128 or 256?


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Jun 16, 2015
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I'm 100% getting the Surface Duo, it's just a matter of 128GB vs. 256GB. I think for the length of the phones life, 128 is fine, i can't see filling that up even with music and photos and video. But at the same time, whats 100$ more when it already costs 1400 bucks to begin with.

What do you guys think, id love to hear some opinions or suggestions that im not thinking of. And which one did you buy?

As a side note i find it interesting how close the pricing is for double the storage. Puts even more confidence in my opinion that this thing has huge margins. For example, the jump from 128 to 256 or 256 to 512 in the Surface lineup (Pro, Book, Laptop) is several hundred dollars (even when thats the only change, i.e. no processor or ram upgrades).


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Mar 1, 2011
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Switching phones has never caused me to suddenly start using more storage than before. I imagine it's the same for most people. 128 gigs is still a lot of storage unless you're a heavy gamer, audiophile, or you video document everything. So even if you get a Duo and go app crazy, you'll probably still have to put some effort into filling that 128 gigs. Obviously it can be done, hence the 256 gig model exists. But if you're not close to 128 gigs now, it's unlikely you'll use 128 gigs in the near future.

Unless, of course, you expect some major changes in your life to happen soon. If you have a kid on the way, then yeah you might want to jump to the 256 model. :grin:


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Sep 22, 2013
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I went with the 128gb version and have all of my stuff on it excluding duplicates and stuff I don't need. I have used about 45% of my space. The additional capacity of the 256gb version would have been nice but I am fine with the 128gb.
For me the resale value point is kind of moot since I will likely trade it up on my next program upgrade. That said, anyone considering a Duo should go with what you feel is right for your situation.

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me just saying

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May 17, 2020
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consider your history of storage. as previously mentioned, if you tend to use a lot of storage, then get it, if not, it will not be needed, use the money for a case or something for the phone. also consider resell value. if you tend to get new phones regularly, that extra storage could help with resell value and make it easier to sell. .

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