandora, and Skype.

I think the wireless charging will be cool. I also am looking forward to finally having a larger, (iPhone user here since 2007) top of the line screen. I'm sure the 920 will clearly sell better than the 900. The top of the line hardware and holiday purchases will ensure that in my opinion. I'm also looking forward to trying out a fresh, new operating system; I'm kind of getting bored of iOS. Camera features will be nice, even though I don't use the camera too often (I will never own a dedicated camera though, so my phone camera is my camera).

Long Nokia. I think now is a perfectly fine entry point to buy and hold for the mid-term. Us American's have SUCH a negative view on Nokia, thus all of the stock shorting going on in NY. We think that just because they've been irrelevant here for so long, they must be doomed for bankruptcy. We don't really stop to think about the rest of the world.
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Dec 6, 2010
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Welp, since the fire is already hot, might as well throw some more coals on it. Here's BGR review of the 920. Another "bias" site calling it heavy.
Nokia Lumia 920 review: Windows Phone 8′s white knight falls short | BGR
"Once you get past the fact that the Lumia 920 weighs about as much as a small tractor-trailer and is nearly as thick as a tree trunk, this phone is as solid as they come."

They might be exaggerating a tad eh.

And for sure, they love them some Apple products on BGR, that's for sure. Not sure that means they can't give an honest review. *shrugs*
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Apr 20, 2011
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Welp, since the fire is already hot, might as well throw some more coals on it. Here's BGR review of the 920. Another "bias" site calling it heavy.
Nokia Lumia 920 review: Windows Phone 8??s white knight falls short | BGR
"Once you get past the fact that the Lumia 920 weighs about as much as a small tractor-trailer and is nearly as thick as a tree trunk, this phone is as solid as they come."

They might be exaggerating a tad eh.

And for sure, they love them some Apple products on BGR, that's for sure. Not sure that means they can't give an honest review. *shrugs*

That's very well written, I enjoyed his 8X review as well.thanks for sharing that.


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Feb 21, 2012
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What I'm finding funny reading through this thread are those few posters who claim to be more level-headed, unbiased, and not Nokia fanboys unlike the rest of us.

They don't realize that they clearly have another bias since all they do on this forum is crap on Nokia, the 920, and Windows Phone in general every opportunity they get. Then they mask their trolling with "oh I just want Windows Phone to succeed".


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Dec 6, 2010
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He seemed level headed and made some good points. He really like the camera. The only thing he was really down on was the app selection and the weight.

I think his point about "top 50" apps hit home.
That's very well written, I enjoyed his 8X review as well.thanks for sharing that.


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Apr 15, 2012
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Welp, since the fire is already hot, might as well throw some more coals on it. Here's BGR review of the 920. Another "bias" site calling it heavy.
Nokia Lumia 920 review: Windows Phone 8′s white knight falls short | BGR
"Once you get past the fact that the Lumia 920 weighs about as much as a small tractor-trailer and is nearly as thick as a tree trunk, this phone is as solid as they come."

They might be exaggerating a tad eh.

And for sure, they love them some Apple products on BGR, that's for sure. Not sure that means they can't give an honest review. *shrugs*

They also claim that:
-camera strip is aluminium (no mention of ceramic zirconium)
-it has only BT 2.1
-Nokia music streams "music stations" for free (no further explanation, sounds like a regular radio app)
-That you can't use a microusb wire to charge it only wireless charging so they mark wireless charging as a minus (ridiculous)

Also they pretty much imply that the last time Nokia made a great camera was in 2007 with N82 while in real life there really hasn't been a period in phones when Nokia didn't have the best camera in the industry. No mention of the N8 or 808, actually they imply iphone5 has the best camera today. (to save their faces they added the next sentance)

"Nokia was once the undisputed leader when it came to smartphone cameras. There wasn’t even really any competition. I remember the first time I examined pictures taken by the xenon flash-equipped Nokia N82 and thinking to myself, there’s no way camera phones will ever get better than this.

Of course, that clearly ended up being a Charles Duell moment for me because cameras on smartphones have gotten exponentially better since 2007 when the N82 launched. Now, in 2012, the camera on Apple’s iPhone 5 is often the standard by which other smartphones are measured. While Apple’s camera may or may not be the best in the business, Nokia’s new Lumia phone definitely gives it a run for its money."

Is there really competition for 808 today?

Bias all the way. Am I biased? Maybe.

edit. I don't see the point of mentioning the weight and size on 5(?) different occasions. Also I don't understand the title since they gave it a good review besides the size and apps. Actually the apps was the only legitimate downside they argued.

edit2. Eliminate those factual errors, the paragraphs about size and the title and it sounds like they they thought it's a great phone. They are just doing a good job hiding that.
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Aug 5, 2011
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Nokia has already announced that there's a defect in the 920 that prevents quality daytime photos, and has promised a firmware fix at some point in the future. That seems pretty consistent with most of the reviews of the camera's performance.


