1020 charging shell is god-awful (imho)


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Finally ditched the charging shell, it was finicky on the charging plate not always wanting to charge, and it fit like crap. Very loose and creaky when holding it. A drop on the corner would provide little protection and most likely just blown the darn thing right off the phone. The only thing I liked was that it protects the black anodized aluminum camera housing from laying on a surface.

I replaced it with a Poetic Palette case from amazon for $3.95. This case protects the corners slightly better and fits snug. It's thin and light and and wraps around the edges, unlike the horrible charging shell that left edges exposed.

I will probably keep the charging shell so that I may use it to modify another case to include wireless charging like the guy who did it with the otterbox, what a freakin' genius. Must go thank him now!!
I'm glad that you found another case you like better.

Please share some pictures once you've modified another case to use with the charging shell. It would be nice to see more DIY modifications.
Agreed, don't think the poetic case can handle the charging apparatus but I may try. At least I will extract the charging coil from charging case to see what I'm working with.
I have tried a couple of difference cases from Amazon and the best case IMO is the Speck CandyShell grip case. Amazon doesn't seem to have it, but you can get it directly from Speck or from an AT&T store. It provides maximum protection all around and has rubber grip material all around it so it doesn't slip out of your hand. It doesn't add much bulk and it is light weight.
Thanks vauros! Honestly, I think the speck case is visually too loud. I'm more of a black phone/case fan. I do like more protection tho;)
I too have the CandyShell case and I really like the look. I have a black 1020, so the white/black look I think is pretty cool. With that said, I would exchange it in a skinny minute for a similar case that also has built in charging. I really want to unitilize the wireless charging but also want some protection for my 1020. Has anyone heard of any good case coming that will combine protection and charging?

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