Convince me to switch to wp8?


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Oct 12, 2011
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Thanks for all the input, especially those of you with good comparisons. I do get frustrated with Android's stability and keyboards, but I really enjoy the talk to text, does wp8 have that?

If you like to Travel

Maps = download Nokia maps wherever you are for navigation

Voice = use Skype with WiFi to call out

Wallet = see local deals in town

Just some ideas

Hopefully you get a Windows Phone 8




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Dec 16, 2011
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Yes, WP7.5 has talk to text. It even has text to talk, it reads your text messages out over BT while in the car.

I think the suggestions of picking up a cheap Arrive is a good one.

I'm currently using an old WM6.5 device, and I waited until the big announcment on Wed. to make my decision about which WP I would get. I think MS made the right choice, and it made my decision easy. Get a cheap WP7.5 device for now and then I can be patient for when the right WP8 device hits.

I came to WP because I want a stable and well integrated solution for my life. I have a Windows based PC and figure that MS is going to be the one best able to offer me an phone that integrates well with my computer.



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Sep 8, 2011
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Sorry man this is complete BS.

Lets take the Blackberry flagship phone can it upgrade to BB10. NO
Did Blackberry commit to existing users by releasing featured packed applications. NO
Did Blackberry release any new BB10 features on existing phones. NO

Back to the Windows side

Is Lumia 900 still a great value absolutely would I recommend it to first time smartphone users YES

Is the Lumia 900 getting application support YES expect popular apps people have been begging for Words With Friends & Draw Something this fall plus Nokia exclusive applications that takes the end user experience to another level.

Is the Lumia 900 getting some sort of upgrade YES its getting 7.8. As far as we know the start screen is going to be available on legacy devices. The smart screen = better notifications. I am confident more features will be added. Joe B only named 8 key features to what makes WP8 what about the other 200.

So quit hating.

Windows Phones are all about experience. The experience would be shattered if your phone was slow and sluggish. A slow phone is not a Windows Phone...

We are not about that LIFE.

You're doing a HUGE disservice to any of your friends recommending they buy a Lumia 900 today (unless they're desperate for a phone) given that WP8 is only 3 months from release. If they are fully aware of what they're buying then it's OK but most people are not aware of these facts and the salespeople are certainly not going to highlight it (if they even know given that the WP8 information was at a developers conference). I would say the same to a potential iPhone 4S buyer (I do not own Apple products) that they wait for iPhone 5 (or whatever it's going to be called). On the Android side, there is nothing on the horizon that is going to upstage the GS3 or One X in the next few months.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Long time Palm user to WP7

Have any of you switched from webos to wp? Or from Android? What about WP do you like better?

I used most of the Treo's and the Pre Plus on verizon. What do I like better about WP?
HTC hardware is light years ahead of Palm. Very solid build.
Speed on single core phone is impressive,
WP never crashes. I literally mean mine has never crashed.
Live tiles are nice although Webos notifications are unrivaled still imo.
The Webos gestures and flick to close an app is also unmatched still imo.
GPS is rock solid on WP7. The Pre's, on Verizon, was , well... terrible.
Zune pass is great deal too.
The keyboard is very good, my wife's android does not compare. I type as fast as i can and it corrects everything. The best way is to type and let the phone correct for you.
Of course the apps are good. Now over 100,000. This is soon going to be a non issue I think.
I miss the touchstone far more than I thought i would. The Palm Pre is also a perfect size in many ways.


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Oct 12, 2011
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You're doing a HUGE disservice to any of your friends recommending they buy a Lumia 900 today (unless they're desperate for a phone) given that WP8 is only 3 months from release. If they are fully aware of what they're buying then it's OK but most people are not aware of these facts and the salespeople are certainly not going to highlight it (if they even know given that the WP8 information was at a developers conference). I would say the same to a potential iPhone 4S buyer (I do not own Apple products) that they wait for iPhone 5 (or whatever it's going to be called). On the Android side, there is nothing on the horizon that is going to upstage the GS3 or One X in the next few months.

Not all my friends are techies.

Some of them like the simple stuff

If it gets the job done why not


Some Galaxy Note users don't even know about ICS

Let people enjoy their phones




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Jun 25, 2012
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I'll admit I was enticed to read about Microsoft's secret event and they did a good job of piquing my interest with wp8, but I'm not sure I want to take the plunge and thought I'd ask the users themselves. First a quick history:
I began using smartphones with the Palm Treo650, loved it!
Stayed with Palm all the way through the Palm Pre and Pixi, and would still be there if HP hadn't flushed it's future.
Finally feeling the Pre give way I went to Android (refusing to be an Apple ******) and settled on the Motorola Photon. It's fast, a good size, and has it's other perks.
Yet I feel unhappy with it, still longing for the functionality and convenience of the Palm Pre days.
As a pastor I do a lot of texting, emailing, writing and internet surfing. For down time I enjoy the occasional game, but nothing overly involving.
So is WP8 right for someone thinking of saying goodbye to Android?

Oh yeah, by the way, I'm on Sprint...
I really cannot vouch for WP8 b/c it's not out yet and thus I haven't used it. However, since I have used WP7, I can say a few things. Windows Phone has the best UI hands-down IMO. It's about as simplistic as iOS, is pretty easy to navigate, and doesn't feel as nearly as clunky as most Android UIs (which is one of the major problems I have with Android phones). The phone performs pretty smoothly and the battery is generally good. As for the functions you mentioned, I can definitely vouch for texting and browsing. The typing experience (touchscreen) is pretty good, far better than an iPhone IMO and the autocorrect is pretty accurate. Web surfing is pretty good and most pages render nicely. As for talk-to-text, that is available already :)


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Mar 30, 2012
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Have any of you switched from webos to wp? Or from Android? What about WP do you like better?

I'm a gadget guy and I have to say that as for me, I have switched from the BB 9930, to iPhone, was considering android the S3, but in the end I decided that I really do enjoy the whole entire Microsoft system better.

If you like social networks, it just handles it easier too. Your pictures are uploaded to your Skydrive account, so you don't even have to worry about them getting lost. Yes, Google has drive and iOS has photo stream, but they are a bit more "odd" to use than Skydrive. With Google Drive you have to make sure that they are not shared after they upload, with photo stream, I never really could understand the way it works. THey are in the cloud and across your devices but they really aren't until you add them to a photo album within a one month time period or something like that.

Yeah, we don't have a million fart apps, but i'm ok with that. In general I think the experience on WP7 is just a lot better. I got myself a brand new Trophy through ebay, saving my upgrade for WP8. I couldn't be happier. Love Zune

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