Defending our Lovely platform


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Dec 9, 2011
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NFC is important since it will enable many things in near future. No doubt. And if you are paying so much, then it is must.

About bluetooth, it seriously matters in India. I had a separate posts for that earlier. No bluetooth was a deal breaker for many of my friends and they went to Xperia Arc instead of Lumia 710
ok, now, everyone keeps telling me how important these things are. now, can anyone give me an example of a practical, everyday use for NFC? the only thing i even tried using NFC on for my nexus was using my google prepaid card to buy chips at a convenience store... and it didn't even work. now, i know it has for others, but, there's only 1 place within like 20 miles that have the paypass credit card swipe that's compatible with NFC devices.

as far as bluetooth, what is different in india that bluetooth is required? it's great to connect it to devices, and, people who walk around with those things in their ears look ridiculous. but as far as file transfers go, i cannot see a no bluetooth file transfer being a deal breaker.


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Dec 16, 2010
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I prefer to defend the needs of the end user ;)

Is that so? If it's not meant to replace the app, Microsoft sure is making a big deal out of something that is not meant to replace an app.
Quick and easy access to whose news, exactly? Your friend updates that you'll never see because of their privacy settings?
And they are doing a $hitty job of supporting the external apps. So, bottom line, you have a half-a$$ People Hub and a half-a$$ Facebook/Twitter. Not inspiring.


well they are not making a big deal out of it! it does work great for quick in and out , its not ment to spend hours on.

if your friends block the updates thats not MS's fault , i see msot of all the updates from my Facebook.

its not MS's Job to support external apps , they allow it , but if the FACEBOOK people dont make a official facebook app , thats facebooks problem , not MS.

i love how people blame MS for everything,....
you clearly miss understand the whole purpose of MS Metro UI IN and OUT design.

MS give you 2 option ( in and out , or the app ) other platforms only give you an app.... go back to that if you like.


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Dec 15, 2011
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ok, now, everyone keeps telling me how important these things are. now, can anyone give me an example of a practical, everyday use for NFC? the only thing i even tried using NFC on for my nexus was using my google prepaid card to buy chips at a convenience store... and it didn't even work. now, i know it has for others, but, there's only 1 place within like 20 miles that have the paypass credit card swipe that's compatible with NFC devices.

as far as bluetooth, what is different in india that bluetooth is required? it's great to connect it to devices, and, people who walk around with those things in their ears look ridiculous. but as far as file transfers go, i cannot see a no bluetooth file transfer being a deal breaker.
Its a deal breaker here my dear. Let us take our day to day scenario. I am in my college. Our lecturer have given an assignment. Someone writes it with hard pain. Now if one guy had taken a snap of it, how would I share it? The Internet connections are started to come under budget here, so sharing it online is now possible. But still here many people prefer to share it on bt. (please dont scold me for being plagiarizers) Let me tell you, we dont have 4G here yet. We have to wait atleast for an year for it.


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Jul 18, 2011
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Does everything have to be some stupid ****** war these days? I swear...

They are all good platforms. If someone likes one more, that doesn't make them wrong, just prefer something different. No platform is perfect. Enjoy your choice, show others why you like it. Don't attack them or their opinions and choices if they disagree with yours.

Seems simple to me, but I regularly visit forums for all three platforms and you would think it was the Capulets and the Montagues all over again.


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Dec 4, 2010
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well they are not making a big deal out of it! it does work great for quick in and out , its not ment to spend hours on.

if your friends block the updates thats not MS's fault , i see msot of all the updates from my Facebook.

its not MS's Job to support external apps , they allow it , but if the FACEBOOK people dont make a official facebook app , thats facebooks problem , not MS.

i love how people blame MS for everything,....
you clearly miss understand the whole purpose of MS Metro UI IN and OUT design.

MS give you 2 option ( in and out , or the app ) other platforms only give you an app.... go back to that if you like.
But it doesn't work great for "in and out" if you don't get the information you want, don't you think? You say you see "most" of your friends' updates. Is that a good thing? Also, are you actually saying Microsoft is not making a big deal out of the People Hub? Come on, man.

I'm not arguing that everything is MS's fault, but the People Hub is MS's creation and it is to MS's best interest that people have a great experience using it. If an end user is going to have a lackluster experience, they will jump ship. I'm sure MS wants to hold on to as many users of their platform as possible.

