Yep, 1520 is still the king .
I'm just waiting for a 1520 successor, I wonder what would it be like.
Sent from whichever device I happen to be using today.
Don't think we have to worry or dream on that thought, MicroSoft is only making low end and mid entry devices now.In terms of specs, absolutely. I wonder what Microsoft's sequel to the 1520 would be like.
I think the 1520 will ne even more amazing with next big update. Split screen is coming and I hope more things that benefit from the big screen. Also would be great if the new touch orientated office would also make an appearance. Excel in WP is so poor it's not even funny.
I do know that MSFT did mention they would being things in the denim update that will optimize the screen size and amazing display of the 1520.
The 1520 is a amazing phone. I think once we get Denim it's going to feel like an even better phone. I think it's the best phone on the market right now. The core apps could use some tweaking. I was playing around with a friends iphone 6 plus the other day and I did like the way you just slide left to right for different camera modes such as panorama, time lapse etc. Definitely a clean usable interface. with everything on one screen that just slides. That's the kind of stuff Microsoft needs to improve.