32GB SD cards that actually work?

I will try that non-quick format fat32 w/32K clusters with a 32 gig micro sd card that was previously installed and had problems. I also have another question... Do you think it would be a bad idea to purchase a micro sd 32 gig card off of ebay from China? Is it a fake? It is only $22.00.
seems really cheap, even if it's real, it could be of a different class than the one that has been generally known to work

personally, i would rather pay the extra ~$25 and get it from amazon for the piece of mind.

plus, with the student prime, i get things so fast! :)

also, you had a 32gb card go bad in the focus? how did you turn off the secure lock to be able to format it?

i really hope ms adjusts the way removing sd cards works, i would much rather the phone reformatted the card and removed the security when i wanted to pull it out...
I did not have to. When i took the non working card out of the phone and put in my laptop I had no problem formatting it
interesting, i had heard somewhere that the only way to get the space back on the card was to use a symbian device to reformat it...

good to know :)
I have heard something like that. In my situation I installed the card to the phone. Formatted it. Put 13 gigs worth of songs and music on it. It worked for 2-3 days then all my music was gone but it still showed memory in use. Re-formatted and then the memory card did not register at all. Before selling it on ebay I put in my laptop and did a normal quick format and put sure I could put files on it from the pc.
I bought my focus about 2 months ago and just 3 weeks ago picked up a sandisk 32gb microsd class 4 card on ebay for $62.00. Havnt had any problems what so ever. my focus is Rev. 1.3 running NoDo. BTW
So is the consenses that that class 4 sandisk is the most stable? there were a couple mentions of the patriot class 10, which i've read has been publicly denouced by andriod and WP7 developers as not working. But does formating the class 10 with the fat 32 and 32k sectors fix that with the class 10?

also, has anyone noticed a difference in microsd card compatability with the 1.4 phones?
so far, the general buzz on the interwebz seems favor the class 4 sandisk, and from my personal experience, it works great (going on a week or so now with 11GB free)

i'm on a rev 1.3, from what seems to have changed in 1.4, i don't see why it would effect microsd card compatibility, but you never know with samsing... :\
So if I go by an SD card today and install it, I must do a factory reset?? Why is that?
So if I go by an SD card today and install it, I must do a factory reset?? Why is that?

The reason is simple.

The Samsung Focus bonds the SD card to system memory, joining the 2 separate memory modules into one.

So, with a 32GB SD card, and the 8GB system memory onboard, you will have just under 40GB of formatted memory.

Once it's in there, however, it needs to stay in there. If you decide you wanna take it out, 2 things happen.

1. You would need to reformat your phone to use it's onboard memory again.

2. Your SD card becomes a paper weight (a rather ****ty one at that) unless you have a Nokia phone (N7 or higher, I believe) to format it. No matter what you do, you cannot re-format the card for use in anything else. Windows Phone 7 properly uses the SD card, making it REALLY secure.
The reason is simple.

The Samsung Focus bonds the SD card to system memory, joining the 2 separate memory modules into one.

So, with a 32GB SD card, and the 8GB system memory onboard, you will have just under 40GB of formatted memory.

Once it's in there, however, it needs to stay in there. If you decide you wanna take it out, 2 things happen.

1. You would need to reformat your phone to use it's onboard memory again.

2. Your SD card becomes a paper weight (a rather ****ty one at that) unless you have a Nokia phone (N7 or higher, I believe) to format it. No matter what you do, you cannot re-format the card for use in anything else. Windows Phone 7 properly uses the SD card, making it REALLY secure.

this is what i thought as well (regarding the sd card after being formatted in the windows phone)

but somoene said they were able to format it just fine on their PC after taking it out. (i think it was in these forums somewhere)
but somoene said they were able to format it just fine on their PC after taking it out. (i think it was in these forums somewhere)

Whoever said that is wrong, and it's been proven several times over by a lot of people.
i saw a user say they are just factory resetting the phone and then powering off then installing the card.

ever time i've done it with my 16gb card has been the hard reset by holding the volume down button, camera button and power button and then releasing two of them to do a hard reset with teh card installed for it to be work. is this not the best way?
I did not have to. When i took the non working card out of the phone and put in my laptop I had no problem formatting it

I have heard something like that. In my situation I installed the card to the phone. Formatted it. Put 13 gigs worth of songs and music on it. It worked for 2-3 days then all my music was gone but it still showed memory in use. Re-formatted and then the memory card did not register at all. Before selling it on ebay I put in my laptop and did a normal quick format and put sure I could put files on it from the pc.

I think it was 31

it was 31.2 to be exact

it was actually in this thread :P

i'd try it on mine just to confirm it one way or another, but my phone is working fine and i don't want to resync all that data :)

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