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Dec 6, 2010
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- What's ceramic on the phone? I didn't think he was being negative about the CZ strip
- He failed, Nokia spec page clearly stated BT 3.0
- No too bad I guess.
- Double fail. No one would buy anything without this
I don't know which camera is the best. But I'm sure he's comparing it to phone people use. 90% of the population [just guessing] will never see or don't even know what a 808 is.

Every time a new phone comes out, the camera is tested against the latest iPhone. I'm not sure it's the new standard, but I've yet to see a review where it's not compared to the iPhone.

I think they mentioned the size so much because they feel it's pretty important. But I'm just guessing.

They also claim that:
-camera strip is aluminium (no mention of ceramic)
-it has only BT 2.1
-Nokia music plays "stations" for free (no further explanation)
-That you can't use a microusb wire to charge it only wireless charging so they mark wireless charging as a minus (ridiculous)

Also they pretty much imply that the last time Nokia made a great camera was in 2007 with N82 while in real life there really hasn't been a period in phones when Nokia didn't have the best camera in the industry. No mention of the N8 or 808, actually they claim iphone5 has the best camera today. (to save their faces they added the next sentance)

"Nokia was once the undisputed leader when it came to smartphone cameras. There wasn’t even really any competition. I remember the first time I examined pictures taken by the xenon flash-equipped Nokia N82 and thinking to myself, there’s no way camera phones will ever get better than this.

Of course, that clearly ended up being a Charles Duell moment for me because cameras on smartphones have gotten exponentially better since 2007 when the N82 launched. Now, in 2012, the camera on Apple’s iPhone 5 is often the standard by which other smartphones are measured. While Apple’s camera may or may not be the best in the business, Nokia’s new Lumia phone definitely gives it a run for its money."

Is there really competition for 808 today?

Bias all the way. Am I biased? Maybe.

edit. I don't see the point of mentioning the weight and size on 5(?) different occasions. Also I don't understand the title since they gave it a good review besides the size and apps. Actually the apps was the only legitimate downside they argued.
The app selection is not as good as other OS. But I don't see how you can keep knocking a phone or a OEM for that.


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Nov 25, 2011
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Nokia's reputation in many other parts of the world is still intact. There would be less opposition in trying one of Nokia's new phones in many other countries.

By that logic, the first wave of lumia devices would have sold in significantly higher than they actually did.


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Apr 15, 2012
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- What's ceramic on the phone? I didn't think he was being negative about the CZ strip

Not negative but it was yet another factual error:

"Another hi-tech material, and one that is making its first ever appearance within the range on the Nokia Lumia 920 is the ceramic zirconium camera detailing and side keys. This material is both scratch and wear resistance, which further drives Nokia focus on durability and strength.

This ceramic replaces the aluminium camera detailing and side keys in the Nokia Lumia 900. "

In the BGR review they say:

"The back of the phone carries only an aluminum plate bearing Carl Zeiss Tessar branding, the rear-facing camera and a dual-LED flash. And the camera, as it turns out, is a perfect lead into the next section of this review."

It's important since lots of people were complaining about that aluminium scratching.


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Dec 6, 2010
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I didn't even know they were using ceramic zirconium. That's some fancy stuff right there.

My CZ slit is scratched to high heavens. But I just noticed it when I looked after reading ur comment.
Not negative but it was yet another factual error:

"Another hi-tech material, and one that is making its first ever appearance within the range on the Nokia Lumia 920 is the ceramic zirconium camera detailing and side keys. This material is both scratch and wear resistance, which further drives Nokia focus on durability and strength.

This ceramic replaces the aluminium camera detailing and side keys in the Nokia Lumia 900. "

In the BGR review they say:

"The back of the phone carries only an aluminum plate bearing Carl Zeiss Tessar branding, the rear-facing camera and a dual-LED flash. And the camera, as it turns out, is a perfect lead into the next section of this review."

It's important since lots of people were complaining about that aluminium scratching.


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Apr 20, 2011
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Wow that Gizmodo review is more brutal than the Pocketlint one.

Here are some quotes if you don't want to give the site a hit.

It's just too heavy. Inexcusably heavy. Way, way too heavy to recommend to anyone.

the HTC Titan was big, and it was pretty great. The 920 is bloated, cumbersome. Anyone's first response will be "Ugh, God, this thing is heavy."

It's a visceral, instant repulsion, and it doesn't get any less heavy, as if through some polycarbonate osmosis. It's just as galling every time you take it out of your pocket—stretched within a micron of its life—and that isn't the kind of feeling you want to have with an object you're going to be using all day every day.

the 920 is a design failure all by itself. Everything good about it is nullified by its obesity.

The overall liked the device actually, but yeah the say is just 90grams lighter than the ipad Mini.

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