Official Guide: How to report bugs to us!

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
We realize that from time to time certain problems may arise with our site from time to time, and we do all we can to fix them, promptly. But we can't fix them unless we can recreate the problem. That's what this thread is for!

For any serious or recurring issue you'd like to report, take the following steps so that our stellar tech team can recreate (and fix!) from their end:

  1. Record your screen to illustrate the issue. You can do that at
  2. If the issue has anything to do with functionality, please provide a recording with the JS console open.
  3. If the issue is purely visual, take a screenshot or two. Instructions: Mac, PC, iOS, Android
Once you have the video/screenshots ready, you can report it here in our forums using the following format:

Thread title: Give a short accurate description of the problem
Description: In the description include your recording and/or screenshots along with any additional notes.
URL to reproduce: Paste the URLs where you're able to produce the problem
Do you have AdBlock enabled? Yes/No

That's it! We appreciate your feedback and help with any site issues. We can't do this without you!
Thank you James for directing me here:)

I know WindowCentral is updating their website and as a result, wholly understand the expected growing pains. but I am not only experiencing delayed page updates, and typing issues (which I contribute to code refinement issues), but have noticed that when I leave the WindowsCentral website page, the tab starts to pulse a yellow/amber color, when I am on any other site page....No other occurrences, on any other sites. If it is something that Edge is allowing, I would like to send some feedback that this feature will turn the Edge's tab bar into a blinking neon distraction in very short order. If it is something else, I'd like to know its meaning if you can explain it please (Example below).

pulsing tab.png.

Thank you:)
I made a video showing you how to access the java console that our programmers need to see, plus the basics of recording the video. You'll need to signup at Loom and follow their tutorial to actually learn how to install and use the program, it's a Chrome extension, BUT it can be used to capture anything on your screen including other browsers. :) You just need to start it up via Chrome first! :)
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I made a video showing you how to access the java console that our programmers need to see, plus the basics of recording the video. You'll see you signup at Loom and follow their tutorial to actually learn how to install and use the program, it's a Chrome extension, BUT it can be used to capture anything on your screen including other browsers. :) You just need to start it up via Chrome first! :)

May the "FORCE" be with you!

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