32GB SD cards that actually work?

Working 32 gb sd card

I have had the Focus (OS 7.0.7390.0) since December and have been waiting for "approved" micro sd cards. I had tried 2 different cards purchased off of ebay and they were both counterfeit and crashed the phone. I have read many opinions and experiences from blogs all over the internet and decided to take that knowledge and buy a 32 gb micro sd card.

After installing I did the reformat twice (read somewhere that helps). I now have a total of 37 gb of usable space. I have had the card in the phone for almost 2 weeks, I have about 28 gb of music loaded on the phone (definitely using the card). I have turned the phone on and off many times every day and swapped batteries, many users reported that this is when they had problems, when the phone comes back on data is gone and memory is gone. Not so with this card, everything is working great, no change in speed of downloads or games loading, music is always there and sounds great!

I purchased the card off of Amazon from BlueProton who is a certified SanDisk dealer. It is a SanDisk 32GB microSDHC Memory Card (Bulk Package). There is not a class rating on the card (class does not matter in this case).

I hope this helps.
Thanks I just purchased from a US ebay seller a class 4 32gb sandisk microSDHC card I am hoping that it works In case it does I am going to figure out a way to get my photos of my grandson that my daughter has sent me onto the computer or to some photo storage site in the cloud besides skydrive as i cant save received pics to skydrive. I am hpoing that with mago that option save to skydrive will work with received piucs.
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I save pics that are sent to me in email or text all the time. Once you open the pic you can click and have it save to your phone.
I know I can save to phone I want to bew able to save to skydrive . On received pictures when I click the three dots save to skydrive is not an option just save to phone. I have a bunch of pics of my grandson which were sent my daughter from her iphone saved to the phone I guess they may be also be saved in Zune on the desktop as well but it would be nice to be able to save rec'd pics directly to skydrive!
I went to an ATT store and the sales dude told me that the SD card problems were supposed to have been fixed after NODO, but he did end our session with "but buy at your own risk". Can anybody confirm or discredit that?
I had read that the sd card issues were supposed to have been fixed by nodo but I do know for sure. I am going to format a class 4 sandisk 32gb microsdhc card and see if it works I will post my results once thats done. May not happen until next weekend.
I bought the Sandisk 32gb card from amazon. I have a few questions regarding installing this.

1. What kind of hard reset do I have to do here? Do I have to hold down the 3 buttons: (down)volume, camera, and power? or do I just go to the about screen and hard reset from there?

2. Do I have to reformat the card on my computer first? with what settings? I've heard talk of a non-quick "Format FAT32 w/32k clusters"

3. How much space will I end up with on the card? I heard some people get 37gb while others get 35, what's up with that?

4. If the card starts acting up could I just do a hard reset without bricking the card?
You have to do a hard reset that turns the phone back to factory settings.

The common wisdom is to do a FAT 32 w 32K clusters format some have said do it thre times.

Most people have indicated about 36 GB is still better than the 8 it comes with

I guess you try if you take the card out it will be useless.
I did the fat 32 with 32k clusters format, just once though. Card is working great so far ended up with 35.02 gb on the device. I've only used about 5gb so far but I still have to transfer a ton of songs.
if you total space used is less than the 5. something normal free space you probably arent using the card part of the total storage yet you still using the main storage
just the facts mam

Ok so I am buying a new focus. I have already ordered the Sandisk 32 gig card from amazon I go from this post. I am awaiting its arrival before buying the phone.

I have some questions.

1. Does anyone have the link to the post that covers the hard reset?
2. Does the format need to be done on a computer or on the phone itself?
3. And are there any detail instruction on how to do the quick formant with 32k clusters

Would love to hear from the group here so I can get my phone started right from the start. I plan on printing out this and taking it with me to the ATT store with the card and having it all done by their techs there. So detail instructions would be helpful to me thanks all
added thougth

Also after reading about hardware issues between r 1.3 vs r 1.4 can anyone tell me if they fixed the 1.4 problems or should I insist on a 1.3 phone? Also just what do you all mean by NoDo
This still seemed to be a pretty active thread and I had several of the same questions...

MUST a hard reset be performed to install a card like this? I haven't bought one yet, but I just recently filled up the on-board space and was looking into it. The main reason I bought the windows phone was for the gaming. The first time I had to do a hard reset (when I changed the email on my xbox live account) it utterly pissed me off because I lost the save game progress on all my games. I'm now much further than I was initially (not to mention I have more games, including a crap ton of 3 stars on angry birds. I REALLY don't want to lose that data, but at the same time, I need more space.
So what is a non-quick "Format FAT32 w/32k clusters"? I understand how to do it, but how would it help?
My understanding if that it would clean off all data if any on the card and prepare the data card for use intended without it it might work it might not.
answer please

Well none of the post after my initial post even attempted to answer my question and it seems to me that one of the other posters has the very same questions. So just in case any of you care to actually read the questions and post an intelligent reply I am going to repost my initial question

Ok so I am buying a new focus. I have already ordered the Sandisk 32 gig card from amazon I go from this post. I am awaiting its arrival before buying the phone.

I have some questions.

1. Does anyone have the link to the post that covers the hard reset?
2. Does the format or the card need to be done on a computer or on the phone itself?
3. And are there any detail instruction on how to do the quick formant with 32k clusters

Would love to hear from the group here so I can get my phone started right from the start. I plan on printing out this and taking it with me to the ATT store with the card and having it all done by their techs there. So detail instructions would be helpful to me thanks all
2) formatting the sd card should be done on your computer. nce you put the card in the slot of the focus it will cause a restart.

3) I have not seen any detailed instructions on quick format. When you start the format I believe that you will be a dialog box with options as to how the format will be done and you click on the one you want

As far as 1 I donr have a link but pocket now has several you tuve videos covering the installation of the card and other things. I will pull them up and post here for you in a bit

here's the installation video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJcs38hXN4k

here's another video that may be of interest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOi0IrtDtrE&feature=related
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I bought this:

SanDisk 32GB MicroSDHC Card (SDSDQ-032G-A11M, US Retail Package)
Amazon.com: SanDisk 32GB MicroSDHC Card (SDSDQ-032G-A11M, US Retail Package): Electronics
Sold by: GO-DPS (seller profile)

The format went well however as soon as I get filled the phone above 8GB I noticed that Sync slow substantially. Eventually after the sync my phone would crash and perform a reset. Did this twice.

So should I go ahead and give up on trying to expand my memory? I am willing to get at least 16GB so long as it's reliable. Really bummed about it now working since 8GB is simply just not enough for storage.

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