BTW, according to the most recent WPCentral podcast, Microsoft directly hired a developer (think the name was Creative Consulting or something like that) to create/update the "official" Facebook app. So the status of the Facebook app is a reflection of Microsoft's decision. If it was some other developer then sure, I can agree with you that it's not up to MS to support external apps, but this Facebook app technically has MS's "blessing." Even Joe Belfiore tweeted about the Facebook update that was coming last fall.

As far as MS's two options (in and out plus the app), when it comes to Facebook, they are giving us two incomplete options that don't even add well together.

I clearly understand MS Metro UI IN and OUT design. I just want it to be better ;)


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Dec 16, 2010
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But it doesn't work great for "in and out" if you don't get the information you want, don't you think? You say you see "most" of your friends' updates. Is that a good thing? Also, are you actually saying Microsoft is not making a big deal out of the People Hub? Come on, man.

I'm not arguing that everything is MS's fault, but the People Hub is MS's creation and it is to MS's best interest that people have a great experience using it. If an end user is going to have a lackluster experience, they will jump ship. I'm sure MS wants to hold on to as many users of their platform as possible.

BTW, according to the most recent WPCentral podcast, Microsoft directly hired a developer (think the name was Creative Consulting or something like that) to create/update the "official" Facebook app. So the status of the Facebook app is a reflection of Microsoft's decision. If it was some other developer then sure, I can agree with you that it's not up to MS to support external apps, but this Facebook app technically has MS's "blessing." Even Joe Belfiore tweeted about the Facebook update that was coming last fall.

As far as MS's two options (in and out plus the app), when it comes to Facebook, they are giving us two incomplete options that don't even add well together.

I clearly understand MS Metro UI IN and OUT design. I just want it to be better ;)


well i get all the info i want, but honestly im not a Facebook Hoe lol , so it serves me right.

i understand that the people HUB is Ms's creation , but they still have limitation that they cant overcome due to copy-rights and w/e ..

will probably get more features as the updates come around!! (better in and out)

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Jan 18, 2011
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I agree that improved features will be coming as Microsoft continues to update WPx.x in the future. We all look forward to that. But isn't this particular discussion more about the current state of Mango? "Wait 'til the next version!" isn't a persuasive argument.

"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak."
- Jayne Cobb

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Dec 16, 2010
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so why complain about what we dont have in the first place..... not gona change anything.
current state of mango is what it is... sure IT could have more but it doesn't...

"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak."
- Jayne Cobb

If WP had this , IF WP had that ......thats a BIG *IF*

thats the only reason i use future updates as a Argument, cause its the only thing that matters.... the future not the past. if you dont like the current state of the phone then wait its all you can do.

besides these are just Opinions , any one who takes any of this *at heart* is simply getting frustrated over nothing. ( unless your name is ballmer )


Oct 10, 2011
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The problem is that those ifs cause people to chose other platforms. Windows phone sales have been terrible even with the Nokia phones being released. They should be implementing these features nut I personally think they care more about the tablet market and windows phone exists simply because it's necessary to exist.

I can see myself buying a windows tab. I can't see myself Buying another windows phone. This one has proven to be a terrible investment thus far.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express


Oct 10, 2011
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Oh and now my phone refuses to let me send pictures in an MMS. Not sure what changed between last week and yesterday but I'm unable to send any now. It also fails to hook up to WiFi without giggling it off and on or a reboot after it goes to sleep off the charger. Too many user experience failing. I'm so pissed I sold my other phone, now...

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express

Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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Well N8ter its fortunate for Windows Phone that most people don't have the problems you are having. Kind of makes you wonder what's the real problem is doesn't it.

Everything I have read tells me that Windows Phone sales are on the rise so where are you reading that Windows Phone sales are terrible?


Oct 10, 2011
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I'll bite. One quick Bing search displaying a manifestation of the issue:

Can't Send MMS on Windows Phone 7 - Microsoft Answers

And the WiFi issue:

WP7.5 chooses Data connection over Wifi - Microsoft Answers

Perhaps my MMS issue is somehow connected to the WiFi issue since the phone obviously doesn't know what it's doing when it comes out of sleep with WiFi on cause it just falls back to the data connection (T-Mobile data here is like 200kbps or less on average, that's their "3G" speeds here).

If the phone had a setting to not sleep the WiFi radio when the phone is off the charger that could avoid the WiFi issue (most times the phone bugs out until I reset it), but settings are anathema to this platform (unfortunately).

Sales rising doesn't make them good. Bada sales are rising, too...

