1520.3 airplane mode stuck

Have any of you managed to get this fixed yet? I've tried every possible option listed in the forums and in this post, and (omg) even upgraded to Windows 10 TP. My phone doesn't seem to be able to revert to WP 8.1 as somehow Software Recovery Tool will have an "operation failed" message when the phone reboots during the process.

It's really frustrating. I'm using a Lumia 830.
Have any of you managed to get this fixed yet? I've tried every possible option listed in the forums and in this post, and (omg) even upgraded to Windows 10 TP. My phone doesn't seem to be able to revert to WP 8.1 as somehow Software Recovery Tool will have an "operation failed" message when the phone reboots during the process.

It's really frustrating. I'm using a Lumia 830.

I had my Lumia 1520.3 fixed for a couple days, then I put in a SIM card and the problem came back again. I think I'm going to give up on fixing it at this point.
I solved this problem in my Nokia Lumia 1520

1. Do not remove the sim card and Connect the phone to charge wall
2. Turn off the phone, not unplug the charger. The phone take a moments for turn off
3. The phone start automatically without the problem

Sorry for my english, this is not my maternal language.

Please comment this solutions work for you

So this airplane mode thing just happened to me... along with:

-Whenever I plug the phone in it says it's charging slowly. Tried a bunch of different chargers.
-The speakers quit working (earpiece speaker works but the main volume speaker doesn't)
-No computer will recognize the phone when I plug it in anymore
-the windows key and the back button aren't lit anymore (but the search icon is)

So i've tried a full reset; I tried the above (which if I understand right is just turning your phone off while it's plugged in and letting it restart). I'm trying to kill the battery right now to see if that trick works.

Any other suggestions? I'm out of warranty (unless you get a supplemental warranty when they repair your phone near the end of the 1-year period).

Anyone got any ideas?
gen debonair

if you have tried method in post #59 but still didn't work, you can try this too.

what i did was, i turned off the phone for 1/2 hour or so, just to let it cool off, then boot it up back. do all this without the phone plugged in to charger. it works for me 3 out of 5 times. yeap, totally dumb solution because i'm not a electronic engineer so can't explain what really happened. :)
if still not working, i just turn it off for a night then boot it again next morning. or i just playing with the settings ( all settings > air plane mode > status set to on ) whenever it shows plane mode off. the status will toggle on and off rapidly, and causes the phone getting hot but so far my phone haven't explode yet. :grin:

the problem will come again, i give up fixing it as long this method works for me. i probably jump to 950XL once it available in my region.
Replace the charging dock on the phone. Dont ask why, worked for two phones that had the airplane mode issue. one being lumia 1520 8.1/10
Angie did you find a solution? I'm having the same issue as yours. Thanks for any help you'd like to offer me.
Hi all!

I just sorted the problem on Lumia 830! I had a broken screen and i just replaced it. And i faced with the same problem after replaced. So first i tried everything what i found in the forum, but nothing helped. So I put back the broken screen and it worked. After I started to check everything else what i could move from the screen panel to put in the other one. Nothing happened. I almost gave up when i realised that one of the ribbon connector werent on place as it should have to be. So if you take a part the phone and take off all ribbon connectors and after put them back it should help.
bubu6 is right. It's the daughterboard that's causing the issue. I started a new thread so people don't have to search for the solution. (hope that was ok)

If reinserting the ribbon cable doesn't work you could try putting a piece of thick paper between the clamp and the ribbon connector. Failing that, only solution is to replace that board. I've seen them go for around $10 on ebay.
I'm having this issue as well, I've been running Windows 10 Mobile and replaced the camera module (I turned the phone on without card in while apart to test), and now only airplane mode. I just tried re-seating everything just in case as seeing these posts, I've pretty much tried everything...for people who have it fixed by replacing the board can you confirm a few things?

I read a lot of posts about this happening when Cyan 8.1 was released that never seems to have been fixed? If I roll back to Windows Phone 8.0 the phone works fine again. As soon as I upgrade to 8.1, airplane mode. Seems like this rule out a hardware issue? Or can someone confirm a working 8.0 phone/bad 8.1 phone is fixed replacing the daughter board?

