3rd party Live tiles stuck since 7.8 update?


New member
Jul 11, 2012

Has anyone experienced live tiles ceasing to update since 7.8? Initially this was limited to Rowi and BBC News Mobile - and a friend suggested the only fix he knew was to restore to factory default. I did this, re-installed the apps and all was fine. Then a day later they stop working again!

Any ideas what I can do?! Am I the only one experiencing this since the update? This on a Lumia 900 by the way...
I have installed, the following:

1st4 Live Manchester United
4th & Mayor
BBC News Mobile
CNN (Nokia app)
Goal Centre
NExtgen Reader
Radio Lounge UK

THE Football App
Weather Flow
Angry Birds
Mirror's Edge
Words with Friends (free / Nokia)

I just uninstalled the red listed apps, restarted my phone and they now work. Does that perhaps mean one of the highlighted in dodgy? All these WERE working fine on Tango...
Hi, i`ve the exact problem after upgrading to 7.8, some apps (not all the apps) don't update anymore, if i try to uninstall/reinstall the apps the icons become completely static, like apps without background activity...i don't know why, i installed with the disconnection trick....Did you solve after uninstalling all the red apps in you list ?
The apps with problems are bing2wall and ilmeteo.it....
I solved it, well sort of.

I removed pretty much all my apps listed above. Then slowly added the ones I needed most, and kept an eye on their live tile activity. I'd suggest you do the same - i've had a couple of days now where everything has worked, which has been great! :)
mine were working fine days after the update and stopped working yesterday. Yet another one of those 7.x problems that will never be solved.
Hi, i solved in the way neyouk did... i had to reset my phone, sigh :crying:
after that i started reinstalling the apps with update problems, to check if they started working again, then one by one the other apps, not reinstalling stuff that i never used or that was not so important. I think too many app in background make the phone go crazy after some time, it's better not to install too much garbage app and maintain the system as clean as you can....hope to be of help
that is a lousy fix, and you shouldnt have to do that. It appears almost everyone's tiles have stopped working, so if it is an OS bug, MS needs to fix, but I think something is happening on the Azure side.
I'm having the same issue. Don't have a lot of 3rd party apps pinned to the Home screen. But my Astronomy Hub live tile no longer updates. I updated to 7.8 on Saturday and I believe it worked until Monday. I've deleted and re-installed the app a couple times but no go. I read on the Developers website that they are waiting for approval for a Windows Phone 8 version of the app. Since 7.8 uses the WP8 Start screen, I wonder if this has anything to do with the tile not updating? It worked great with 7.5 but maybe not with 7.8? Hmmm.....

EDIT 02/07/13: I posted a message to the Astronomy Hub Developers Facebook page. They responded with: It seems there is something wrong with the Live Tile on Windows Phone 7.8. Currently investigating on this... Stay tuned for updates!
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I'm having the same problem with rowi as well... Also, for Rowi gthe Notifications won't work...
In my opinion the installation of 7.8 upgrade is a lot invasive in respect to tile behaviour, so it's probably a good idea to reset the phone in order to make it behave in a right way....it's possible to do a backup in different ways (zune, other programs....), so the advice is to do a clean installation of operating system and firmware first of all...In this way my phone is working right since a week ago, and the same apps that before were having problems now work right...
Every other application is working fine. The last time I tried the back up process of Zune it didn't let me restore my SMS. Another thing that will be lost are my WhatsApp conversations :/ I guess I'll wait another 24 hours to see if the problem disappears for some reason...
Try searching WPupdate tools over google. With this utility, which can be launched from command prompt, you can backup your phone and also (but not necessarily) force the installation of a new system/firmware update...you also need to have zune installed. Pay attention that if you launch the .exe with the backup switch, the backup will overwrite the last one you have saved through zune. You could backup phone, then reset, verify if the problem has gone away, the try to apply backup and verify again....
The tool can be launche from command prompt, something like
wpUpdate.exe /enableBackup
i don't remember exactly but it is quite simple to use....
Hi, I'm the author of the Goal Centre app you have installed. I've not had any reports of the tiles not updating in 7.8 yet, tho Saturday will be the big day with all the matches on.

I designed the app to resubscribe to the push notifications everytime you start the app using the main icon, it may be the update closed all the push channels and needs to be resubscribed. They should do this when you launch them, if the other apps don't work like mine does they may not resubscribe until you turn notifications off and on again in the app, or reinstall the app like you have.

I have noticed something strange on my phone tho, there seems to be a difference in the flip tiles. Originally in 7.5 the flip wass a smooth flip, in 7.8 it's changed to a flip with more animation I.e. It overflips slightly then tilts into place. Sometimes it changes back to the 7.5 flip animation, I wondered if this is significant?



I'm the Dev for BBC News Mobile and I'm seeing a lot of people experiencing issues with the live tiles after updating to 7.8 but I'm currently at a loss for the cause. My guess is the update has changed something that is now causing issues.
After posting last night I experienced the issue on my own phone, both on Goal Centre I'd installed from the marketplace and the version I'm currently developing. Using wireshark I could see that the phone was never requesting the tile image, and push notifications to the phone to change the image were having no effect either, although toasts were working. Annoying as I'd had a new version approved in the marketplace, but I know none of the tile coding had changed on my end, tested on another 7.8 phone with the latest Goal Centre and it was fine.

I've had to resort to hard resetting the phone this morning and it seems to be ok now... just wish the marketplace hadn't gone down as I can't try any other apps!

Interesting... My tiles now seem ok, but in super cautious installing and then monitoring updates now...
Mine worked for about an hour then failed again... Think I'm restoring 7.5 when I get home. :-(
I installed WP 7.8 back in December via NCS to my Nokia Lumia 800 and until now all live tiles work.

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