The issue here is not me. These are real problems with the OS that people are experiencing now. There are threads on this very forum about it.

Big Supes

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Sep 1, 2011
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I'll bite. One quick Bing search displaying a manifestation of the issue:

Can't Send MMS on Windows Phone 7 - Microsoft Answers

And the WiFi issue:

WP7.5 chooses Data connection over Wifi - Microsoft Answers

Perhaps my MMS issue is somehow connected to the WiFi issue since the phone obviously doesn't know what it's doing when it comes out of sleep with WiFi on cause it just falls back to the data connection (T-Mobile data here is like 200kbps or less on average, that's their "3G" speeds here).

The issue here is not me. These are real problems with the OS that people are experiencing now. There are threads on this very forum about it.

Is this the same HD7 you've sent back, like 4 times now? Anyone who has observed your posts for a long period of time has a valid suspicion of doubt regarding whether it's just you who has 'constant' issues.

Sales rising doesn't make them good. Bada sales are rising, too...

So your basis for mentioning sales was to somehow claim that WP is bad? Weak. Extremely weak.


Oct 10, 2011
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Is this the same HD7 you've sent back, like 4 times now? Anyone who has observed your posts for a long period of time has a valid suspicion of doubt regarding whether it's just you who has 'constant' issues.
No, it's a replacement device and my original that I had had the same issue with the WiFi. That's a pretty old Issue that was reported not long after Mango went out. The thread I linked earlier is from December 2011 and includes reports from Titan, HD7, Omnia 7, and Focus owners (among other devices like LG Optimus 7). It has nothing to do with my device or my device Model. It's an OS issue. It sleeps the WiFi when the screen goes off (off the Charger), but fails to switch from UMTS to WiFi when you wake it back up, VERY often.

Not only is this bad for people on low cap data plans, but it's a terrible experience when your 3G speeds are slow as **** and you're wondering why the People Hub is taking 5 minutes to update the News Feed...

Nothing was wrong with my original. I sent it back cause the volume up got stuck, and the bad buttons on the HD7 is an HTC issue not Microsoft or WP7 so that's for another discussion.

I only sent back one replacement which was obviously broken (broken battery contacts and a touchscreen that only displayed half the screen half the time and didn't accept touch input 85% of the time, reboot itself every 15 seconds). They basically sent me a broken device they had just gotten in.

You know what they say about Assumptions. I'm typically very willing to upload video of my issues, though, as I have done dozens of time now. Would you prefer that?

So your basis for mentioning sales was to somehow claim that WP is bad? Weak. Extremely weak.

The sales are weak. Even Ballmer said so. The fact that they are slightly rising doesn't discount the blatant fact that I stated.

Also, don't misquote me. I didn't say WP was bad. I said sales were weak... Wow...

I've never said WP was bad. I've never said any smartphone OS was bad. I don't converse in that fashion. Any assumptions you make from my post without asking for clarification (and usually it is unneeded because I am very long-winded) is your own fault and failure.
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Big Supes

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Sep 1, 2011
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No, it's a replacement device and my original that I had had the same issue with the WiFi. That's a pretty old Issue that was reported not long after Mango went out. The thread I linked earlier is from December 2011 and includes reports from Titan, HD7, Omnia 7, and Focus owners (among other devices like LG Optimus 7). It has nothing to do with my device or my device Model. It's an OS issue. It sleeps the WiFi when the screen goes off (off the Charger), but fails to switch from UMTS to WiFi when you wake it back up, VERY often.

Not only is this bad for people on low cap data plans, but it's a terrible experience when your 3G speeds are slow as **** and you're wondering why the People Hub is taking 5 minutes to update the News Feed...

Nothing was wrong with my original. I sent it back cause the volume up got stuck, and the bad buttons on the HD7 is an HTC issue not Microsoft or WP7 so that's for another discussion.

I only sent back one replacement which was obviously broken (broken battery contacts and a touchscreen that only displayed half the screen half the time and didn't accept touch input 85% of the time, reboot itself every 15 seconds). They basically sent me a broken device they had just gotten in.

You know what they say about Assumptions. I'm typically very willing to upload video of my issues, though, as I have done dozens of time now. Would you prefer that?

Do as you please, N8ter. I really don't read too much into your posts as it's clear you're a naysayer. I only reacted to this because (before you edited your post), I thought you had overstepped the mark by accusing Dave of 'trolling', when he has defending you on numerous occasions by highlighting that we don't use that term on this forum.