I tried everything I could find suggested - rolling back via official tools, navifirm+, letting the battery run out, rolling back and updating without sim card, with sim card out all the way back to 10, going from 8.1 to denim trying to skip cyan, factory reset on different versions, installing nokia apps from qr codes. I fear have the same issue that occurred with cyan came out and the only fix was sending it to nokia, and I'm out of warranty.
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Just to follow-up, I purchased a replacement USB/antenna/cable board off eBay and my phone is now working again. Wouldn't have thought so since the old one did work in 8.0. I bought one where I re-used the black plastic piece that sits on top of the board, since the others I saw in the US with it that claimed to be new weren't based on their pictures and feedback.

Update ... it kind of worked. I had to reboot the phone, airplane mode. Rebooted again, it worked. Noticed microphone wasn't working, opening it back up and re-tightened, now nothing but airplane mode...
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Put a thick piece of paper between the clamp and the connector. Make sure it distributes the pressure evenly over the entire connector. Worked for me.
Hi, I wanted to ask for help to you because you had the same problem.

After changing the lcd, the fixed plane mode without my lumia 830 appeared possibility to change.

After I read your post I removed but I think it's okay but I don't know if I'm missing something.

could you tell me which was actually your problem?.

Excuse my English but translated online.
Hi all!

I just sorted the problem on Lumia 830! I had a broken screen and i just replaced it. And i faced with the same problem after replaced. So first i tried everything what i found in the forum, but nothing helped. So I put back the broken screen and it worked. After I started to check everything else what i could move from the screen panel to put in the other one. Nothing happened. I almost gave up when i realised that one of the ribbon connector werent on place as it should have to be. So if you take a part the phone and take off all ribbon connectors and after put them back it should help.
I found a trick that worked for my Lumia 1520, and seeing how frustrating it was, I decided to set aside some time to come here and attempt to help other people. On my phone, when it stops recognizing the charging cable or is stuck in airplane mode, I massage the bottom middle portion of my phone. Right where the middle windows button is at the bottom of my phone, I firmly (pretty hard) press down and rub over that area several times.

If the phone isn't charging, I unplug the charger, then firmly press down and rub on the windows button with my thumb for a like 2 or 3 seconds, then plug it in and voila, it's charging.

If the phone is stuck in airplane mode, I firmly press down and rub on the windows button with my thumb for like 2 or 3 seconds, then restart the phone and voila, it's no longer stuck in airplane mode.

Seems like this is related to the connectors of something in that area of the phone. I keep my phone in my front pants pocket, and sometimes when I move to get out of my vehicle, my leg would slide against the steering wheel. Sometimes my phone would be in the way and get caught in between for a brief moment, so this may be what caused it in my case. I hope this works for you people.
Update ... it kind of worked. I had to reboot the phone, airplane mode. Rebooted again, it worked. Noticed microphone wasn't working, opening it back up and re-tightened, now nothing but airplane mode...

The spares market seems to be riddled with faulty spares. I must have bought four replacement USB boards from various suppliers, and three of them had faults - one stuck in airplane mode, one with the microphone not working, and one with only two of the three LEDs working.

I suspect there is a design/manufacturing/materials fault with the ribbon cable, because in some cases it is possible to temporarily cure the fault by wiggling the cable, or pressing on the connector. In other cases it doesn't help.

Incidentally, I've found a similar thing with "new" screens. The first one I bought had a bright white splodge in the upper middle of the screen. There's no way it could have passed any kind of quality assurance testing. I think it got put onto a "seconds" pile, and these rejects have since found their way into the market.

You won't believe this, but in the end I bought another 1520 - a boxed "as new" one - and put my troublesome original away for spares.
i am facing the same problem lumia 521 ( metro PCS) , airplane mood can't off. what can i do ?

This problem has been pretty well identified as a fault on the daughterboard that houses the antenna (and other components).

Try this method to "jumpstart" the bridge between mother and daughter boards: 1520.3 airplane mode stuck (posted earlier in this thread). It likely is a temporary fix, but might get you up and running.

Look here for how replacing the daughterboard corrects the issue: Lumia 1520 stuck in airplane mode? It is caused by a defective microphone/usb daughterboard.

Even though you have a different model, the solution is likely identical. Due to the relative cost of parts and the value of a 521, a new phone is a more likely solution than the part replacement from the second link.

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