The sales are weak. Even Ballmer said so. The fact that they are slightly rising doesn't discount the blatant fact that I stated.

Also, don't misquote me. I didn't say WP was bad. I said sales were weak... Wow...

I'd say that the Lumias selling out across multiple networks in Europe is magnificent.


Oct 10, 2011
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Do as you please, N8ter. I really don't read too much into your posts as it's clear you're a naysayer. I only reacted to this because (before you edited your post), I thought you had overstepped the mark by accusing Dave of 'trolling', when he has defending you on numerous occasions by highlighting that we don't use that term on this forum.
Please quote me anywhere "naysaying." Or are you just trying to use a cute word?

Telling someone (via a rhetorical question) they may be the issue when the issues stated are well known and documented by various others on Microsoft's own forums would seem like a trollish comment to anyone. What's wrong with calling it like you see it? No one holds back in their responses to me, last I checked, and I've never complained about it... Ever.

That word is used in full force on this forum, and circumventing the word filter is par from the course here. I read a lot more than I post. It's all over here... Not sure what else to say on that... I edited only to soften the tone, not because I thought I was wrong in what I percieved of that comment in his post.

I'd say that the Lumias selling out across multiple networks in Europe is magnificent.
I tend to take numbers more seriously than opinions.

Sold less in Q4 2011 even though the OS wasn't even in half the countries it's in now for half of Q4 2010. Yes, sales may be growing. But they're still weak. The Smartphone market is growing almost exclusively due to Apple and Google devices/OSes.

The iPhone 3GS outsold every single WP7 and Android device model in the US even though it's only one one carrier and it has hardware comparable to older blackberries. There are a ton of Free on Contract even higher end Androids right now (at least with HW comparable to WPs) and obviously WPs are free on contract now.


The fact that WP will just dominate if we "give it time" is wishful thinking at best. Microsoft has to try harder. The pace they're going at currently is not enough for them to reclaim their lost (rather respectable) marketshare. Competitors move, too.
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Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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The definition of tr.v.nay?said (-sd), nay?say?ing, nay?says (-sz)
To oppose, deny, or take a pessimistic or negative view of


Microsoft added the WIFI timeout as a battery saving feature. I think they use it as a selling point to carriers as a way to keep us on the network using data. But that's just my opinion ether way its still a feature of this OS and will be liked by some and not by others.

When I have more time we will continue the WP sales debate in this N8ter we don't see eye to eye there are stats for both arguments. Better sales are better you will never find the likes of Ballmer being satisfied with what is so don't read to much in to it.


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Feb 20, 2012
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if you just look at that sheet it seems true.

But something big happened in early this year (late 2011 in 6 European countries). And that was that Nokias lumia phones came out, and in those 6 countries that had it first Nokia managed to sell 1 million phones in a little more then a month, and that was just of the Lumia 800. And Nokia have already become the biggest WP7 brand in Europe.

And i think Lumia 710 will sell very well to, it cheaper and has almost the same hardware.

It will be interesting to see a sheet like that from Q1 of 2012 im pretty sure a lot has changed... Atleast in Europe.


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Oct 8, 2011
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I Must Say.

The recent Huccus Puccus that is with iOS's and Android's App Permissions / Data Collection has made it MUCH easier to recommend a Windows Phone to a smartphone Noob.

This holds true here in the Philippines, where many of us value our privacy (I'm sure other countries' peoples value it too.)

But, really.

The problem here lies with our general OVER-EMPHASIZING OF NUMBERS.

We used to buy our phones just to send and receive calls and SMS's. Also, the design.

The iPhone came in, and it did change our thought process with our phones (that we can do things on our phones without using around a hundred buttons.)

And then the Androids came in. They marketed their phones as being "faster than anything you have seen before."

And so it began. The SPEC WARS.

NOW, we don't want to buy something that has a *mediocre* 1-1.5 GHZ single-core processor; *poor* WVGA screens; has *only* 70,000 apps, plus or minus; no NFC; *only* 720P video recording; ba-blah, ba-blah, ba-blah...

I call Bullthis on that.

Good thing that when my friends see my Windows Phone start screen, their eyes are glued to what fancy effects and/or nice tricks in its sleeve my Windows Phone will do.

I generally recommend to people who'll buy a Smartphone, especially the Noobs, who almost always buy their phones out of their specsheets, to just try out any Windows Phone they will encounter first, then they compare whatever phone they want to buy *originally*, and tell to me what they want.

Or they have me tag along their next smartphone purchase.


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